Greenpoint Seeds


I’ve had no problems with Greenpoint either. The gal I spoke with helped me out with a germination fiasco I had. And she was pretty quick about responding. This joker is having a shit fit over a few damn dollars and that’s crazy. He needs to spend more time on the business end of his bong. I’ve been waiting for those damn Dubstep seeds to drop for a while now and would’ve paid full price without looking back. Some people just need to relax...
What may be a few dollars to you could be more to others man. No one knows someone else’s situation. Even if that wasn’t the case, no disrespect towards anyone was ever intended on my part in my responses. It is easy to get worked up about something everyone has it’s all good.


I’ve had no problems with Greenpoint either. The gal I spoke with helped me out with a germination fiasco I had. And she was pretty quick about responding. This joker is having a shit fit over a few damn dollars and that’s crazy. He needs to spend more time on the business end of his bong. I’ve been waiting for those damn Dubstep seeds to drop for a while now and would’ve paid full price without looking back. Some people just need to relax...

I'm glad things come so easy to you. They don't for me. Hence the reason I'm having a problem. Maybe you can just refund my money for me? I mean, it is just a couple dollars, to you anyway.


You know, when I message j.james about an order, I don't get this kinda run around. I thought Greenpoint had awesome customer service.
Greenpoint sells a lot of seeds and Jeanne handles all of the customer service so just be patient and she will take care of you. You are better off emailing her rather than texting her, too. Texts are a horrible way to do business. When people text me instead of email me, for business related questions, I honestly ignore most of them because there is no way to track support issues with text messages.


Greenpoint sells a lot of seeds and Jeanne handles all of the customer service so just be patient and she will take care of you. You are better off emailing her rather than texting her, too. Texts are a horrible way to do business. When people text me instead of email me, for business related questions, I honestly ignore most of them because there is no way to track support issues with text messages.
Well I've currently been on hold with GPS for 5+min at this point. How long should I wait before I hang up and call my bank to get this mess straightened out?


Greenpoint sells a lot of seeds and Jeanne handles all of the customer service so just be patient and she will take care of you. You are better off emailing her rather than texting her, too. Texts are a horrible way to do business. When people text me instead of email me, for business related questions, I honestly ignore most of them because there is no way to track support issues with text messages.
Personally I've been waiting for a phone call from them all day. I just figured the text was an indication that I wanted to talk to them. Seems as though I'm being ignored. Not really the customer service I've heard about. Actually thats not customer service at all. Seems like a "take my money and run scam"


Insanely Active Member
I’ve had this come through a few times starting a couple days ago trying to re sort my original order and after it seems quite a few have had similar issues it’s obvious they’re snowed under with a major transaction issue . It says it’ll be honoured so I’ll play the patience game B452D419-B911-487E-BEF9-95089011AE00.jpeg


Well I've currently been on hold with GPS for 5+min at this point. How long should I wait before I hang up and call my bank to get this mess straightened out?
I've been on hold for 30+ minutes for manufacturer support for sales in the 6 figure range. You are dealing with a small company that makes a lot of sales compared to their size and a single person who is responsible for all of their customer support. That 5 minutes you've been on hold could be her handeling just one of multiple people who have called in before you. Shoot her an email and wait a day or two. Getting all riled up now doesn't help you at all.


See? You've got to give people a chance. Just remember you aren't their only customer. When I have clients that act like they are my only customer they get put on the back burner.
And when I have to deal with people like you, who play games, I look elsewhere. I don't have time for bull shit.


Blümen Meister
Glad it worked out for you. I've had maybe one or two orders that were weird, like extra long processing time or what not where I've had to contact them. And every time I've been patient, and every time GPS comes through. Not surprised at all they squared you away, and made you happy. Seems like a long wait when it's your money and all, and I get that. The nature of this business and the way money has to be moved is a pain, not just for the consumer, but for the seed banks too. In the end, there's those banks that will keep their customers happy, and those that are a-holes.


And when I have to deal with people like you, who play games, I look elsewhere. I don't have time for bull shit.
To be honest, that is usually my goal. Clients of mine who act that way usually cost me more money and aggravation than their business is worth. It has nothing to do with playing games and has everything to do with respecting those who respect my time and understand that I have a lot of other clients who deserve my time as much as they do.


Glad it worked out for you. I've had maybe one or two orders that were weird, like extra long processing time or what not, and every time I've been patient, and every time GPS comes through. Not surprised at all they squared you away, and made you happy.
For sure man. I didn't expect anything less. I just thought they would have handled it before I had to take time outta my day and make it happen. Idk about people now a days.


To be honest, that is usually my goal. Clients of mine who act that way usually cost me more money and aggravation than their business is worth. It has nothing to do with playing games and has everything to do with respecting those who respect my time and understand that I have a lot of other clients who deserve my time as much as they do.
Right. It's obvious that gps, Heisen, and I just arnt ment to be. It is what it is. No skin off my back.


Insanely Active Member
Really considering how many bean drops last a minute or two and then the old “ out of stock too bad loser “ sign goes up like Mephisto and Square One just to name a couple GPS are pretty good at supplying the customer . I don’t even bother anymore with these limited drop exclusive supplier bullshit


Right. It's obvious that gps, Heisen, and I just arnt ment to be. It is what it is. No skin off my back.
She helped you out, within one business day, and you still have issues with them? I have a support ticket that I submitted for an HVAC integration system owned by one of the wealthiest people in the country that has gone 2 business days unanswered so far. They aren't bugging me about it and I'm not bugging the manufacturer about it until Monday. Being impatient doesn't help anyone involved.


She helped you out, within one business day, and you still have issues with them? I have a support ticket that I submitted for an HVAC integration system owned by one of the wealthiest people in the country that has gone 2 business days unanswered so far. They aren't bugging me about it and I'm not bugging the manufacturer about it until Monday. Being impatient doesn't help anyone involved.
Keep standing up for them. I've already made my point but you wanted to have another conversation about it for some reason. I've already said what I said and will stand by it. If you want me to keep giving you my opinion I will but I can see it won't go very far cause you just want to tell me yours. Give it a few months and you probably won't see me around here anymore. I see I just don't fit in.


Keep standing up for them. I've already made my point but you wanted to have another conversation about it for some reason. I've already said what I said and will stand by it. If you want me to keep giving you my opinion I will but I can see it won't go very far cause you just want to tell me yours. Give it a few months and you probably won't see me around here anymore. I see I just don't fit in.
I'm not standing up for them at all I'm just explaining how I see things work from the customer service side. You're acting like a child, and not even because of a mistake they made, but because you just so happened to place a full price order just before a sale came, and then you expect them to bend over backwards for you? Come on, man, you have to see how ridiculous that sounds. I've placed 2 orders through them, totaling less than you had in your order, so I have no connection or reason to stand up for them at all.


I'm not standing up for them at all I'm just explaining how I see things work from the customer service side. You're acting like a child, and not even because of a mistake they made, but because you just so happened to place a full price order just before a sale came, and then you expect them to bend over backwards for you? Come on, man, you have to see how ridiculous that sounds. I've placed 2 orders through them, totaling less than you had in your order, so I have no connection or reason to stand up for them at all.
Oh I totally understand how I'm acting and I don't care. I feel screwed over and I'm not ok with that. I'm sry you think I should be happy with that transaction. That's not good business in my book. Obviously me and you see the world differently.