#Heisenbeans Genetics


"Justa Ganja Lover"
It's a dead ass horse man. Gu sold a bunch of s1s last year that he purchased and they was bunk. Some folks was reimbursed and some forgot and some got mad and took there ball home, told him to fuck himself so they could complain for the next 20 years on the internet.
Everything was cool and than out of the blue whyte makes threats and talks about the dudes wife here.

No one is sensoring anything or getting banned but that post he made was over the top. He was told to go make his own thread in the kitchen sink. That's what it was for. He changed his avatar and threatened to delete all his forum content.
Besides the fact he sells his shit here on a platform that someone else is paying the bill.
He could have swallowed his pride, put his grown up pants on and went back to his business. Of course it didnt end there. It goes on to IG and elsewhere.
Would love to see icmag and rollitup welcome him selling and shipping his lights over there.

He asked me for a refund of his preorder on an issue I had nothing to do with. I gave him his money back and just tossed his envelope in The trash. He was getting hooked the fuck up and didnt even realize it. Now he gets his 60 dollars back for 400 dollars worth of seeds and he has lost customers based on his tantrum.

I'm to busy to have to settle this stupid shit.
Shiiid,I'll take those BBC crosses he wanted.Tell me when to pay!!! Seriously.

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
I hate to add fuel to the fire but Gu should maybe add some of his top stuff on Heisen's site like Heisen is doing on Gu's. I know a lot of people got turned off from using CC on the GPS site. I might actually buy something from Gu if it were on Heisen's site. Just sayin' 👽
I have never had any problems with @Gu~~~ He replacement my S1 seeds that were bunk with more then I expected. I’ve also grown some of his gear that was fire especially my Orange Blossom Special [main cola cut Lmao jk] but it’s some fire for sure. I hope him an @Heisenbeans do well in this seed game. I know it must be tough to satisfy everyone and their will always be Haters. I think Heisenbeans is doing a hell of job so far and when that fire starts to hit the forums hopefully it will shut up all those crybaby troll haters up .. I think it will and their going to be wishing that they had that fire

Deleted member 60

Many thanks and much respect for holding yer shit together and doing what you said you would do on so many fronts, Heisen. I can't wait to torture some of these bitches in the high altitude Sun, Wind, rain and hail...

And thanks to Admin for keeping the sieve clean so everything drains well around here.


Solo cup champion 2019
Packaging everyone's seeds today was completely the most satisfying achievement I have ever made besides my 4 children. I felt not only great because these growers from all over have trusted me with there identities but they wanted to grow something I created. I truly appreciate everyone who has stood by me and made this passion of mine into a reality.
I can't Express enough how happy it made me feel putting everyone's orders together.
You should be proud. That is a great thing you did. Especially for those of us where it is still illegal to grow, now we can get good genetics. Now that I know they are going out this week I put off putting seeds in the paper towels. Yours will be next to go in. Keep up the good work bro.


Active Member
Packaging everyone's seeds today was completely the most satisfying achievement I have ever made besides my 4 children. I felt not only great because these growers from all over have trusted me with there identities but they wanted to grow something I created. I truly appreciate everyone who has stood by me and made this passion of mine into a reality.
I can't Express enough how happy it made me feel putting everyone's orders together.
Right on man, keep on pluggin away.

This is why I don't get the people hatin, even from my limited interactions with you you seem like the type of cat who just wants to do what he loves and feels he can do it better than some others.

If the shoe was on the other foot would these same cats meet their end goal? or give up cause of the hate?