#Heisenbeans Genetics

thats only the sale of not cultivation. there not gonnan slap anyone with 15 years for growing man unless you already got a shit load of points. the min mandatory is what you need to watch out for, thats over 300 plants
I don't understand how you see that. It says right there, cultivation of 25-300 plants is max15 years. Not mandatory though. Are you saying that a judge wouldn't sentence someone to 15 years even though they can? I hope they wouldn't, but they could. Anyway, 3 or 5 is way too much. I would hope no jury would convict these days, but that would still cost a fortune. I am cutting down to 24 plants because I just can't risk facing 15 years. In the meantime we are working on moving. Can't sit around waiting until 2020. Even if rec passes in FL, we will only be allowed 6 plants. I hope that 25 plant thing doesn't still stand after that. I can't fucking believe that people can grow in OKLAHOMA, and we can't here.


Heathen Basterd
So remember that clit cobbler PANature that called Heisen every name under the sun including a scamming thief , I sent the cunt about 3 bills in seeds in Early Febuary before He started His assault on Heisen , He was supposed to send Me vortex and Cernobyl at same value back with tracking well now it's almost June and jack shit , so I thinly veiled called him a thief cunt on RIU a few ago , u guys know I am straight and no fucking chiseler . Fuck that guy He shit on Me and Heisen and if You His friend then Fuck You too.