Greenpoint Seeds


Dont Need One
I’ve seen a few of GP strains here in the growme state. And illinois. Pretty cool
They get around despite what them parrot ass haters are talking about. Not even really a large group of growers talking that bull shiit its a small handful of people that hate gu or hate me and they make there rounds around the internet at various forums. There's the s1 gate, PictureGate, heisengate blah blah but what they don't realize of there is no seedbank that has better customer service period.


They get around despite what them parrot ass haters are talking about. Not even really a large group of growers talking that bull shiit its a small handful of people that hate gu or hate me and they make there rounds around the internet at various forums. There's the s1 gate, PictureGate, heisengate blah blah but what they don't realize of there is no seedbank that has better customer service period.
The best site I have ordered from ever, customer service is by far the greatest, I see GreenPoint dominating the US seed market


This is the only forum I am on (well now Discord). I am a Nobody, Growing for myself and Mother so I am no expert, from what I see its people being negative because they cant seem to find happiness in life so they need to shit on anyone so they can boost their self-esteem or feel are right @Heisenbeans about being silenced/censored over someones Opinion. Keep moving forward, GreenPoint has earned my respect and I will be purchasing your gear for years to come... from a nobody for what its worth


Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
This is the only forum I am on (well now Discord). I am a Nobody, Growing for myself and Mother so I am no expert, from what I see its people being negative because they cant seem to find happiness in life so they need to shit on anyone so they can boost their self-esteem or feel are right @Heisenbeans about being silenced/censored over someones Opinion. Keep moving forward, GreenPoint has earned my respect and I will be purchasing your gear for years to come... from a nobody for what its worth
I got rid of every social media platform at least 6 years ago. All but YouTube if that counts. I signed up here the last heisen contest. Greenpoint was the first U S Seedbank I ever bought from. Always dealt with over the pond banks. And when it wasn’t them it was sourced from other growers. Glad I found Greenpoint. Ordered from them as soon as Missouri went MED. Loved the fact that the were quick and they exceeded my expectations. I Have been following @Heisenbeans on the tube since that initial order. Which in return brought me here. First forum I ever joined. Though I did join OG when the comp was going on because of the shit they was talking. Haven’t been back since. Fuck em. Will always support GP.