I've been promoted to F**k you all!

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Dont Need One
Giving you guys lots of shit bait, lol.

You should call it a day man. If you spent as much time reading and following some of these guys advice around here instead of fucking off posting dumb shit. You would probably be a pretty bad ass grower. Just a thought. Your homie would have gotten alot more respect had he not come off rhe way he did mouthing off to seasoned growers. Giving me advice on running a commercial size setup but it's actually what I do. I take a formal budget and maximize output in a set space. If he actually got to spend a few days around my space his brain would explode. It's not something you can really put together overnight. I have built a machine over years of experience and failures. The only person that knows first hand what I deal with is @Gu~~~
Breeding feminized seeds in a couple tents is one thing when you don't have schedules and deadlines. Making seeds for production is where innovation, experience and failure are just a part of the job. I seriously couldn't wite a book less than 300 pages long on everything I have learned in such a short time. When your under pressure to succeed at every turn, you have instinct and hard work to turn to. Personally it's the challenge that drives me harder and to do things I'm not obligated to do.
So yeah when your boy said what he said I had to sit and think about everything I have done to get where I'm at and keep moving forward. That's what makes me different from him.
You should call it a day man. If you spent as much time reading and following some of these guys advice around here instead of fucking off posting dumb shit. You would probably be a pretty bad ass grower. Just a thought. Your homie would have gotten alot more respect had he not come off rhe way he did mouthing off to seasoned growers. Giving me advice on running a commercial size setup but it's actually what I do. I take a formal budget and maximize output in a set space. If he actually got to spend a few days around my space his brain would explode. It's not something you can really put together overnight. I have built a machine over years of experience and failures. The only person that knows first hand what I deal with is @Gu~~~
Breeding feminized seeds in a couple tents is one thing when you don't have schedules and deadlines. Making seeds for production is where innovation, experience and failure are just a part of the job. I seriously couldn't wite a book less than 300 pages long on everything I have learned in such a short time. When your under pressure to succeed at every turn, you have instinct and hard work to turn to. Personally it's the challenge that drives me harder and to do things I'm not obligated to do.
So yeah when your boy said what he said I had to sit and think about everything I have done to get where I'm at and keep moving forward. That's what makes me different from him.
I don't know who you think is my boy. You guys want to give me shit because I don't like all the shit talking about Butters, and don't join the bandwagon. I think he's got high hopes and I get why you guys diss him, but he's growing decent looking weed even if it's exagerated.

I've learned a lot, and have more to learn. I dove head first into no-till. Got really lazy this round and so my shit is negleted. It's also 3 1/2 year old soil that I'm just guessing what it needs.

Dude, I try to be cool, but when people come at me I'm gonna react eventually. You have to be able to understand that. You've got a whole setup ready to challenge butters.

Glad to hear you have access to the real shit too like GG4. That shit makes people jealous. I've got decent access too. The plants eveyone wants to talk shit about that I've admitted I've starved is clone only Green Crack.

I've had access to the real GG4 too.

Just got some Bordello clones a week and a half ago.
You should call it a day man. If you spent as much time reading and following some of these guys advice around here instead of fucking off posting dumb shit. You would probably be a pretty bad ass grower. Just a thought. Your homie would have gotten alot more respect had he not come off rhe way he did mouthing off to seasoned growers. Giving me advice on running a commercial size setup but it's actually what I do. I take a formal budget and maximize output in a set space. If he actually got to spend a few days around my space his brain would explode. It's not something you can really put together overnight. I have built a machine over years of experience and failures. The only person that knows first hand what I deal with is @Gu~~~
Breeding feminized seeds in a couple tents is one thing when you don't have schedules and deadlines. Making seeds for production is where innovation, experience and failure are just a part of the job. I seriously couldn't wite a book less than 300 pages long on everything I have learned in such a short time. When your under pressure to succeed at every turn, you have instinct and hard work to turn to. Personally it's the challenge that drives me harder and to do things I'm not obligated to do.
So yeah when your boy said what he said I had to sit and think about everything I have done to get where I'm at and keep moving forward. That's what makes me different from him.
I'd click like, but I'm not priveledged enough, lol.
You should call it a day man. If you spent as much time reading and following some of these guys advice around here instead of fucking off posting dumb shit. You would probably be a pretty bad ass grower. Just a thought. Your homie would have gotten alot more respect had he not come off rhe way he did mouthing off to seasoned growers. Giving me advice on running a commercial size setup but it's actually what I do. I take a formal budget and maximize output in a set space. If he actually got to spend a few days around my space his brain would explode. It's not something you can really put together overnight. I have built a machine over years of experience and failures. The only person that knows first hand what I deal with is @Gu~~~
Breeding feminized seeds in a couple tents is one thing when you don't have schedules and deadlines. Making seeds for production is where innovation, experience and failure are just a part of the job. I seriously couldn't wite a book less than 300 pages long on everything I have learned in such a short time. When your under pressure to succeed at every turn, you have instinct and hard work to turn to. Personally it's the challenge that drives me harder and to do things I'm not obligated to do.
So yeah when your boy said what he said I had to sit and think about everything I have done to get where I'm at and keep moving forward. That's what makes me different from him.
I'm just procrasinating, because I've got to water, lol.
You should call it a day man. If you spent as much time reading and following some of these guys advice around here instead of fucking off posting dumb shit. You would probably be a pretty bad ass grower. Just a thought. Your homie would have gotten alot more respect had he not come off rhe way he did mouthing off to seasoned growers. Giving me advice on running a commercial size setup but it's actually what I do. I take a formal budget and maximize output in a set space. If he actually got to spend a few days around my space his brain would explode. It's not something you can really put together overnight. I have built a machine over years of experience and failures. The only person that knows first hand what I deal with is @Gu~~~
Breeding feminized seeds in a couple tents is one thing when you don't have schedules and deadlines. Making seeds for production is where innovation, experience and failure are just a part of the job. I seriously couldn't wite a book less than 300 pages long on everything I have learned in such a short time. When your under pressure to succeed at every turn, you have instinct and hard work to turn to. Personally it's the challenge that drives me harder and to do things I'm not obligated to do.
So yeah when your boy said what he said I had to sit and think about everything I have done to get where I'm at and keep moving forward. That's what makes me different from him.
I've got no boy on here. My boy is 18.

I like a challenge too. Which is why I started with no-till from the get go. I've been experimenting with all kinds of different shit. But as I admitted, those plants were abused, and I didn't feed them in time.

Tonight I gave a mixture of Neem meal, Gro-Kashi, 9-3-1 bat guano, basalt, and Langbeinite for a couple vegging Bordello clones.

And some Organics Alive soluble shit for the last flowering Green Crack.
It comes with running a forum. I don't know if you ever bumped into "RiddleMe", aka RM3 over on Trollitup but he started a forum years ago. Nice tight group of people, many of us from here in Colorado. His forum shut down unexpectedly about a year ago now. Solid dude, I haven't heard from him but I sure hope he's okay. Anyway, he had to sweep out the trash too and it sucked. People do shit online they wouldn't dream of doing to your face because they know they'd get punched.
Sad you've became one of them titty stick.
It comes with running a forum. I don't know if you ever bumped into "RiddleMe", aka RM3 over on Trollitup but he started a forum years ago. Nice tight group of people, many of us from here in Colorado. His forum shut down unexpectedly about a year ago now. Solid dude, I haven't heard from him but I sure hope he's okay. Anyway, he had to sweep out the trash too and it sucked. People do shit online they wouldn't dream of doing to your face because they know they'd get punched.
Don't bother joining our Discord channel because you will be quickly discarded if you decide to try it now.
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