Fiddler's Green
Just a regular vato
I did that earlier in the season (around mid May) but I should have started like you said February or March.Go to whole foods or some similar organic place and get some in February. Make slips.
All my inside grow dirt ends up doing potatoes outside, either sweets or regs, in fabric bags. After that crop, the bagged soil goes into a pile and gets a cover crop like beans, clover or vetch, and then gets turned and put into bed or bags for something else the following season.........because the new dirt is always coming in, it works out. But I live on a rock so any dirt is welcome.
Also, the thing about slips is they last forever in a jar of water and around here, I can craigslist slips for $2 each, especially if you have reds or purples, Purples are the highest. You won't get rich but a making a couple hundos is easy and goes directly to the seed fund.
Making slips..........bury the plant long ways, cover half in dirt, half exposed...........done...........fuck all that water toothpick shit
I used a mushroom container and coco.