Greenpoint Seeds

Big Perm

What kind of coco you rock @Big Perm? Was thinking about plantonix or however you spell it next. Tried the grow it loose bag after hearing some good but its dumb pricey for what it is.
I get a 10lb brick of whatever is cheapest. Usually around $15. I loves me some coco.
I've gotten this brand the last few times, it works great.

I mix in 5 gal of water. I put some Calcium Nitrate in the water first.

I add about this much perlite. It has some hydroton in it from some old stuff I was doing a while back. It eventually works its way out of the coco when I sift dead roots out. I reuse my coco.
I really like adding perlite, some people don't.
That made about 15gal.

Deleted member 60

Wrong in a normal world. We are not living in a normal world now.

As far as I can tell...the Post Office next to that Wal Mart is also open. Could be another wrong show me some newer news if you can back up your claim. I couldn't find any articles/info that said that the CITY got their way telling the FED what to do. Nope. As of 3 days ago....they were flipping the city the bird...



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Every state is doing it's own thing. If you are in a blue state you are likely being oppressed. Deal with it. The rest of the country is getting back to normal.
Signed - the rest of the country.


Every state is doing it's own thing. If you are in a blue state you are likely being oppressed. Deal with it. The rest of the country is getting back to normal.
Signed - the rest of the country.
Lol my red state and the one below me are just starting to get the second wave, can't wait after seeing the idiots on lake o the Ozarks, my ole stomping grounds this weekend start getting sick and kicking the bucket, lol. Also seen they are passing a bill to eliminate laesuits to businesses from lawsuits so if it happens at their place suck it up buttercup, lol, if you give it to your granny and she dies, fuck any whining, bury em and go bout your business. Signed- not the idiots,lol

Deleted member 60

If you are in a Blue State you are likely just wearing a mask and caring about those around you and not making a big deal out of any of it. Nobody here is talking about "oppression". Red state.....not so much it seems. I'm glad the idiot factor here is pretty low.... like the average BMI. (lowest in the nation) That shit goes hand in hand.

Yeah @Bodyne mom lives down that hiding for the last 2 months +....and here come the Dolts for their drunken weekend...ignoring all the rules....cus..they's speshul. Click. Boom. Where's that home boy defender type "Patriot" and his AR when ya need it? Oh..yeah....he's in the pool. (easy to spot...he's the size of Shamu). At least they ain't oppresseded though...huh? Never mind about everyone else. Shut up and get me another beer.....and a ventilator. Nah...maybe not.

Sadly...such a law doesn't surprise me coming from the midwest/south. It just forces folks to take stronger, more drastic measures to deal with such problems. Been there, done that. Two wrongs don't make a right but it sure does fuck those folks over if you do it correctly. When i was young a guy sucker punched my best friend and broke his eye socket/fucked him up for an entire summer. Cops wouldn't do we found where he lived...and none of his cars ever ran right again.....for years. Heeheee.

Yup....go about yer business.... if you can motherfucker....LOL.


Hobby Farmer
Or.....TOPAGA !

#5 of 6.. top buds are 20% amber. Day 63 since flip and i want to ride it out a few more days and get it a lot more amber to see how dense the stone gets.

I love the aroma.

I think this is the first full round where i never exceeded 1000TDS for the entire grow. It looks less crispy than before. :D

She is fading out getting a 400TDS solution of Dyna Grow Bloom set to PH 5.8

The last one is in a 8 inch rockwool cube. I hand poured nutrient water on it almost daily and it is pretty much the same as a 5 gallon coco pot. Pretty amazing really.

10 bucks for the cube
10 bucks is 5 gallons of coco as well (10 gallons for 20 bucks canna coco).
So its the same price.
Rockwool is environmental poison but...they make it 20 minutes from here so i can live with it. I might get 2 more cubes.


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I dont see sour cookies on the site anymore even when using gps search bar but I found at least this trace of it. I got a pack end of last year but haven't sprouted yet.
Interesting though sour cookies is in the description of the animal star cookies write up..
View attachment 55507
I've found that putting "Greenpoint Seeds Sour Cookies" or whatever strain yer seekin, into google, will bring the GPS page up for that strain, even tho the site itself gives a zero answer.

Here's the link from the goog for that strain

Seems to work for most discontinued or sold out strains, at least for now.


Upside down
Every state is doing it's own thing. If you are in a blue state you are likely being oppressed. Deal with it. The rest of the country is getting back to normal.
Signed - the rest of the country.
Don't know whether to say congratulations or commiserations on your (usa) 100,000 death milestone. Keep up the good work.