I've been promoted to F**k you all!

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Dont Need One
I'm not gonna waste my time pooping on every post you guys have made. Not worth my time.

You can't cause you can't see em. Haha.
Jesus christ I saw the thread earlier today but I never clicked on it. Of all the days I had actual work to do it had to be today lol.

He's right. I pmed him to talk shit. He engaged with me or at least tried. Lots of stupid memes. I got bored pretty fast I felt it was only right to keep retorting to any bullshit. He even tried to brag about getting a blowjob and having sex. while he continued to pseudo friend me. The mental capacity of a 15 year old boy. No one wants to hear our shit so I took it private. Then that whiny lil cunt makes a post on my log about it. The cuck in this guy is unbelievable.

He definitely has a hard on for BK. He wouldn't stop talking about BK this and that. Of course he was fantasizing about the both of us but that's just his gay nature. Cant blame him for that but shit man BK lives in that boys head lol.
I saw him taking a dump in your thread like it was his personal diaper. Dude is an habitual line stepper. When you spend 16 hrs a day on the internet your bound to make some enemy's. This dude took it to a whole new level


The Laziest
Here’s a tip. People that ACTUALLY get pussy don’t go bragging on weed websites about it. Most of us are married and don’t even talk about that shit anymore. Some guy wants to hear about me having sex with my wife? Who the fuck wants to hear that?
I mean, I know some websites you could makes some money if your interested....
I’ve been married for over 20 years. We do all kinds of cool and sometimes kinky stuff. I don’t go telling anyone about it. I wouldn’t tell you if you waterboarded me. Cause when she finds out I told someone, I’m better off dead.
Srsly, ESPECIALLY if your into waterboarding...


Moose cocks, or bust
You can't cause you can't see em. Haha.

I saw him taking a dump in your thread like it was his personal diaper. Dude is an habitual line stepper. When you spend 16 hrs a day on the internet your bound to make some enemy's. This dude took it to a whole new level
You gotta strip these convicts of the 💩 react
Yeah its mandated by law. Two ten minutes breaks and a 30 min lunch for an 8 hour shift. Idk how it works being a scumbag undercover cop like you but I imagine you fit your breaks in where you can. Remember when you posted that service weapon on RIU and everyone called you out for it? He hates when I bring that up.
You wanna see this so called service pistol again? You're a loser man. It was never a service pistol. But if you guys want to see it I'll gladly post it. On RIU you libtards got your panties in a bunch anytime I posted gun pics. Wanna see my AR too, lol?


Active Member
You wanna see this so called service pistol again? You're a loser man. It was never a service pistol. But if you guys want to see it I'll gladly post it. On RIU you libtards got your panties in a bunch anytime I posted gun pics. Wanna see my AR too, lol?
No. No one cares dude. Do you get it yet. We know what we see. We don’t need you need to try and show us again.
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