Greenpoint Seeds


Dont Need One
Yeah im.not really in the loop on that end of the business, keeping up with discord, answering grow and strain questions and managing product is what I'm doing. I actually just officially started the autos , you guys seriously need to stick around for this shit. I pulled 7 of my favorite moms to pollinate with an auto to hand select down to winning pheno types. This is kinda my first official project from scratch. Not really just making F1s but this is a selection process. We're gonna shut down production for 2 months so I can get the ball moving on this shit.


Yeah im.not really in the loop on that end of the business, keeping up with discord, answering grow and strain questions and managing product is what I'm doing. I actually just officially started the autos , you guys seriously need to stick around for this shit. I pulled 7 of my favorite moms to pollinate with an auto to hand select down to winning pheno types. This is kinda my first official project from scratch. Not really just making F1s but this is a selection process. We're gonna shut down production for 2 months so I can get the ball moving on this shit.
Not big on autos but, will keep my eye on what you got going on!


Yeah im.not really in the loop on that end of the business, keeping up with discord, answering grow and strain questions and managing product is what I'm doing. I actually just officially started the autos , you guys seriously need to stick around for this shit. I pulled 7 of my favorite moms to pollinate with an auto to hand select down to winning pheno types. This is kinda my first official project from scratch. Not really just making F1s but this is a selection process. We're gonna shut down production for 2 months so I can get the ball moving on this shit.
I was wondering when you were starting the "autos' lines.
You're a busy man now a days.
I was never able to get any of the new testers to try off of Discord.
That was a little upsetting but I'll live. lol
I needed to take a break anyway and concentrate on my own stuff.


Dont Need One
I was wondering when you were starting the "autos' lines.
You're a busy man now a days.
I was never able to get any of the new testers to try off of Discord.
That was a little upsetting but I'll live. lol
I needed to take a break anyway and concentrate on my own stuff.
I'm really tired of working with the same ol shit over and over. The autos are gonna be a way for me to actually breed some shit into existence. I'll make sure you get a bump for the next testers. We go back a ways. Just reach out to me directly, I'm sure I can get u on the short list.
The best thing about autos is your testing them into creation so every batch is a test batch. I can 100 percent guarantee I'll make autos like no one has ever seen.


I'm really tired of working with the same ol shit over and over. The autos are gonna be a way for me to actually breed some shit into existence. I'll make sure you get a bump for the next testers. We go back a ways. Just reach out to me directly, I'm sure I can get u on the short list.
The best thing about autos is your testing them into creation so every batch is a test batch. I can 100 percent guarantee I'll make autos like no one has ever seen.
Gonna have to be something "special" to break out of this plateau the industry has reached. Everyone is just breeding the same shit over and over. And anyone can grow weed for concentrates.
Smoking is definitely coming back. That's where I would be headed.
The future will be the "Real Skunk" from yester year.
A lot say they have it, but do they? lol
Going underground just about destroyed this legendary breed. People would pay top dollar if they could actually find it.
It's very rare, but it's out there.
Autos are one way to get a pc of the market.
Something that starts and finishes in 2 1/2 months and literally a joy to the palate when smoked.
People want the shit done as fast as possible.
As for bulk, you get what you get. lol
Thanks for the testers offer. I'll send you a text later.
I know you're a busy man


Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
I'm really tired of working with the same ol shit over and over. The autos are gonna be a way for me to actually breed some shit into existence. I'll make sure you get a bump for the next testers. We go back a ways. Just reach out to me directly, I'm sure I can get u on the short list.
The best thing about autos is your testing them into creation so every batch is a test batch. I can 100 percent guarantee I'll make autos like no one has ever seen.
I’ve never been so excited about autos ever but I am now 😝


Dirt Track Maniac 🏆 🏁
What are you guys looking for in a plant , if you had to decide on a A to Z list of priorities when your growing a home cultivar.
I’m gonna go with potency combined with good terp profile and dense buds. quick flower time is a plus. Not too concerned with yields or bag appeal but those are definitely pluses as well. Hardiness is a plus as well as pest and mold resistance.
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The way I see it @Heisenbeans is I want your take on the plant, thats the beauty in it the Breeder puts time, energy, patience in the product for us the consumer to enjoy. I have had nothing but great plants from your work so far( Thats why GPS is the biggest chunk of my seed stock). So with that I say whatever the breeder feels the direction the line takes is what it should be.


I like what everyone else mentioned in a plant but have also grown to like a plant that isn't a total nightmare to trim like when the leaf to bud ratio is way off To date I haven't had a GP strain that was the competition plants are near the top of my list for ease of growing and easy to trim I am a little fish but thought I'd toss my 2-cents in I do wish GP could bring back the skunk we grew in the 70s & 80s...
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