Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


this shit together was less than an oz……. one small handful of my tops are more than this and it’s less than half the volume…….. weigh out an eith of your shit home dog…… wipe that Dick out and show me it’s as big as you say it is….. or are u Guna bitch up and refuse to show us the density of your “cut” becuSe you k ow it’s bull shit?
The problem is, you have zero credibility

Is this 36g dried?



Full send….always
Come on man really, just stop dude. People here been at this shit a long time and that has to be the stupidest shit I've ever seen anyone say. Just start taking notes and stop talking.
Bro your pulling 2.5-3lb off a 4x10…….. your weds not mine……that’s 28-34grams per square foot…….. industry standard is 60 without co2………


Bro your pulling 2.5-3lb off a 4x10…….. your weds not mine……that’s 28-34grams per square foot…….. industry standard is 60 without co2………
Why are you competing with industry standard? Commercial grow ops also rarely use LED and cram as many plant together as possible. If you aren't doing this to sell on the street, and you aren't taking it easy and enjoying the grow, then you should try it for a change. Industry standard also includes machine trimming but not many home growers do that, either.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I really don't pull much actual larf anymore though. I go to fairly extreme measures to prevent it from forming. If I do end up with a decent amount, it was grower error over strain.
Conversely, growing testers as trees I have found some that have the expected diminishing returns where a scrog or multi-top would be best, but some get plump all the way to the bottom. When you find those they are less work from germ to trim.
Remember that when u see this next harvest…. That 10.5oz was their as you will see….. the fact u think it’s impossible brings me joy because that means I’m that much better than u
I didn't lock myself in my basement away from my family for almost a year for no reason to grow plants in the green/black lagoon.

I never said it was impossible. I said you're a liar. Two completely different things. You have handfuls of people on multiple forums with combined hundreds of times more experience than you telling you the same.

You think growing the largest single plant is some achievement of an elite grower. It's not.

I'm still trying to figure out why you're growing. You said you don't smoke. You said you don't sell. What's the obsession with one large plant? I guess in the end it doesn't really matter. Whatever you give as a reason is bound to be a lie, MO of a pathological liar.

Good luck with your contest, you're going to need it.


Well-Known Member
I didn't lock myself in my basement away from my family for almost a year for no reason to grow plants in the green/black lagoon.

I never said it was impossible. I said you're a liar. Two completely different things. You have handfuls of people on multiple forums with combined hundreds of times more experience than you telling you the same.

You think growing the largest single plant is some achievement of an elite grower. It's not.

I'm still trying to figure out why you're growing. You said you don't smoke. You said you don't sell. What's the obsession with one large plant? I guess in the end it doesn't really matter. Whatever you give as a reason is bound to be a lie, MO of a pathological liar.

Good luck with your contest, you're going to need it.
I feel like sometimes people say they don't do certain things so that it doesn't come back on them legally. Pestering them about it is kind of uncool. He obviously has his reasons.

I agree that growing a big plant isn't really something to brag about. Growing for weight in this day and age is pretty pointless too, regardless of the intentions. The world is currently brimming with mids. Why make it your mission to add more?
I feel like sometimes people say they don't do certain things so that it doesn't come back on them legally. Pestering them about it is kind of uncool. He obviously has his reasons.

I agree that growing a big plant isn't really something to brag about. Growing for weight in this day and age is pretty pointless too, regardless of the intentions. The world is currently brimming with mids. Why make it your mission to add more?
I'm not buying the legal excuse. He already said he traded over 10 ounces for other goods. That's already illegal by any states standards.

I'm not pestering him about it, I'm proving he's a pathological liar. Like I said I can't stand for arrogant people that brag and lie about insignificant things. The fact that he acts like a tough guy on top of it is laughable.

To be honest I can't wait to see the results of this upcoming "grow off". He's going to get absolutely demolished but we all know that's not going to be the end result he'll spin off.