#Heisenbeans Genetics

Inf Flux

All about that Walter White, hope you'll take the new order.
The generosity and overall atmosphere here has made this my main forum. Sure its new and there arent the sticky threads, yet, but for a group of growers that dont know each other this place has a good vibe.
I have been through some rough times as of late. Nothing like what some fellow contributors are going through. But i lost my mom @56 , long story. Give your family a hug and a kiss today.
This guy @Heisenbeans took alot of shit for doing wjat he did, in thr "industry". Especially the MAC, Capulator thinks he walks in water. I give him good chakra from miles away, to reach this day.
The dude has a wife and 4 kids! And takes on this chance. THAT TAKES BALLSSSS
Well , im glad it all worked out!!!
Thanks again for all your generosity heis and fam.View attachment 3287
It was well worth the wait, and getting permanently banned from the farm.
I will make a whatchamacallit account, ya sock, to post shit and bring more new peeps. 300+ not bad for a little over a month!!
Thank you Erick we're at the point where we just want her to be as comfortable as possible. They're letting her go home by the end of the week. Which is great compared to the 48 hours they gave her 2 days ago.

Terpy I'm here if you ever want to vent, were all here for each other in hopes of bettering ourselves. In life and in this plant we all are so passionate about. Heisen has brought us genetics some of us would never even know about let alone see. We're all fortunate for him.
Much feels at the Situations. Peace and love to all of your people.
Been a rough few years. Glad we have communities we can vent a bit in. This place has a good feel and the many messages of support I read for you guys warmed me a bit, or is that the Gorilla Cookies and whiskey? I don't know. Either way I want to say that this is ok and the hurt will never leave but that's a good thing. The hurt is relative to how good the relationship you had was. It's a eulogy you will carry.
When you feel the loss, remember the good and strive to treat others so that when it's your time, It really, really hurts.


Dont Need One
Why so much hate guys? I remember Heisenbean saying he was Ok working over there?
You are getting me lost with all those changes. Is what you're selling now what we will be getting tomorrow?
I never worked there i was a moderator on a free forum, Seriously if you got an issue or problem or something you wanna get of your chest come on out with it, I been non stop all day and finally caught a break so i have a minute. What you wanna get off your chest homie? Here I am


Damn look at all them packs arriving . nice ! Y'all be ordering 5 or 6 packs in over here like 2 seeds is all I need don't need a whole pack. Guess ill hit up the single seed center if they legit . anybody know of any places that do 1 or 2 seeds at a time?
Why do that when 6 seeds will cost you more than buying a pack and getting a free pack.. makes no sense to me... but I won’t lie I just bought some singles off Attitude had to grab some Tropicana cookies and some ogkz