#Heisenbeans Genetics


Deleted member 60

Had 4 patients I was a caregiver for back in the day. Ran the UnderCurrent then...so there was serious excess. None of my peeps ever paid for their meds. I made it all up on the backside with the party-type folks. and then some.

Unless you have to register WHERE your grow is.....you can double it again by makin copies of your cards and gettin her to let you set up a second frow there at her place. In full-on mode...i had 3 houses....all on the same cards....heehee........

Until they limit how many guns folks can have at one property.... I refuse to play their games.....we got games too.....LOL.

Be safe boys


Super Active Member
Yeah, I’ve grown a couple outdoors. A couple thousand over the years, so I’m pretty experienced at it. But this is a new one-
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Seen it on top but never on the bottom, that's rare!
I met someone from S. Texas this week who told me what the market is like down that way. I can see WHY folks ship weed there/elsewhere if folks are stupid enough to pay such ridiculous prices.
I remember you talking about all the excess and what prices were like there, made me think for a minute, hehe! Because its dry here and it's been dry for a few months. End consumers are paying 10-20 per G, and quantity dont get ye much of a discount. I worry about the bottom falling out here, but I hear of a lot of dispensaries getting the same prices as the black market here which contradicts other stuff I hear. I guess quantity and demand is different everywhere you look.


Super Active Member
Out in the greenhouse got around 150 clones in dirt. Did t take long for the termites to show ADub clone around a foot tall. You can see one of the bastards on the bottom right. I picked up the plant and 10 more spilled out. I got some clones that are now 3 foot tall right next to this one so I'm afraid they are gonna find it.
Ordered some dessert for em after eating the inside of the plant up for dinner.

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Let me know how this works out for ye? I've always been skittish of soil drenching with these type products. I used some of the ones that you push into the ground that has poisoned cardboard inside. I feel like it helped save the rest of my crop that year but theres no way to know for sure. I think 8 came with the kit and nearly everyone of them got completely ate. If I remember right they had some kind of indicator on top that let you know when they were completely consumed.


Shinobi of seeds
Hydro for 5k a unit, you must be laughing all the way to the bank and if you were making that, why not save money and put your gold seal gear thru a legal dispo in a legal state? Sorry bout you black market boys, but not sorry. Making bank like that and then bitchin bout it, that's rich, lol, but its all the herb, man, no matter how you go about it, eh?
It cost more in a black market because you risk going to prison. People always act like $5k a p is crazy but ending up going to prison for $5k would be fucked. In that scenario even 5k is cheap in my opinion.


Dont Need One
I agree totally. These guys are kinda like middlemen and not the end user. What's killed it around here is from legal states where they are getting it at 1600 lb. Mine is just as good or better than what they get. But I have yet to finish any of Heisens stuff yet. GG4 is the going thing around here right now at 1600 per lb. It's not scwag either but nice quality stuff. That's what I'm competing against.
With me growing in hydro I can take seeds from average companies and have smoke that's a bit better than the gg4 that they are getting. I have one plant of my own breeding that's exceptional but doesn't yield well.

If you run out of product then they go elsewhere around here. Prices have dropped dramatically in the last 2 years. You could get 1200 per 1/4 lb for hydro now it's 400. Outside grown weed is 300.
Thanks Michigan, Oregon, Colorado.
This is a really good subject and I'll make a new thread so I can participate. I use to be a cash cropper through and through. I'm partial to specific strains sometimes because of this. Bag appeal' yield' potency they all had to be there to keep up with the competition. Every box had to be checked. I'll make another thread because I think it's a good discussion and rarely participate in educational or giving advice type of threads but this subject has my attention.


It cost more in a black market because you risk going to prison. People always act like $5k a p is crazy but ending up going to prison for $5k would be fucked. In that scenario even 5k is cheap in my opinion.
its their choice. Risk vs reward. Again, back to my initial response, why not save some of that big bank for a rainy day like if you get caught? Not sure how long you been in OR, but it was the medical folks abusing the system that got the scale of the black market there on the map. lol. Now they can't hardly give it away. Funny thing also bout black market, once I let the local boys know to start scopin that weed before they buy it, they've refused some, lol, and its because of that damn too close trim to get all the keif off job they do. You can scope some of the commersh comin from CO these days and it looks like they shook every bud before they packaged it, lmao, it gets ya a lil high, always got the latest name, and everyone bitches bout having to give 300 an ozzie for it. But there's nothing else around, so they'll give it. Ain't worth 150 an oz.


Shinobi of seeds
For many reasons, I don't think that bleeding every possible penny from the custies is a good idea.
I never charged more the 40 an 1/8th for random folks and friends rarely paid over $30.

But I feel if youre the one risking your freedom its your call as to the price charged. And 5k a pound still aint worth it if you get popped. Thats why I never went big with it out in illinois.


Shinobi of seeds
its their choice. Risk vs reward. Again, back to my initial response, why not save some of that big bank for a rainy day like if you get caught? Not sure how long you been in OR, but it was the medical folks abusing the system that got the scale of the black market there on the map. lol. Now they can't hardly give it away. Funny thing also bout black market, once I let the local boys know to start scopin that weed before they buy it, they've refused some, lol, and its because of that damn too close trim to get all the keif off job they do. You can scope some of the commersh comin from CO these days and it looks like they shook every bud before they packaged it, lmao, it gets ya a lil high, always got the latest name, and everyone bitches bout having to give 300 an ozzie for it. But there's nothing else around, so they'll give it. Ain't worth 150 an oz.
Yep, the bud here in oregon shops have been bounced for every last crystal. Makes for a short high smoking that stuff.


I met someone from S. Texas this week who told me what the market is like down that way. I can see WHY folks ship weed there/elsewhere if folks are stupid enough to pay such ridiculous prices.

I can also see why some cats here have the newest, shiniest lights and shit. I remember those days...though even in full on illegal mode we didn't get close to the prices I was told about down there at present.

Dunno about other states...but CO locked it up so tight and made licensing/setting up shop so (intrusive) expensive that the small guy here who wants to vend has no outlet >other< than the Black Market. No dispensary sales here anymore. It was a good time while it lasted (2008-2010) though.... (medical)

Either way...I sent this person away smiling bigly. (with a >big< ole free sack) At least in their neck of the woods...they said they could NEVER find anything this nice. OZ's here go for what 1/8th go for there....fuckin nutzoid. I couldn't believe it after sitting on so much weed all year....LOL. "location, location, location"....just like real estate.....
If I do let go of any, I am getting 300/oz. Not as much flower as you would think where I am from.
Interesting subject. I'm not a cash cropper.
I love the plant for what it is.
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Hobby Farmer
In Ontario the black market is about 150 to 175 an oz for really good stuff. On some reservations you can get 18 to 20% for 100 an oz all the time. These are my observations and i didnt have an awesome BM dealer with great herb. It as hit or miss. This time it was stellar the next time it was mids.

Before things were legal you could pay 300 an oz right about now as the stash is scarce waiting for the outdoor to harvest. The gov charges 10 to 25 dollars per gram depending on something I dont understand....greed probably.
It was the biggest reason I started growing my own. It was too damned expensive to do it that way.
The genetics are just a super bonus!...growing better than i ever bought before...well that is the best.

The 100 an oz are mids...tiny little bitty buds and you will not find trichs...they ended up in rosin for sale.

The black market product was 50 50. Some had decent frost and bud size (175ish) and the other product was tumbled. Too much of that shit going on.
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If I do let go of any, I am getting 300/oz. Not as much flower as you would think where I am from.
Interesting subject. I'm not a cash cropper.
I love the plant for what it is.
Likewise. I'm in a friendly state but my cash cropping days are long, long gone.

I'm more into R&D, pollination, Tissue Culture, and making just enough to keep my ins/outs going every year. 90% of what I have stays as is or gets made into RSO and goes to my niece with brain cancer in the PNW.


Yesterday I talked to my cousin who just purchased some in Colorado as he relocated there. He said nothing was bigger than a fingernail. It sounds like they are selling mids as top-shelf after rolling them through a tumbling dry sieve.
I can't imagine what "legal" weed is or tastes like. Never had any.
Not bragging, "maybe a little", but I can't find any compatible flower to what I am producing for my personal needs. I'm sure it's here somewhere, but I have no connections and don't look for any. Big thing here in "rural county" USA is Meth. 2 OD'ead in the past month out here in the middle of no fuckin' where.
These people have changed in the past few years.
Sorry for babbling, but weed needs to be legal everywhere. People are dying that maybe didn't have to because of the laws in certain states.


Hobby Farmer
I’ll find out tonight, been letting them cure.
Wow you have fortitude.
I am so bad i kept a jar of all of the xl grinder left after i tried a heisendoob. I filled a 1 cup jar of gg4/ww/pp.
Now i am rolling that jar because it smelled so good when i flipped the dubstep out to roll a purple punch doob. The mix jar is fantastic.
Dubstep cured 5 days. I had to try it lol. And wow thats great too. 4 for 4 fantastic. I think the first 3 are coming into the cure now too they smoke and taste really good now.
Skeleton cookies is greasier than those with 3 to 4 to go.
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