Greenpoint Seeds


Insanely Active Member
Depends...If its small enough that your mail carrier cased it...which means it went in with the magazines...they pull the mail down and put straps around it. Pull the straps tight enough they could easily smash it.

Also yes it could of be flattened before it got to your office. Thrown in a bin with millions of other 1st class packages or even worse reg mail ....if it had a stamp on a regular envelope in most likely went through a roller. if it was a 1st class package chances are it was crushed by bigger 1st class packages in the bin during transit.


Super Active Member
Hey Stickygreen
(passing to the left side) do you no the lyrics from musical youth??
here ya go

I say pass the dutchie on the left hand side
Pass the dutchie on the left hand side
It a gonna burn, give me music make me jump and prance
It a go done, give me the music make me rock in the dance 😉😎👏🏼


Really Active Member
I got 3x City Slicker & 3x Eagle solos germing.. have grown Cowboy Kush & Genius Grandaddy.... both were fire also popped chinook and pig whistle.... all male band...will keep the thread posted as they grow and I weave...


Insanely Active Member
Talking ABOUT mail running slow i sent a few gifts 4th December ?
items still in transit will have to put in a missing strain clam lol.
BODEGA, TOPANGA WEDDING, LUCKY 7, CNC, G6 JET FUEL Snake venom lost in Transit 😣 the mail system is a joke tbh
If you want a guarantee go with Priority everytime. Any MO or Cash i send is always sent priority no matter what.


Insanely Active Member
Still waiting here on some Christmas mail to route to its you guys aren't alone.
As long as it has a tracking # on it, it should be delivered eventually. Alot of the time packages will get put in the wrong bin and end up getting sent to the other side of the country

Deleted member 60

As long as it has a tracking # on it, it should be delivered eventually. Alot of the time packages will get put in the wrong bin and end up getting sent to the other side of the country
No tracking. Envelopes. The things I find that are truly worth sharing don't take up any real space :D It is a bit maddening though when a letter takes 10-12 days to reach it's destination less than 1000 miles away..


Insanely Active Member
Believe it or not that 1 letter might make 7 to 12 stops before it makes it to your city. When its being moved around that much there is a higher chance for there to be an error or it being put on the wrong truck..etc.

and that 1 letter mailed a day a part could take a completely different route and still take the same 7 to 12 days to get to you. Its usps

the only thing that will ever save you is that tracking # The rest is just chulked up to lost in the sauce.
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Deleted member 60

Not 100% sure but it doesn't seem that letters are scrutinized like packages are. I've had a send or two in the priority boxes get tagged and then got a letter saying they thought there may be illegal contents/that I had 30 days to come and pick it up or the Postal guy would smoke it...' would be "destroyed"....

Sure thing. I'll be right down....

I've yet to have a letter tagged...or not make it to its destination. I learned the trick years ago when I was on OG. Heaven's Stairway sent all of their seeds in business envelopes.....from Canada (there was no tracking then)....and they sailed right in time after time. Just take precautions for the rollers...

The golden rule here is to never mail what you can't afford to lose.....and don't put your own address on the send. Use theirs as send/return...make sure there's enough stamps.....and BOOM. Smiles.


Insanely Active Member
Not 100% sure but it doesn't seem that letters are scrutinized like packages are. I've had a send or two in the priority boxes get tagged and then got a letter saying they thought there may be illegal contents/that I had 30 days to come and pick it up or the Postal guy would smoke it...' would be "destroyed"....

Sure thing. I'll be right down....

I've yet to have a letter tagged...or not make it to its destination. I learned the trick years ago when I was on OG. Heaven's Stairway sent all of their seeds in business envelopes.....from Canada (there was no tracking then)....and they sailed right in time after time. Just take precautions for the rollers...

The golden rule here is to never mail what you can't afford to lose.....and don't put your own address on the send. Use theirs as send/return...make sure there's enough stamps.....and BOOM. Smiles.
The reason reg mail isnt scrutinzed like packages are is bc it would be virtually impossible. The volume of regular mail in the system is hard to even put into words. On a regular day, your mail carrier delievers around 4 to 5000 pieces of mail every single day. This doesnt include packages.

Packages from source countrys (known drug distro countries like Netherlands and Germany) are always going to be more of a risk. Anything that goes through customs is going to be a risk tho no matter what country its going to.

Now for US Domestic Packages....Express is heavily scrutinized bc is in basically a chain of custody. Its kept out of the "normal" mail stream. and there isnt very many of them so there easier to profile.

Priority coming from CA/WA/OR/CO is sometimes looked at a little harder....anywhere marijuana is legalized.

Not having a return address can get the packaged "flagged".
Having it all taped up and looking like a shotty package can get it flagged
Smelling like anything (weed/perfume/whatever) can get it flagged

***Just a tip: If the sender in being investigated bc they have been found to be sending prohibited shit through the system and he sends you a package...that package can and often times gets flagged.

*Use Prepaid shipping...not going to list them here but many exist.
Make sure whatever your sending has the proper postage for the weight of the package
Use Blue Boxes whenever possible so your not going into the office

****Regular mail...just an envelope and a stamp WILL ALWAYS be safer then sending a package w/ a tracking#.
But Reg mail is also the most likely to be lost or stolen.


That’s shitty. I’m wondering if the non tracked goes through a different process. Keep us posted on how you make out.
I called, talked to Jeanne, then sent some pics of the damage. Had to pick a different flavor. The order is already processed approx 12 hrs later. Replaced the Punch Bubble with Ice Cream Punch... That's pretty decent customer service! Easy and fast, making good on a post office f' up they had no control over.

Anyone want Purple Banana Cookies or Bio-Diesel...theres only a few packs left. Hopefully Punch Bubble rides again. ;)


Heathen Basterd
I called, talked to Jeanne, then sent some pics of the damage. Had to pick a different flavor. The order is already processed approx 12 hrs later. Replaced the Punch Bubble with Ice Cream Punch... That's pretty decent customer service! Easy and fast, making good on a post office f' up they had no control over.

Anyone want Purple Banana Cookies or Bio-Diesel...theres only a few packs left. Hopefully Punch Bubble rides again. ;)
purple Banana Cookies I would like