#Heisenbeans Genetics

Mr Blamo

Old Timer
I bought a couple more packs of seed payed for this morning.
Gonna try his stardawg and adub.

I don't put much into germing seed.
I just throw them in a small glass cup of water on top of my fridge.
as soon as I see cracking or tails they go into dirt.
Always have had a great success rate on seeds.
Been doing this since 1979...seeds I got back then were Columbian......import weed. Some local skunk selections to.
Those were the days when most didn't know what a mj plant looked like...unlike today.

But ya I like buying seeds from guys who get into the seed game..to support them.
Been reading and following Heisen for long while now...good fella in my books.
@Heisenbeans Hey man, was hoping you could answer some questions about your operation.

You grow your seed moms in RDWC, right? If so, how do you move them to those isolated spaces where you hit them with the pollen, and then move them back? Do you just lift the lid and the roots off the RDWC bucket and put the plant into an unconnected bucket with nute water & an airstone?

Also, how do you hit them with pollen? Do you use the paint brush technique?

Finally, once you get the pollen out of the pods, how do you keep it dry and store it? Do you mix it with flour & store it in the fridge?

I would really appreciate your advice on this.



Mediocre grower
@Heisenbeans Hey man, was hoping you could answer some questions about your operation.

You grow your seed moms in RDWC, right? If so, how do you move them to those isolated spaces where you hit them with the pollen, and then move them back? Do you just lift the lid and the roots off the RDWC bucket and put the plant into an unconnected bucket with nute water & an airstone?

Also, how do you hit them with pollen? Do you use the paint brush technique?

Finally, once you get the pollen out of the pods, how do you keep it dry and store it? Do you mix it with flour & store it in the fridge?

I would really appreciate your advice on this.

I think his moms are in dirt

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
I bought a couple more packs of seed payed for this morning.
Gonna try his stardawg and adub.

I don't put much into germing seed.
I just throw them in a small glass cup of water on top of my fridge.
as soon as I see cracking or tails they go into dirt.
Always have had a great success rate on seeds.
Been doing this since 1979...seeds I got back then were Columbian......import weed. Some local skunk selections to.
Those were the days when most didn't know what a mj plant looked like...unlike today.

But ya I like buying seeds from guys who get into the seed game..to support them.
Been reading and following Heisen for long while now...good fella in my books.
@Blamo do they soak longer than 24 hr's in water? The reason i ask is i am sure that i have read from a couple of book sources that a seed would likely drown in water after that time frame. I have always used tap water and a little H202. I have not tried soaking longer than 24hr for fear of that. Thoughts?

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
Photo of the month contest almost over for this month.

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
Photo of the month almost over for this month
Rely stiff competition this month. Going to be hard to pick one. I remember when@Badmofo first posted that shot that he entered. That is Magazine worthy.

Mr Blamo

Old Timer
@Blamo do they soak longer than 24 hr's in water? The reason i ask is i am sure that i have read from a couple of book sources that a seed would likely drown in water after that time frame. I have always used tap water and a little H202. I have not tried soaking longer than 24hr for fear of that. Thoughts?
Some seeds will pop in 24 hours others in 2 or 3 days.
I use spring water.
I have had seeds open right up and sink to bottom leaving the seed casing to float on the top.. Those always seem to live. Don't think they drown. There white when they do that but green up after a couple hours in soil.
Most seeds will just float and tail out.
Ive had some thc bomb x ghost haze train soaking for 24 hours. 1 has tailed out...1 is cracked open and 1 hasn't cracked or open yet.
Ill take the 2 and plant today the third ill leave in the water.
Has always worked for me.


Its been 10 days since my wc x sd broke ground and the one mutant is still super fucked up. Hasn't grown at all not even a little bit lol. Im about to trash it. The other 2 are growing fine but aren't super happy. I can't figure out why. They have the exact same soil and conditions as every other seedling. I'm sure they'll grow out of it soon once they start really vegging. Ghost bastards are doing awesome. Crushing it really. Very vigorous and healthy. I'm gonna give em a week and then I'll give em some new shoes, give em another week and then flip em. That's my report for the day.


Dont Need One
@Heisenbeans Hey man, was hoping you could answer some questions about your operation.

You grow your seed moms in RDWC, right? If so, how do you move them to those isolated spaces where you hit them with the pollen, and then move them back? Do you just lift the lid and the roots off the RDWC bucket and put the plant into an unconnected bucket with nute water & an airstone?

Also, how do you hit them with pollen? Do you use the paint brush technique?

Finally, once you get the pollen out of the pods, how do you keep it dry and store it? Do you mix it with flour & store it in the fridge?

I would really appreciate your advice on this.

All.the seed moms are in dirt 1 gallon pots. The reversal and bastard moms were in rdwc but I've moved away from all that that's why theres no more bastards. The reverse moms are 100 percent reversed now with no seeds in them


any of you good old boys ever grown in a greenhouse? I'm working on building one, was hoping to get a few pointers if anyone can, I already know this thread is where everyone's at!!! lmfao


I have for years.

Inf Flux

4 of 6 BBC x PP germed in three days. I'll give the other two some time. Emailed back and forth with H and should finally have that wedding cake flavor headed my way, stoked!
This thread really needs a highlights reel. Step away for more than a day or so and it's a fucking tome of reading to catch up.
BBC X PP.jpg


"Justa Ganja Lover"
I dont do anything special either. It's just some beans that I do care about or are anxious to run p,that don't crack or pop a tail after soaking may need a lil help.
I've only tried scuffing twice now. Cracking the bean twice as well.
It was only AFTER I commented on Doc's post on IG about me soaking some of his TPR that he told me scuff the seeds first.Well they already had been soaked,he said it was ok anyway.
Well,only one popped the pellet out of 4 soaked. I just axed it today as it was a male. Well a complete male hermie.Started off with balls then in the middle of the 2nd week of flower sprouted stigma all over. Bastard!!! I was going to keep him,calyxs were purpling up and he had this stench to him.
I say all that to say some seeds need a lil help from the get go.


"Justa Ganja Lover"
4 of 6 BBC x PP germed in three days. I'll give the other two some time. Emailed back and forth with H and should finally have that wedding cake flavor headed my way, stoked!
This thread really needs a highlights reel. Step away for more than a day or so and it's a fucking tome of reading to catch up.
View attachment 4836
Those are some long tails. I'd surely fuck them up with my goofy digits.