Greenpoint Seeds


@Streetpro09 your nuts man you just need to chill out it’s not like you got fucked on a car or like you got fucked over hundreds of thousands dollars I can’t imagine your bill was that expensive your buying fire crosses that these guys worked hard and paid a lot of money to get the little amount we pay for these beans isnt want cheap discounted beans go buy a brick of Schwag
Sry man. I'm not gonna bow down to anyone. Maybe God but not anyone here.


Insanely Active Member
Idk I bought seeds from attitude for years paying $100+ for packs of seeds with $30 shipping and taking a month to get I don’t mind how we do it now
I still go through that bullshit from time to time . That’s why I looked for better options like GPS who at least deliver in the breeder packs unlike Attitude who in fairness have always as far as I can tell delivered what I’ve ordered although in a clunky transaction described. I hope GPS can sort out the old smoother service of being able to purchase by card because atm Mesh isn’t happening for the abroad fan club .

Skunkle Justin

Active Member
What may be a few dollars to you could be more to others man. No one knows someone else’s situation. Even if that wasn’t the case, no disrespect towards anyone was ever intended on my part in my responses. It is easy to get worked up about something everyone has it’s all good.
You were clearly trying to put out the flames and that other dude just wanted to rant. Sometimes we just need to know when to walk away from someone who just wants to bitch. That dude obviously has some other drama that he’s dealing with and his seed issues just broke the camels back. Or he can’t handle anything other than immediate gratification to his needs. Either way, nobody on this forum or at Greenpoint can help with that. And you don’t have to justify why someone is being a brat. You’re 100% right with everything you tried telling him but he wasn’t willing to hear it. He just needs something to complain about.


You were clearly trying to put out the flames and that other dude just wanted to rant. Sometimes we just need to know when to walk away from someone who just wants to bitch. That dude obviously has some other drama that he’s dealing with and his seed issues just broke the camels back. Or he can’t handle anything other than immediate gratification to his needs. Either way, nobody on this forum or at Greenpoint can help with that. And you don’t have to justify why someone is being a brat. You’re 100% right with everything you tried telling him but he wasn’t willing to hear it. He just needs something to complain about.
I’m at fault, too. I dealt with a total pain in the ass client this week who thought he was the center of the universe, so the bitching in this thread from @Streetpro09 hit a nerve, and I just added fuel to the fire. What I said was true, from a customer service perspective, but I didn’t need to add fuel to the fire here.

Deleted member 60

LOL....I'm waiting on a 12K cabinet order to right itself after 3 months in $360 is nada here in the scheme of things. I do get the frustration though.... but somewhere along the way I figured out that it is what it is...and that everytime you order something....something will fuck up somewhere....somehow. LOL. Smoke another bowl and figure out something else to do is the game here....


Karma is a bitch, he was one of those dogpiling way back in the politics thread. He just mad his bean addiction made him order one day too early, 😂, before that sale, like he's a VIP or something, to cancel and get a better deal, lol. We all wish gu would extend that courtesy, but that ain't how business works. Sucks when you think you are really something special and your just another rat in the race. At least you didn't post pics of spider mites and webs like the idiot at riu in gps thread, and brag bout gonna smoke it cause it still looks good. So does boytritus, 😆, but you don't smoke it just cause it still looks good. This is why it's hard to help newbs these days. You know what the old heads told us back in the day, buy a book, read Clarke's book, lol and practice on bagseed. Trial and error. Not all these good genetics you have access now.


I’m at fault, too. I dealt with a total pain in the ass client this week who thought he was the center of the universe, so the bitching in this thread from @Streetpro09 hit a nerve, and I just added fuel to the fire. What I said was true, from a customer service perspective, but I didn’t need to add fuel to the fire here.
You were just stating the obvious and trying to diffuse, he wasn't ready for his fit to be done yet. Of


You were just stating the obvious and trying to diffuse, he wasn't ready for his fit to be done yet. Of
It's kinda funny that you have to throw your opinion out there after the fact but at least you remember me. 😉

Did you feel left out or do you just not like me? Or did you need to feel included in the gang that proves me wrong and makes me appear as the problem?

I'll just stay an outsider if this is how people are treated inside the "greenpoint/heisen clique". Oh it feels just like family. 🤮

At least I know what type of people are on/ run this forum primarily and who to stay way from. I guess I shouldn't have expected much from a bunch of marketing type of guys trying to boost up seed sales.


I'll just stay an outsider if this is how people are treated inside the "greenpoint/heisen clique". Oh it feels just like family. 🤮
You are seeing shit that just isn't there. People were trying to calm you down and weren't standing up for GPS. If you posted the same shit about any other seed vendor you would've received the same response. Did you expect Jeanne to ignore every other customer and put you in front of them all? Because THAT would be the definition of shitty customer service. Why can't you just accept the fact that you were being impatient and were throwing a tantrum? Grow up, man, the world doesn't revolve around you and you will get less blowback from people when you finally realize that.


You are seeing shit that just isn't there. People were trying to calm you down and weren't standing up for GPS. If you posted the same shit about any other seed vendor you would've received the same response. Did you expect Jeanne to ignore every other customer and put you in front of them all? Because THAT would be the definition of shitty customer service. Why can't you just accept the fact that you were being impatient and were throwing a tantrum? Grow up, man, the world doesn't revolve around you and you will get less blowback from people when you finally realize that.
Can't say as where I'm worried about blow back. Been dealing with that all my life and have gotten through just fine.

If you actually understood what I was trying to do yesterday, or put yourself in my shoes, i may not look like a brat. But you already made your judgment and stuck with it. There was no changing your mind.

Let me put this as simple as possible for you.

I sent 2 texts in the morning because I was working and figured gps was busy with other people. I figured they would give me a call or text back at their convince. They DIDN'T. I waited until 4:00 pm yesterday to call them and get it handled. Why should I have had to do that when they say to call/text a certain number for questions or problems. I guess one upset customer doesn't matter to gps. That's fine I'll take my business elsewhere.