Since we are talking strawberries, I have one single plant I started from seed two winters ago. I set it out last spring and it made a few tiny berries that were super sweet. This year it's a bigger plant and is already putting out the little berry-stem-things with two to three each. I just stuck this on the side of a hill with no soil prep or anything. There's some 6+yr-old plants there that came from my apartment with me. Also stuck in ground with no prep and still making berries.

I started a flat of strawberrys this time and I'll have a nicer spot for them. They are middle back. Peppers are green signs, 'maters are red.
The peppers I planted a few seeds per cell and culled a few. and then wondered if I damaged the roots on the keeper doing it. For the tomatoes I just put one seed per cel and only two cels per strain. There are only two I didn't get a germination on and there's plenty of time to start more.
I have marigolds and dahlia at the front and I just learned that the dahlia are like potatoes, they make tubers for roots you can save over winter then replant like a bulb.

Here's a view of part of my just-mowed yard. I had to knock down all the grass before it went to seed but the clover and henbit are killing it. Soon I'll just mow to collect mulch.

The leaf-cage got a better wall, but the experiment is going well. It is in the shade of the west side off thte house so it gets sun from noon on. 4 potatoes are the main thing, but there's several grain-grass clumps like barley, some herbs, buckwheat in the middle.

I have a great green lacewing population it seems. On the window last night and the wall this morning.

I think I have asparagus figured out. let it grow out then mow the old stuff as the new ones pop. I'll have some to eat in about 5 years.

The cover crop is lush and some of the radishes are going to seed. When I plant the tomatoes and they get mulched it'll look like a garden. Way too much stuff I need to plant in the ground but last year we had a late frost. Waiting until 4/20 for anything I may need to bring in.
Last thing - I found this in the forest under a small magnolia tree - any ideas? It's like two little cotton candy puffballs where leaf buds should be for a little tree. Seriously Dr Seuss looking stuff.