The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It's good to get real high then look at the pictures. I'. goung backn in to rearrange and pit the slow-pistol SHORT plants in with the damn tall boys insteadd of compounding the short issue. I'll move a few of the stretchy ones in with the short boy like I fucking already said I would but forgot LOL


Insanely Active Member
It's good to get real high then look at the pictures. I'. goung backn in to rearrange and pit the slow-pistol SHORT plants in with the damn tall boys insteadd of compounding the short issue. I'll move a few of the stretchy ones in with the short boy like I fucking already said I would but forgot LOL
wish my head worked like yours , looks like the plan to me @H.A.F.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
wish my head worked like yours , looks like the plan to me @H.A.F.
I think there's resin or keif build-up on my keyboard. If I don't proof-read stuff it looks like that post.

Dude, this is all i do. I have a veggie garden for daytimg but this is my nighttime entertainment, with music or a podcast about growing weed. I usually have a few post-its with a chore I need to do when the lights come on. Watering is usually every 2-3 days but with all the small pots now I check daily. Now that I see how much room I have I may remedy that next watering and pot up a bunch of plants. What's gonna be crazy is the big 3g plants that neet to get into 5gal or 7gal pots. That means I have a few tubs of soil I need to sift and some pots to scrub.

Don't get me wrong, it makes me happy and that's about all that matters if you're retired. Especially now that it costs me next to nothing to grow the plants.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I still have veg to water and a few up-pots there, so I am holding off on this tent until tomorrow. Each space has a Dirty Taxy seed plant, this one has the #2 mom as well. She's not a tall plant so getting the tallest boy shouldn't matter
20 days for a decent amount of pollen. If I just wanted to collect some to brush on a few limbs I'd be done with the boys.
In here everything female got a new pot. Once the boys are gone I'll have no problem freeing up some space to flower the next batch.
Pollen here as well
These got new pots but there's no pollen to speak of yet.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I up-potted with amended soil, but since I didn't go with larger pots they all got a 1/2"-1" layer of worm castings under the rice hulls. The castings are fairly old and had beautiful big wigglers in them so I added some worm food. If they all congregate there at the food I'll scoop that layer out, sift it, then get them back to work in the worm bin.

The three that are going from 3g to 5g pots and I need to gear up mentally for that LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I had a few pepper plants that werre starting their next round of little peppers. At that point I can guess that the older ones are as big as they're gonna get. I strip the plant for the new peppers to get the attention. My serrano peppers (left) are 10 times more bountiul than my jalapeno (upper right), and about the same size. Japs didn't do well here last year either... There's 7 Cubanelle and a big pile of Annaheim. There were already the same amount of Cubanelle a few days ago that I froze fresh. This lot got torched first them rinsed and frozen. Around the top right is a bell (first not bug eaten) a lipstick pepper that turns a beautiful red on the counter (so I pick when they turn). the "lilac bell" will purple up but they are thin walled fat shishito peppers, not bells. the Banana papper is the second I got all year, the red one is a paprika pepper and I have a tray drying. The sugar rush below it will turn a peach color, the big Jim is a good pepper but a late producer. there's 6 lemon drop hots that are part of my drying project to have an assortment of pepper shakers. The little handfulls of red and yellow birdbeak peppers are almost worthless. Some flavor, no heat, very productive though. The skinnt Korean Dar Green are a great find. They redden up but are good as is with a meal, chop one up in ramen, whatever. Nothing is messing with that plant so I am letting them get red on the tree. That's gonna be a haul.
For those new to the game, this is how easy weed medicine can be. This is glove hash from that many plants. What amazes me is I used to smoke that like it was a treat. It's mashed dry-sift with glomps of pistils and leaves in it. I put this in a silicone oil-drum container and stuck that in the Nova to decarb.
I only added enough everclear to let it all disolve real well and shook it several times for a day. It was in about half of one of the tiny 2oz mason jars. Coffee filter and a larger jar with a ring to hold it and you get tincture. Letting all the alcohol evaporate so it's oil you get RSO. Some wash green stuff then cook off the alcohol and count on that heat to decarb. I prefer knowing it's decarbed first, then no heat. I'll pour it into a little silicone bowl to evap. it's stoner-safe too rather than heating alcohol. At the end I might stick it in the dehydrator for a little heat to make sure it's all evaporated.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That second version of the flashback that has a different parent is legit. I think I had an off pheno because it's usually a short plant. This was the tal girrl with the clawedd leaves the whole grow. It doesn't quite have the high of the first version but it's close, and it's still really good. The second plant of that version I have in veg is short like the original and it's clones so it might be spot on.

This one has that earthy background smell but instead of mexican food and roasted lemons there's lilac and bubblegum. Really loud, real tasty, and it might cure out better, but compared to the V1 I am smoking on that's about the same age, there's a difference in effect even at this stage. You can be high on the first version, smoke the other and not notice, or you can be high on the second one, smoke the first and feel it kick in.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
What I am noticing is that having plenty of the Flashback, Dirty Taxi and Chemdog I am not digging into the other stuff much.

I have mom's of the three, but based on current stock I just culled half a dozen clones. Kept one of the PB-Chem for a mom and a few of the Taxi #2 but I'll cull that back to one whenI pick a favorite. I don't need to flower out any of those. That batch was from the mom's I flipped for seed. I snipped and flipped with no safety margin in case they didn't root, and I got 100%. Even the ones that were just swelled up knobbly sticks when I put them in soil had roots that just hadn't reached the cup-edge yet.

In the dome I have one Chem91 from the new seed. I have 4 FB68 from the newest V1 seed I need a mom from, then 10 from the first seed that will be a mom and a crop. I should have a tent-full or two of my favorite going soon so I can do all the weed things with it instead of hoarding my one-hitters :cool:

For the Chem91, that's preservation until I see iff the seedmom is the Chemdog I know and love. I want to see it eat it's leaves late flower then put it up against the PB-Chem to see if I am hyping up the wierd one unnecessarily. I like that it doesn't eat it's leaves, but it doesn't get weight because it nanners at 8 weeks. It's great smoke at 8wks but...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I just shook the trees. Pollen flew, It was glorious LOL

I used one of those plant stakes and stuck it through a barely opened door zippper then watched through the window to tap the stakes the plants are hooked to.

I did the closet last and there was a little but not much.

How can I tell when it's OK to bag up the males and clean up?

I know light ain't great for pollen so I'll shake them again in the morning at lights out for some dark-time sexing.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got veg up-potted last night. Lots of 2g. When I flip the non-moms I'll be using some 10g pots for the older/established ones. Down to two Dirty Taxi clones, just waiting to see which one puts out good new veg growth first. I am shifting to the wrap around tags after almost losing some during transplanting last time.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Both of those Corey's Crush from Mr. Toad are good smoke. It's his Space Cheese (?) and Topanga Canyon Kush. It feels 'medicinal', like it's doing something good. Don't know how to describe it. Regardless, I'll enjoy smoking it, and when it's gone it's gone.

I think my point in mentioning having three strains I could basically survive on with nothing else was that a lot of weed, even real potent stuff, can get old after you've smoked enough of it. When you are comparing everything you smoke to those few keepers that's a win.

I don't see Chem91 S1's going away anytime soon at CSI, so that's a mom I don't need to keep other than for convenience. It's not really prservation except this peanut butter-nanner version I have that's odd. If the side-by-side with the real Dog is what I think the nanner girl is compost. The Taxi I will have seeds of. After the first F1(F2?) germ test and growing out a batch of the taxi on taxi I'll ditch that mom in a heartbeat. The three plants I gre and cloned were a perfect mix, one like mom, one like the donor and one mixed (my clone) but all three have an exceptional high - interchangable. As long as I pop similar stuff from the chuck that's all I need.

That leaves the Flashback68. I have the mom I want after a few beans. I have 20 left and currently have two new ones going. I only cloned the old version, but tallking to Andy I may have all the same and just got an off pheno with the lilac/bubblegum version. I'll get to smoke all and compare, then I'll probably end up with one or two FB68 as my only moms, occasionally popping another bean to see if there's a better mom.

All in all my goals of finding what I need is done. I don't plan to mom anything else and for regs I'll be dropping packs or nothing. no more tasters. Since I have my headstash finding a new cool thing out of each pack would be perfect. All the variety I need.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
All the pistils are looking thinner and some plants browning. I watered yesterday so tomorrow is next check/watering. I'll probably give the boys one last shake and bag 'em up. I did pick up the slower male in the closet and tap it over each plant.

I think the new plan is to shift my empty 3.5' x 3.5' veg tent to 12/12 since light discipline doesn't matter much. I will shove as many seeded plants in as possible and free up the flower tents again. It also gives me a landing pad for cleaned plants as I work on cleaning the flower tents. Just one empty tent and I can rotate stuff within the room. That'll get me through cleaning at least. I'd rather consolidate into one tent if I can so I may end up with it all in the 4x4 if they can all fit in one tent.

One thing I didn't mention before but everything is in plastic pots. I figured that would be much easier to de-pollen-ate.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Looking closer stuff is probably as pollinated as it'll get. I'm wetting the males with a sprayer before sacking them and chopping, But I'm not gonna worry about cleaning the plants or tents yet. They need to be watered tomorrow so I might as well start with a nice shower while giving the tents a good spray-down. Being thirsty they should suck that right up without any dampness issues. Then I can pull them out without contaminating the room (which gets cleaned first).

Honestly though, as fragile as pollen is based on the hoops people jump through to try and save it, I'm not really worried about it contaminating the next crop or anything. Water kills it, light kills it, an once the plants are out of the tents the Star-San will do the rest. It's a no-wipe cleaning solution used in brewing for utensils that you can't rinse off after satinizing. After I clean everything with rags and whatnot, a last sprits with the sanitizer should take care of any residue.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Last weed porn you'll see on my page
Boy meets girl

Works out well for timing everything. 1st of the month is the first day without dudes. Stuff obviously got pollinated before now, but as I chopped the dudes I wiggled them through the plants to make sure all the lowers got a chance. Main thing is I don't want a lot of varoius stage seeds when I chop. There's maybe a week of difference oldest to newest.

After everything is cleaned up the decision will be where to land everything while flipping the plants In have in veg that are gonna need big pots. I have the 4x4 tent which is probably all I would need for those. I do have mom's that obviously aren't flipping.
I have two tents this size. The one in the veg bedroom just doesn't have the same darkness the flower bedroom does. I can make that happen for a month though if needed. These plants all need the next size pot for the rest of the grow and castings like the others. I need to do some defoliation but I have been pretty hands off while the pollen was flying. I turned fans off to water real quick and some got more than others but they'll live. I waited between watering each tent as well. Probably didn't matter but each space has independent exhaust.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
From all I've read anywhere from 5-7 weeks to get mature seeds. Anyone with better info speak up! ;) Anyway, by the first of November I should have racks of seeded plants drying. I got a large pack of the gallon size compost tea mesh bags to dry them in. My m ain thought there is to prevent floor beans in the drying area and know what's what. Since I'm not smoking anything it can get bucked before drying if needed, but more likely limbs in a bag if the whole plant won't fit. But I'll be letting it get crispy dry, and with furnace weather rocking in that'll be perfect.

Shucking beans before Christmas :unsure: I should at least be able to germ test a few primo crosses before then. :cool:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Ended up with both 3.5' tents full of seeded stuff. All the similar height 2g are here
The big and small ones here, some still need bigger pots.
In veg I am waiting on clones for a few to flip. I have 4 I can flip now then 2 Flashback and a Chem91 to flip when the clones are rooted.
After about a week everything is still looking good but I ain't chancing it


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'd rather be lucky than good anytime!
And on top of all that it's the new moon and time to drop beans and get on with my perpetual rotation. All Greenway fems out of the hoard Andy sent me because he thought I would like them. I think I bought the Helens Melons.

Brick House - Lemon Haze x BC OG Domina
LGS '89 - NL/Skunk (a.k.a. Lime Green Skunk)
Helen's Melons - [Lemon Skunk Jack Herer x Truffle Pig] x Headbanger
Purple Floyd - Ice Cream Cake x Urban Poison
Toke a cola - Blue Jack City x Urban Poison
Urban Poison - Critical Kush x Durban Poison

I think what I dig about his beans is that he grows stuff. He makes selections and reverses the ones he likes, and hist his other favorites with it at the same time. Some of the new crosses he sent are like a family tree of lineage. The BC OG Domina he reversed hit lots of stuff I am dropping later.

There's one hype "clone only" (the Ice Cream Cake) that I see in the mix, and I don't think he has it for sale.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Went in to give the girls a spritz and some fresh air before lights out andd it's game on for the repotting. I have soil to sift. This is on one of the little node-2 limbs I didn't count on. If it's fine and the rest are green I can expect at least one of each to take. I was thinking about waiting on the lone Chem91 clone but if it doesn't take I'll drop another bean - fuck it.