#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
I just put the other 3 ghost bastards in water, in case the first 3 dried out too much while i was at the hospital. Which I'm thinking is the case because seeds don't usually take this long to break ground. They were pretty dry when i got home, i wasn't expecting to be there that long. At least i still have 3 more lol.
yeah a seed drying out after its popped is deatrh


Super Active Member
My ghost bastards should be coming up any day now. Hopefully. All 3 germed and went into soil but my old lady went into labor the night before last. So i wasn't here and when we got home today they were kinda dry. But hey, my daughter is healthy and beautiful and i still got 3 more ghost bastard beans so it's all good.
Congratulations, you really never realize how precious they are til you have one of your own. Better get all the rest you can when she sleeps. And when she starts crawling and walking, gotta have them hawk eyes! Lol congrats man


Super Active Member
Congrats on the nuptuals soon to come @quiescent
Congrats, poor guy, lol. Been thru two divorces, meh, ain't doin it again. Glad for ya though.
From experience and observation, the surest way for a man to screw up a working relationship is to fold to the pressure of marriage. May @quiescent be the exception.
Congrats, Space! Ditto to Quiescent on the upcoming hitch. Prolly been married here longer than you've both been on the rock. Met my old lady at the drinking fountain in 8th grade/1971. She was tryin to find someone to split a hif of acid with. I was her guy.... Never had a career but was lucky in love, for sure. All my friends have been divorced multiple times and none of em retired at 55 like I did. Most of that was because of "ex wives". (OK...and other stupid choices made along the way)

Starting to plan the outside garden and thinking about strain choices..... What Heisenbeans should get the nod folks? Really want (like everyone else) some Banana in my life (will be a side-by-side with Oni Tally Man if it happens)

Gettin there! Summer is comin'! (OK...it'll be a bit here...but you get the idea)
Thanks guys. I'm fairly certain it'll work out, but who doesn't say that. Watched a lot of my friends marry the wrong women, this one is a rarity. If it doesn't, I married up lol.

Congrats to @TheSpaceFarm, kids are awesome as long as they aren't mine lol. Been called the best uncle ever though, to be fair I am the only uncle lol.