#Heisenbeans Genetics


Really Active Member
Theres about 3 days left on that list and it's dead. I've sent out over 1500 packs of seeds and over half have been freebies. I have to draw the line at some point or people will be talking about that list for the next year. I just spent 200 dollars in unnecessary shipping labels for fuck ups. People asking me about the 3 pack list and getting those seeds instead of what they ordered and than I have to replace orders.
The seeds are priced right and every pack purchased has gone out with a free pack. The 3 pack thing was a promotional deal cause I was a new advertiser on RIU. I've since been banned from there and only a handful of people here have came over from there.
Anyone was on the list that did not get the 3 pack freebies send me a message now cause once that ship has sailed it ain't coming back
Message sent


Theres about 3 days left on that list and it's dead. I've sent out over 1500 packs of seeds and over half have been freebies. I have to draw the line at some point or people will be talking about that list for the next year. I just spent 200 dollars in unnecessary shipping labels for fuck ups. People asking me about the 3 pack list and getting those seeds instead of what they ordered and than I have to replace orders.
The seeds are priced right and every pack purchased has gone out with a free pack. The 3 pack thing was a promotional deal cause I was a new advertiser on RIU. I've since been banned from there and only a handful of people here have came over from there.
Anyone was on the list that did not get the 3 pack freebies send me a message now cause once that ship has sailed it ain't coming back

You got mail my friend.


I just want sundaexbbc if anyone is willing to part with a bean or two, I'll gladly pay or swap. I miss that one...stupid RIU ruined the list...but it was for the best. Look what we have now...but since my pp s1s were only a 5 pack...I'ma soak three of them...the two runts and a beautiful looking one. My boy stole the best looking one lol. One left for the collection lol.


I might be banned because I still can't go to Riu, the page won't open for me. I commented "bull shit" and perhaps that's an offense worthy of

Chunky is a psychopath bro. He has been in the GPS thread for well over a year crying about everything Gu does. Talking mad shit about gps, but then he keeps buying shit from gps?

Then he "can't" get heisen's beans to pop and gets all wet when H said he would send more but then stool came back crying about something else. So H had to tell him how it was and dude got bent like a little pouting brat, just like he did with Gu. Then he starts lashing out at everyone.

Fuck'em, lol

Think their site is down for the night like it usually is.

Deleted member 60

I got on that "3 free pack" list as well. Dunno how or why.

All in all I gotta say it made me feel both guilty and greedy at the same time...LOL. I pay my own way and don't ask for or get many freebie anythings. As a result...went ahead and made made an order for seeds I didn't need to help out the (ad)venture. Got freebies with those packs.....and even if they aren't something I chose/planned to grow I do appreciate the gesture.

If ya had that Orange Daquiri I'd have my hand out....but as it is I'm cool and will keep paying my own way


I got on that "3 free pack" list as well. Dunno how or why.

All in all I gotta say it made me feel both guilty and greedy at the same time...LOL. I pay my own way and don't ask for or get many freebie anythings. As a result...went ahead and made made an order for seeds I didn't need to help out the (ad)venture. Got freebies with those packs.....and even if they aren't something I chose/planned to grow I do appreciate the gesture.

If ya had that Orange Daquiri I'd have my hand out....but as it is I'm cool and will keep paying my own way
I know that greedy feeling didn't sit well with me. I got more then I expected. What I didn't order or get as a freebie, I will order when I can. That orange is definitely on the next to get.


New Member
Has the packs that were promised to the people on the riu list gone out? I’ve tried a few times to get ahold of the crew on here and haven’t heard back. I usually keep up but moving and health problems and relationship problems have become my main focus of late but I still would love to get my hands on some. I know freebies prob aren’t high on the list for you but thought I’d ask anyway. Thanks dudes