#Heisenbeans Genetics


Heathen Basterd
I have always just used slightly warm water and soak till see seed start to show its seam then to paper towel moist with same temp water , never had issues unless the seeds were really old , I just got 2 seeds out of 10 rooted and above ground that are older than some of the people on here
I bet they'd squish if I tried to scuff em.

That water has a few drops of H2O2 to kill anything on the outside but I'm afraid it's too late.
I'll let em soak another day but they look fucked. ☠
Haha, yep.
I can manually manage my warmth for my seed popping in the clone box, lights do most of the work. Lol. Either I'm lucky or my little box does me proud. Lmfao.
Sorry bro.. 1000 condolences.. I know you probably dont wanna hear it right now but Ive found that loss can have a way of really bringing in to focus the importance/beauty of each and every fucking day. I read the obituaries every day.. see babies and kids... young mothers/fathers passing after brief illnesses.. and countless OD's. I can put myself in their shoes and briefly feel their pain.. it puts my problems/issues into perspective

I say all that because I also know how easily a loss can bring periods of intense depression (I lost my brother -who was my best friend- to an OD when I was 18.. I hated life and was mad at the world for years. I was violent and self-destructive.. wound up turning to drugs myself) I say live like your loved one would want you to.. make their memory proud etc. keep your head up my friend, never feel like you're going through things alone. I know it can be tough at times but each breath is a blessing.. tell your family/friends that you love them.

May your father rest peacefully..
Thank you so much for the kind words and insight. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Yeah bro, it definitely puts things in perspective, honestly things are a lot clearer now, like what matters and what's not so important.. I think I might propose to my girlfriend of four years lol.

Thanks again, what you said really means a lot.


Solo cup champion 2019
Thank you so much for the kind words and insight. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Yeah bro, it definitely puts things in perspective, honestly things are a lot clearer now, like what matters and what's not so important.. I think I might propose to my girlfriend of four years lol.

Thanks again, what you said really means a lot.
Congratulations bro... I wish you both the best. I have been thinking of that a lot recently. I'm just working on building up the nerve to do it.


Solo cup champion 2019
Got my tracking number today, pretty stoked! Will be ordering a lot more!

I usually soak my seeds for 12-18 hours, then into wet paper towel and into a baggy that sits on the nightstand beside my bed. Not sure why, but this system has been flawless even though it's cooler in my room.
Awesome... How long do you leave them in the paper towels?. I have had mixed results doing that. I had some completely sprout in them, and some just pop a little nub of a tail out and die


Super Active Member
Hello Heisien, I know you are extremely busy and for sure working on this, Tried again to get on testers list still getting this error when I click submit. View attachment 3783
He said a hundred times, there is a dude taking care if it and he is taking longer than anticipated. It is not ready yet but will be ready soon what is so hard to understand?