Yes ! I purchased Dolomite lime due to the fact that many use it in their soil recipes. Reading into it later, I decided against using it due to the Calcium/Mag ratio. I sprinkle a little into my soil but use it very sparingly. I use egg shells too, but have read that unless you use vineger they take a long time to break down in the soil.
So, while I got you... Is there any chance you can provide a list of must have ingredients a gardener should have on hand? Epson Salt? Gypsum Calcium Sulfate? EC meter? PH Meter I use PH drops to keep it simple but like everything in this hobby they can be tricky if the water is colored.
Here is what I'm using now---(trying to keep it simple)
Mainly used -fed heavily, 1/2 - full dosege per Dynagrow feedchart
Dyna Grow Foliage Pro-
Used with caution and fed lightly
Dyna Grow MagPro-
Dyna Grow Bloom
Dyna Grow Protekt- Used mainly when I need to raise PH of my feed solution. (not so common, my nutes get the PH to where it should be without Protekt.)
My Future shopping list:
Recharge? (heard good things)
Epsom Salt (Sonething every grower should have on hand?)
Hydroguard- (heard good things- supposedly good with hydroponics/ soil-less.?
I personally mix soil, There is a lot of recipes around 3:3:3 is most common Peat:compost:aeration and ammended, I have gathered bulk amendments over the years, I always have some sort of rock dust, glacial, basalt, recently using montanagrow
(volcanic tuft), azomite, soft rock phosphate or if you have access to some local rock dusts, I use local quarry too, some bust up quartz in my area so I mix some in if I have it and local mineral dirt...if you have it
I like fish bone flour too but I have also used plenty of steamed bone meal if I can get it locally, I try to find as much of the heavy stuff locally if I can
I scavenge the hardware stores, lots of times at the end of spring you can get good deals on bulk amendments
I have a habit of going to my local hardware store after seeing the pallet of peat moss sitting there all wrapped up and ready be put on my trailer
just ask them you want to get rid of that? haha usually they do for what they paid
Pumice is the hardest for me to get in my area. Some use lava rock instead for aeration and rice hulls...
Gypsum is calcium sulfate, epsom salt is cheap and handy to have
Two things I am planning on adding later is Cal-Phos, and Potassium Sulfate, my soil is a little low in those and some of my plants showed it.
I compost horse manure and chicken manure bedding spent brewery grains...
Finally getting some room cleared out in my storage for my worm bins again
Recharge is mainly bacillus strains, with mycorrhizae hydroguard is bacillus megaterium I think...
I use recharge every now and then I added it to compost tea
Check out Rootwise, they have all of the microbes that recharge has plus more and I think the megatherium is in there too
I'd have too look at the label to be sure
Anyway, check out Kiss website, and podcasts lots of info there
Follow along as we work to prove a return back to our roots, to organics in all areas of life, will work to build a happy, healthy, and abundant life.
And of course Build A Soil has tons of videos BlOGS lots of explanations