#Heisenbeans Genetics


Insanely Active Member
Few questions, if you don't mind me asking..............

When are the drops happening?
Will they be available to the UK at the same time?
Which are the faster flowering cuts out of your current selection?

I currently want the Wedding cake and Purple punch S1's, but not sure what else to get and which X's I want, this info would defo help in my choices.



New Member
Few questions, if you don't mind me asking..............

When are the drops happening?
Will they be available to the UK at the same time?
Which are the faster flowering cuts out of your current selection?

I currently want the Wedding cake and Purple punch S1's, but not sure what else to get and which X's I want, this info would defo help in my choices.

im sure heisen will correct me if im wrong but i would imagine the first S1 drop might be as soon as around a weeks time.

im from the uk and have an order in, so if you get your order in quick and depending on what you want and how much stock heisen has and how many orders he has now(might be hundreds by now lol) you might get lucky and get in on the first drop. heisen will have to clarify.

as for flowering time i have no idea, hopefully people who have more experience of these strains can cough up some info.

Dope Heffalump

Tip burner
I have been at class all week. As a 33 yr old 3rd year carpenters apprentice and I take a week off from my paid job and family to learn something. I expect others to want to learn something too.
I just love what tour doing here.
I started a co-op myself. Just a few bros taking cuts and teaching, trying to make some potent shit
I am a "vested" Union Carpenter out of Local #.... I changed crafts around 2003 and am a card carrying member of the Boilermakers local at present. (semi-retired)
Went through the apprenticeship program myself years ago. Always sucked to go to school and make dick fir wages.
Been a UBC member since 88. Labor Omnia Vincit!


LED Recruiter
Been a UBC member since 88. Labor Omnia Vincit!
Well well well wont ya look at the wealth of knowledge on this herr forum!!
Shit a friend in my coop built his own house and hid a grow room under decking and behind filled cinder block except the entryway that he will cut out after the certitifacte of occupancy is signed.
Man thats got my mind wondering of the possibilities


European Bean Flicker
So what's the consensus, is everyone more stoked for the S1s or the crosses? I love S1s because you get the hyped real deal, but I'm kindve leaning on the crosses to find some new fire.
I pre ordered the s1s gg4 and wedding cake because I don't have access to the cuts over here but the more time that's passed the more im looking forward to the crosses. Its a leap into the unknown.
So those will be what get popped first for testing purposes. As well as the free pack per order of s1 which I think I named in my order im also down for the 3 x free packs from the "big List" so will let heisen choose what he wants to see there so they can be grown out and confirmed as fire.

@heisen you still have all records of pre orders and free lists I assume and nothing has changed in that respect since the big banning of 2019. Also known in some parts of the world and written in forum history books as "The Banninginging"