The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Got the clones potted. Around the top and right are the moms and the Tire Fire shorty that will get flipped with the rest, likely in that pot. I have seeds of it crossed and want to try the smoke. the group of seven 1/2g pots are for a sea of green as soon as they start drinking again. I got my moms and those are just extra, and the closet is empty. Two didn't look as good as the rest and didn't gets pots - and may not survive. No biggie. What is cool is that the best, quickest rooting, healthiest clones came from the lower, smaller, skinnier, older limbs. Stuff I would cull in early flower anyway.
The 10g experiment with the taller FB68 is not stretching and won't need to move to the closet so she's off the caddy to save a little height.
The Chem91 under the fan stretched more, like they are supposed to. Thumbs crossed. The Blue Jack City beside her is the short thin-leaf with the great smells and trippy high. In the middle is the Dubstep. The four around the front are the Flashback68 so I'm happy.
Aaaaaand the seed plants are still there. still pregnant. :sleep:
IMG_1163.JPG IMG_1160.JPG


Super Active Member
I always thought it would be cool to sell seeds in the bud. You can buy it by the top or the lower for a breeder pack or a custy pack. Guaranteed "#" seeds per flower. You'd get to see a little of the bud structure and get some terps maybe, but think how it would change that industry. All it would take is legality.

I'm only really worried about pulling plants too early. If I can pop a handdfull of bagseed from mexican brickweed (back in the 80's) and get a bunch of plants out of it (never made it to flower) I know there's no issue leaving them in the bud.
I had a similar idea but instead, the mother plant would have it's stems pith hollowed out and stuffed with seeds, then sealed with wax or hemp fibers.
The stem can be rubbed to smell the terps.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Big update. Day three and the seeded plants still don't need water. I had moistened them almost daily rather than soaking but I think they finally got their roots settled and are just drinking what they need - which ain't much. These are under a warmer color light. I bumped up the wattage and they seem to like it.
These have an oddball that might help me tell when the others are done.
The Headline looked to be fully seeded, but now wants to push through and make flower. Everything else looks like every single calyx caught a grain and got preggers.
I'll be interested to see how those seeds perform compared to others. I know they got seeded but now there's about a 50/50 all over the plant.
On the flower front they are starting to show, here's the whole set-up. There's a 9" clip fan (stationary) back left at the floor level. Light is right at the top using the mounting clips on the light that hook to the spreader bar. The blue rag is a shop-vac filter that has a wire cage under it to allow more airflow. It has an elastic band to hold it on the hose, but I put a hose band/clip on it to keep it stable.
The 10g FB68 "V2" has some cool varriegation all over.
I may drop more beans. Every Floyd popped, but one of the Purple has a sever helmet head that decapitated it. They were huge coconut seeds. But none of the Skunks made it. The Purples are fems but also suppised to be slow/tiny plants.
I culled the two iffy clones. The 6 in the tray plus 1 are all FB68. The Tire Fire tiny plant is by the aloe. Those will get flipped as soon as they root the new pots. None are for bulk. I think I'll try 2-3g pots for the clones. My current moms are the other 5 on the edge.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have some older Pine Tar Kush remakes that I wanted to germ, then thought about it and popped a 5-pack of Uzbekistani and Pakistani Chitral Kush that are freebies from CSI. All are supposed to be "pure indica" reproductions so probably slow growing and small. I think next will be the '79 Xmas Bud, and the freebie PTK if the others didn't take. I'm not writing off keeping new moms, but all these are still available at CSI and if I like something There ya go. Makes it easy. Grow a tree, flip when it's big enough, no need to get clonable tissue.

Looking through the rest I have a few I might lean towards taking a flower clone once they're sorted into females. Durban Poison is one since I have a lone pack and the F5's are a pretty unique selection. A few of the CLG like the Homecoming Queen are another option. But very few.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Are you going with 12:12 the whole time with the seeded plants or are you going to try the Rasta Jeff 18:6 the last two weeks?
I watched a few of his episodes actually investigating that. From what he says the seeds get a harder shell sooner and might take longer to germinate but have a higher rate. I'm sticking with 12/12 for my lone run. no wierd shit.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One thing In am considering, since I am not counting on any of the vegetable matter for concentrates or anything, was mentioned by OKCalyx on a recent podcast. When shucking the seeds, add super dry compost or castings to crumble around and innoculate the seeds with good biology.

Since it's all going back to compost the castings wouldn't be an issue. If it's dry it should help scrub the skins off the seeds at the very least. I'll be drying the seeds longer after getting the chaff out anyway.


Insanely Active Member
I'm not counting on any of the seed plants for any medicinal anything. I see it more as crazy compost.

I have assorted size bucket grids and the 1/4" one works for rolling the bud around on to bust it up, with holes big enough for seeds to fall through. I plan on letting everything get super dry before even trying. put it through a grid smaller than the seeds to get the bulk off the dust out, then whats left should be good for a quick sort the old way.

But dumping that same bucket in a sorter after the 1/4" grid and you're done. I have a fan with a rheostat instead of a switch/button for speeds, so dialing it in should be easy. I can sort it into different classes of seeds that way as well. The 1st run heavies would be more likely to germinate than the ones on the second run with a lower fan speed.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
i have all the flower and seeded plants in the same room now. did a major defoliation on everything, including lower limbs on the flower plants, then rearranged. what I just noticed is there's no plant stakes. Also, the 4 FB68 are well into flower before the rest. Quicker finishers and my favorite! win win!
Seed tent
Seed closet


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Seedlings are set for this round, lots of shorties that should veg longer. The Pine Tar Kush only had one pop out of 12, but that was a product of my newb-ness anyway. Auction on here I got what was obviously a freebie pack of PTK. Only 5 beans and it looked special so I sent them to @J.James
and asked him to make more. He got a male and a female to pop, which means the previous open pollination was selected to 2 plants - but not because they were good ones. One bean to see if he made gold LOL - I have some newer PTK from CSI I'll pop later.
The Pakistani Chitral looks very uniform. 5 for 5 with the PTK stuck in the empty spot
The Uzbekistani are NOT uniform, and out of 5 beans I got 7 plants ;) I am debating separating them but I'll probably just snip the smaller one to be safe. There's an obvious thick stem andd thin stem on each twin


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This was one of those "shit or get off the pot" moments while the seedlings don't have many itsy-bitsy root folicles yet. The tiny one on the left yanked right out and got stuck in another cel, but the ones on the right have fused stems. pulled on it a bit but they wouldn't separate easy so it can wait until they get bigger


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I popped on just to add an effect I noticed from the Flashback.

Oddly enough it's related to the previous pic.

Rather than giving you the munchies it seems to act as an appetite supressant.

Just like those cuties above 😜 🤪