Bravo. Encore!I pruned the heck out of the bonsais. They were getting too thirsty and the leaves were old and gnarled.
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Looks as though he's diggin it! LolI had to break out his fan. I tried to take the grill off and clean it, but the screws are all stripped.
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Once it's full on summer I have to take him on night hikes. Which are awesome, so no problems there. He also likes wading around in water, but he's not into swimming whatsoever. Plus I usually have to keep him on a leash or some dork with a dog will have an issue because mine wants to play with his. Or an aggressive redneck with an aggressive dog will want to fight us tag team style. That's happened twice. Once at some cascading waterfalls and another on top of a mountain in a huge field in the fog. Both places had a strong Street Fighter vibe.Looks as though he's diggin it! Lol