What Up Y’all Long Time No Talk


Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
What up everyone. I’ve been away for awhile due to health and moving but I’m back now. Currently don’t have any grows going. I still have a vault full of seeds and no place to grow em indoors. So I may throw a few outside. How y’all been? What have I missed?
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Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
Good to hear from ya, I also just jumped back on with my current grows.
Awesome man! I’m in the process of selling my old house so I’m renting for this year. I may end up throwing some GP gear outdoors this year if I can’t manage to rustle up any clones locally. The Green Point gear are the only fems I have in my seed collection. Don’t really want o run any regs outdoors at the moment.