I got my current veggie garden mowed around the bush beans where all the tomatoes will go. I think I got the last woodchuck taken care of. 2 kids showed up a few days apart and were nosing around the exact same area where I got the big one. Instincts can be bad
I don't play the tax return game. My federal return was $0 - since I adjusted my withholdings so they only take what I owe them during the year. Can't do that with State but I got back everything of what little I paid in. It bought me two 43' fences that are in 32" sections. With a coupon it worked out to about $6/panel including 4 gates (2 with each). Not sturdy at all but it'll keep out bunnies and woodchuck. I had two other fences that had eight 2' panels permanently hooked together that I stuck in the back. Now I know what I have for area I'll figure out how many mounds I can fit for the 3'sisters mounds.

Everything in the fence looked like the barren wasteland in the foreground. That is the result of one year just a few mounds that took off and made lots of beans and birdhouse gourds. Only planting food type gourds/melon/squash/pumpkin this year. That green tarp is a heavily mineralized pile of assorted soil stuff to mix in with each mound. Compost, castings, some new peat, and some forest stuff. The blue one is nothing
I am going to let the sparse barley there go to seed (maybe a few weeks) then hit it with a tiller if I can. that area has brick and mortar clumps everywhere that got covered over. Probably end up just scratching it with a rake and then laying heavy mulch. I want to plant an assortment of seed-grasses in little patches. In Fall I'll wire that area in and do the leaf mulch thing on a large scale.
A 100' garden hose from the house gets to that hose-rack on the right. From there to the middle of the garden is another 50'er. All the flowering stuff around the edges is blackberry. They got huge last year getting the excess from the garden water.

The other thing I can do this year with a fence is put all my potted peppers here and stick them in the ground eventually. Off in the sunset is a lake maybe a 5 minute walk. My wildlife is very unpredictable. This is 17' at the skinniest but 18' mostly, and 40' long. Once I get the soil established I will have an area to do row crops.

I got a blueberry picker basket to try and harvest a bunch of clover flower (and others) without a lot of hassle. I have half a dozen large patches established. I dug up a clump that was in the wrong spot in my other garden and the roots were covered with the nitrogen nodules.

I tried to get a closeup of the golden clover, but everything else came out clear. It's cool, but really thin and doesn't really cover the ground. Would be perfect in places where you want taller stuff to grow through easy.