The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Veg is about ready for clones and a few re-pots. Just the new Chem91 and the old FB68 re-mom.
Flower is in the smaller tent now. Almost had to remove the caddies so it would fit.
the closet had 4 males and an unidentified. As soon as the last one shows they get bigger pots.
And I don't think I'll need two tents and a tarp. Plenty of room to add some boys for a few days - for now.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The can lids show the strain. I did a wake-n-bake with the Taxi clone weed yesterday and it is superb. What's crazy is that one of the two got lightly self-seeded on the lowers, the other got nothing. I have a #1 and a #3 hanging now so I'll be watching to see if either of them got hit. Maybe 30 seeds from the one plant so far, but there were also 3 open flowers that dropped when I was bucking it. No nanner stuff, full on ball sacks. If I wasn't doing the chuck I'd be getting them wet soon. Still keeping them, probably run a few when I germ test the other stuff. They were nice and dark too, not late-splooged seeds.

Today was the Flashback and I win!!! It has the same mexican or chinese restaurant smell, but with more than a hint of lemon. Like whatever was on the grill got a splash of it. My method of just hitting one bowl then going about my business to see how that does me lasted about an hour before I hit it again. Second round it was 2 bowls to see if it escalates and it does. You can keep getting higher. I didn't finish the second bowl right away.

Tomorrow will be the Headbanger. I hit some last night an it might be another top-shelfer. I gotta be living right or something LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Well, the Headbanger is really good but it is not the one. It's tasty and potent but the buzz has a hole in it. There's just something missing. It's mostly a head high, and a project starter. Get up and do something, wander around and find something else, and later I'll have a dozen things to finish up.


one small pipefull of the Flashback fixes everything. I wish I was into trying a reversal but I'll definitely be keeping mom around for a while.

If the second version has the same effect then I really win, since the beans of that are still available and he can make more. I just e-mailed him and since I have the plant I want for now I can send him back the beans I have left to reverse.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Three tall ones are coming down tomorrow. Lots of milk and on two lots of amber, one has a few - but it's the full moon so fuck it. The shorties are about a week or so out. I'll probably bring the males in here because it doesn't matter if an early pollen grain slips out, and the environment is a little better than the closet.
The boys and the probable girl got bigger pots
In here the six that were in 1/2g got 1g. except the little Tire FIre. All of them can have as big of a pot as they want in about a month after I clean pollen up. I'll probably have several tents full of seeded plants. I'm thinking about a tall shelf in each corner with a male on top, andd shorter plants can be under it. Add a fan or two to really swirl stuff for a few days. This tent also has the light mounted to the ceiling bar with the purpose-made hangers on the AC Infinity light. Plenty of headspace.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have been on the forum caller Chuckers for a few days over 5 years now - and this is my first dude-pic. Yes, that's a little frost on the upper leaves. Supposed to be a good thing right?
And my stress level just went down a lot when I realized I don't need to have all boys pollinate everything. I have an assortment of boys, twins then a tall and short. When I get ready to release the hounds I will split the plants by height. Both tents will get a middle dude, then the tall plants will get the short dude and the short plants get the tall one. And fuck it if anyone cares.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One thing is that you're gonna see lots of how this chuck goes because I basically have nothing else going on. I have one empty veg tent but it now has nine pots of amended soil resting in it. the exhaust fan on low keeps it nice and fresh. I have two large tubs already rested that just need to get any remaining root mass sifted out. That's for up-potting any of the chucksters that need it. One thing I have never heard about is how much plants grow after getting seeded. I am imagining all growth stopping and buds ripening like normal, but since I am not spoon-feeding the NPK I need to make sure the seed production has enough soil to find what it needs. The boys will be good. I stuck them in the larger pots off the bat because they die right after pollination.
I spread stuff back out. Even though the previous moms went from 2g to 3g they are already drinking the pot dry in 2 days. In pruned any sub-par limbs and cleaned up everything like I was growing for flower. Guessing on 4 weeks from showing sex to dusting tents I am looking at about 3 more weeks of trying to keep stuff in smaller pots. I think it'll work for all but these three. Since I decided on two tents for the chuck I can go with 7g and not worry about space.
I am thinking that all the one gallons just going to 2g to finish up might work, but one of the tubs of soil might get some kelp and veg-speciic stuff added for seed production that I usually don't want in the soil. I use that stuff for teas usually so it doesn't hang around. .
My PB-Chem clone slammed the roots out of the cube, while it's sister is still thinking. Little cup by the aloe. Once I get at least one Taxxi clone to take then I'll get a round going from these Flashback and the new regular Chem91.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got two more of the Taxi clones bucked last night and no seeds. That makes 4 of the 5 plants in with the seeded one that got nothing. After busting up more of the lowers there's about 100 seeds. The smoke is fine, but the seeded buds are obvious by feel, no density and lumpy. All the others so far are chunks. Even the lowers are like pea gravel.

I will probably bust up the rest of that plant and roll fatties since it's probably not the top-shelf one-hitter that the rest are. But after I get done with my chuck I'll have a small batch of 'fems' to run with the regs I make. One more taxi hanging and it looks fine as well.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Decarb -> cannacap. I just need to glove up and get any seeds out first so they don't cook.

One of my goals having a lot of one strain was to make some primo pills. The large ones hold about 20mg THC worth of flower just going by weight and guessing the THC content as 20% just for measurement purposes.

When I bust out the "machine" [a.k.a. multi-tiered, spring-loaded, contraption] I'll get a few pics of the process. It's a little tedious making sure each of the hundred holes has half a cap in it but there's a piece that gets most of them pointed in the right direction. Same for the tray with the other half of the caps. After that it goes like butter. Definitely worth the investment. Part of the 'food supplement' industry.

CAPSULE-IT Capsule Filling Machine | Semi-Automatic Capsule Filler – Herb Affair

The size 00 is largest,
the finer the grind the more fits per cap,
and get capsules that are already separated. For some reason they sell them where you have to pull each empty capsule apart


Decarb -> cannacap. I just need to glove up and get any seeds out first so they don't cook.

One of my goals having a lot of one strain was to make some primo pills. The large ones hold about 20mg THC worth of flower just going by weight and guessing the THC content as 20% just for measurement purposes.

When I bust out the "machine" [a.k.a. multi-tiered, spring-loaded, contraption] I'll get a few pics of the process. It's a little tedious making sure each of the hundred holes has half a cap in it but there's a piece that gets most of them pointed in the right direction. Same for the tray with the other half of the caps. After that it goes like butter. Definitely worth the investment. Part of the 'food supplement' industry.

CAPSULE-IT Capsule Filling Machine | Semi-Automatic Capsule Filler – Herb Affair

The size 00 is largest,
the finer the grind the more fits per cap,
and get capsules that are already separated. For some reason they sell them where you have to pull each empty capsule apart
Those capsule machines work really well. I have one for size 1 capsules. I also have size 000 capsules but I fill those by hand with a little tamper tool that’s made for them.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
looking at my signature block it's been 16 days since I snipped clones. No heat mat, just a humidity dome. A few days ago one of the PB-Chem rooted like mad. It's cupped and growing with roots already visible in the cup bottom. Only issue is they started looking harsh, maybe from being in the dome too long? So I might add heat to the next round with the thermostat hooked up so it mainly comes on if the dome cools off in the dark.

I finally saw a root on one of the Taxi so I cupped everything else. Most were just swelled stems with nubs. Three had decent root starts but not enough to get tangled in the oasis cube.

Last night everything got soaked, tonight I need to take clones and maybe re-pot a few in veg. If I get clones going for the FB68 before the pollen gets cleaned up I'll be putting the two larger clones in 10g pots just to see what happens.

Some of the boys have their early pre-flowers opening and the main colas are getting some swelled-danglers. Pics tonight.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
As promised. Like I said it's tedious or a few minutes, but once the empty caps are lined up right it's easy. On the right is the spring loaded tray that has capsule bodies in it. the little red rim adds on or scraping filler around without a mess. Middle bottom is the packer. Lower left is the tray for shaking the pieces around and funneling them into the 100 holes. (for caps and bodies). Upper middle is the capsule cap tray. upper left is the piece that holds the caps to the traybut has holes just large enough for the bodies to fit through.
After the bodies are jam packed the lid goes on the caps then it gets flipped upside-down over the bodies. Steady pressure on the top forces the pieces to snap together. It's different with every flower, so I weigh an empty capsule, then a few of the full ones and get a weight and an approximate doseage based on 20% THC. Doing the weed math to see the basic starting doseage is best written down. 20% THC means 1 gram contains 200 milligrams of THC. Soooooo

0.1g would contain 20mg.
the average on these is .22g, with a .07g empty capsule weight
.15mg of flower works out to about 30mg THC per cap.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It begins - sort of. If there are a few early flowers that open might as well get that pollen busy. I might mix all the males and females togetherr sooner than planned. I moved the two late flowers to the closet and the three bigger plants in with the males
I have three almost identical now instead of a mix,
and they could be opening lots of flowers soon
but the shorty is behind a little. really tight compact flowers that look plentiful but like they'll open after stuff is pollinated.
In here everything has enough pistils to make me a few packs of seeds except three top left. The Blue Jack City on the floor and the Tire Fire and Headline on the shelf by it.
So when I mix the lot I think I'll set those three in one tent with the shorty. I'll add one of the Taxi clones to get hit separate from the others, and maybe a few other that seem stretchy. Since I'm gonna have to clean the whole room if I have a closet and both tents working on pollen that's fine.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Took the next round of clones. Only the top from the new Chem91 S1. The limbs were just getting startedd so if this one doesn't take I'll get more when they're ready. This was mainly height control. I got 4 good tops from the original FB68 and two from the new one. then a bunch of skinnies that might not make it.
and the previous batch is in sink or swim mode. I have my PB-Chem clone in the gold cup so that's done. The only healthy looking one in the tray is the other PB-Chem. The rest are from the Dirty Taxi mom. I'm sure most if not all will survive, but they'll get topped and it'll be the lower limbs that survive.

I also got the two late flower girls chopped. The full moon ain't no joke. It get's things finishing if they're close. I took a break before watering all the light, too-small pots in the chuck, then the males are getting distributed. It'll just be a question of when I kill them now.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I saw a few of the 'pre-flower' flowers drop when I moved the males so it's on. I have one of the Taxi and the slow-pistoleers in the closet with the shorty slow male. The Blue Jack City is one that got really tall after a short veg so there's purpose in that cross. I might slow the others own further.
The three shrubs got the tallest boy
and the big tent got two almost as tall. All are just sitting on an upside down pot to raise them more. When the pollen really starts dropping I'll drop the oscillating fans to male-level.