#Heisenbeans Genetics


Solo cup champion 2019
I need a content writer for my website, Ill pay cash or in seeds but i need a good writer that can get it done. I hate writing content. 99 percent of the info on these strains can found on the internet but peoiple wanna see it in front of them when they click on a product. Please let me know.
Ill give it a shot. Tell me what you want and ill send you some examples


Heathen Basterd
Be careful when partaking in too much ADub , some adverse effects can include , drooling , loss of bladder and bowel control . Total loss of memory and awareness. Many users wake up in the wrong beds, wearing make up that puts drag queens to shame and in rare cases a fresh Brazilian wax job. This strain should be used in moderation unless You are a total Degenerate thrill seeker. How's that?


Dont Need One
Any of you guys that wanna do it look at the website and see the example i did for gorilla glue 4 S1
thats the format it needs to be in. Doesnt have to be crazy just need something i can put up for descriptions.
email to heisen@heisenbeans.com and ill pick a winner.
I need a description for east coast Sour D S1 to start with. Running a full time garden and business i just cant find the time to write this shit up
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My 7.3 diesel's a pre DEF dinosaur. Lol. She's an oldie but a goodie though. I may not have the DEF issue, but she's getting the old age issues like me. Hahaha
Think medicated veggie oil would be good for her arthritis? Hahaha
My dad has a 2001 model f250 with the 7.3. it's been a money pit as well.. he's retired and can't spend the money on it anymore. But it's almost useless it runs so bad.


Solo cup champion 2019
My dad has a 2001 model f250 with the 7.3. it's been a money pit as well.. he's retired and can't spend the money on it anymore. But it's almost useless it runs so bad.
The turbos go bad on them a lot, they start leaking oul from the pedestal mount , whuch gets worse and worse until the turbo gets too hot and either seizes or the bearings wear so bad they make zero boost. Also the injectors go bad. I worked at ford dealers many years as a tech


Your still missing the point, S1 to S1 makes no difference, Its the tendencies entrapped and locked in the plant that matters. Not sure what your not grasping about that. A late stage hermie plant is a HERMIE plant. wether it does from low light levels , interrupted light, bad nutrients, Its a stress response that requires the plant to reproduce without a male. Its a genetic blessing for plants that arent meant to be smoked but survive. We chemically block the etheylene that makes a female a female. She grows male flowers. No matter or not if she
was born to do so she is going to grow male sacks because she has to. Its a common misconception that S1s are gonna hermie no matter what because its a self pollination. That is 100 percent bullshit. If you take a plant that absolutely will NOT toss a nut at any stage and use its own pollen to make seeds those seeds are as stable as being hit with a male. WHY? because the plant NEVER had hermie tendencies in it to begin with.
Late stage fems IMO is a lazy ass way to make fems and people that cant reverse a female correctly can get away with it. All they are doing is inserting hermie genetics into the gene pool.
Why do you think females like GG4 and other bag seed femz are hermie prone? because they came from a plant that hermied. Its a risk some people are willing to take to find a fire ass keeper. But people still use stable males to make F1s of those moms. Yes there are plenty of offspring that wont herm. But there is still the risk when using those genetics. Bottom line is hermie tendency is passed on just like other traits. If it wasnt than we may as well just toss all our seeds into the same cup because were all looking for something particular from a particular cross. Unfornutely hermie genes go along for the ride when either of the parents have it.

Another way to look at it is when you spray CS on just one limb the whole plant doesn't throw nanners but that limb. If you stress the plant the whole thing throws nanners.

My Trainwreck i got from DR Greenthumb seeds will throw nanners late in flower every time. I've talked to him and he told me he doesn't use CS. But wouldn't tell me what he uses.
I've had several beans from him all Hermie late in flower. I'm not talking really late but like at 7 weeks.

So whatever he uses it makes his plants throw Hermie seeds


The turbos go bad on them a lot, they start leaking oul from the pedestal mount , whuch gets worse and worse until the turbo gets too hot and either seizes or the bearings wear so bad they make zero boost. Also the injectors go bad. I worked at ford dealers many years as a tech
He's replaced the blower a couple of times and injectors a few times.
Well maybe you can answer me this. It runs really rough if it will start. Acts like it is dumping too much fuel in the cylinder. If it is cold forget starting it. He even keeps it plugged up in the summer time to help it start. You have to turn the key over several times to heat it up. Otherwise it would just not crank but just turn over really slow. Sometimes driving down the road it will just quit. Almost like you have a dead cylinder but it's not dead it just runs really rough


Solo cup champion 2019
He's replaced the blower a couple of times and injectors a few times.
Well maybe you can answer me this. It runs really rough if it will start. Acts like it is dumping too much fuel in the cylinder. If it is cold forget starting it. He even keeps it plugged up in the summer time to help it start. You have to turn the key over several times to heat it up. Otherwise it would just not crank but just turn over really slow. Sometimes driving down the road it will just quit. Almost like you have a dead cylinder but it's not dead it just runs really rough
Glow plug could be bad, could have a bad ground somewhere, its kind of hard to say without seeing the truck and looking at it. First things i wpuld check is battery voltage, and grounds. There might be a draw somewhere causing it not to crank fast enough or the glow plugs to not get hot enough


Dont Need One
Another way to look at it is when you spray CS on just one limb the whole plant doesn't throw nanners but that limb. If you stress the plant the whole thing throws nanners.

My Trainwreck i got from DR Greenthumb seeds will throw nanners late in flower every time. I've talked to him and he told me he doesn't use CS. But wouldn't tell me what he uses.
I've had several beans from him all Hermie late in flower. I'm not talking really late but like at 7 weeks.

So whatever he uses it makes his plants throw Hermie seeds
Exactly man but you know how them opinions are, I speak with no ego when i say i know how to reverse a plant 10 ways to sunday. I have been doing it along time. Not sure why people cook up these fantasy's that ive been doing this a few months. Just because i stayed on the DL a long time till my state became medical, Doesnt mean i just stepped into the game.


3 more packs ordered , Purple Punch S1 , Wedding Dub , and GG4 S1 or WP S1 , I needs to get counselling . Glad I got 6 girls nearly finished

I got another 3 packs as well, think that brings me to 27 packs so far. I had more in my basket but wasn't sure if I had already gotten those yet. Just not sure on which ones I have gotten. I guess I need to make a note to myself on my stock. So when I order I don't end up with several multiples. Wedding dub was one I had in my basket but took it back out because I thought I might have already gotten that one.

But I got GMO cake, wedding cake and purple cake. I think those are the ones or I just have cake on the brain lol


Heathen Basterd
3 more packs ordered , Purple Punch S1 , Wedding Dub , and GG4 S1 or WP S1 , I needs to get counselling . Glad I got 6 girls nearly finished
Fucking the plant I wanted the most from watching the videos was that Wedding Pie, what a pretty plant and fits the size and type plants I like to run and everyone says how tasty it is and I got only 1 pack of WW and no S1s , what the fuck is wrong with Me?


Fucking the plant I wanted the most from watching the videos was that Wedding Pie, what a pretty plant and fits the size and type plants I like to run and everyone says how tasty it is and I got only 1 pack of WW and no S1s , what the fuck is wrong with Me?

I always will want a S1 because I know I will have a winner in that pack. A cross you might have a winner but more than likely you will not unless you got several seeds.
I have to think of my customers first and foremost. I have to have something that they want to buy. Most of it is bag appeal. Second is potency third is taste.
Then there are traits that I need to look for like ease of growing, flower time, yield, stretch, easy to trim etc


European Bean Flicker
6 of 7 space gorilla opened in my shot glass of water with tiny amount of h202.
One of them opened in like 6 hours. Its almost shed its husk entirely.
Hope I didn't leave it too long before paper towling.
But the h202 should make sure its ok.

Left the one seed in the shot glass and will keep an eye on it.

Lovely size and markings on those seeds, not that it means much 😋