#Heisenbeans Genetics

Cause they take about 2 weeks to flower after flip from seed. They still continue to grow new nodes so flip at 3 you'll end up with about 8. I had no clue these plants were this vigorous. I've never seen growth as large as what I've been seeing.
Thanks man for the reply and yeah they looking banging. Im starting my new run with your seeds...nad hope to post progress here as much as i can.....ive sent you an email Uncle Heisen. When you got a few moments please take a look...Thanks


Really Active Member
Do a water with Hyd peroxide 10ml per gallon to clean the build up off the roots before more food man
I personally wouldn't use anything that threw early balls and went away to breed with but a keeper plant to run is a different story. I heard j beezy has alot of herm issues but I personally have never seen the cake hermie. Enjoy them cause I'm not making cake s1s again unless I put them up for 300 a pack and that's a big ass if
Glad I got my order in yesterday. $37.28 (y) (y)(y)
Definitely using tracking #.
Hope is high. Thanks Heisen!
Edit: Forgot to include Chinook Haze. $16.97
Thanks Heisen again!
Hi guys im about to start running Heisens GG4 and Stardawg seeds in the same room and was wondering if you guys can help me out and point me in the right direction with regards to some questions I have (below) so I can get this run the best I can and hopefully find some killer phenos and do a grow diary and post this stuff out on the forum for others to see some great results.

I have not had any experience in growing these elite strains before but I have done a few runs with seeds from barneys farm etc with adequate results.


My system is a top feed dripper system and will be running this drain to waste with Canna 70/30 coco perlite mix and final pots will be 5 gallon air pots. Will be using Coco Cal Mag, A+B nutes, Silicone, and some Bloom Booster in flower. I have sufficient air flow equipment in and out of the room and can maintain adequate environment figures during all stages. Always do approx 20% run off on each feed and try to reduce humidity down to approx 30% in late flower (weeks 6-8)

I am running 750W DE HPS adjust a wing lamps which are dimmable to 400, 600 and 750. I have air stones in my reservoir for increased dissolved oxygen on timers. Water temps when feeding are always around 18-20 degrees. No supplementation CO2.


1. Are 5 gallon air pots to big? Or can I reduce these down to say half the size? I normally keep the seedlings in solo cups for about 14 days if growing healthy and pot up to final pots not in between so I only transplant once.

2. NUTRIENTS – what do you recommend for nute ranges to be in my setup during seedling, veg and flower stages in PPM’s or EC? For the GG4 and Stardawg

3. From your experience with these girls are they heavy feeders? Prone to deficiencies etc? anything I have to watch out for? Like potential Cal Mag issues

4. Do you think I have to feed Cal Mag in coco perlite mix all the way through until flush? That’s what ive been lead to believe so far from reading on coco feeds. On my last run I cut out Cal mag 2 weeks into flower and ended up with real airy and loose buds with the Critical Kush even though I followed the coco feed chart which advised to cut out the CalMAG – I DO NOT WANT LOOSE AIRY BUDS! Lol!

5. What wattage of light would you recommended with the double ended HPS I have during veg and flower? I cover a 1 x 1.5m area (3ft x 5ft) with each light with the wings on full spread and I have x 6 5 gallon pots under each light.

6. im planning to top twice and veg for around 4 weeks with LST possibly super cropping depending on the stretch. My last run I leaf stripped 48 hours before flipping and then lolly popped around week 3 into flower, I was left with shit loads leaf and thin stems from the bottom and hate the idea of growing the plant out so much and then having to strip so much…seems like a real waste of time.

In your experience what do you think is the best method you have used and which has worked for you which wont stress the plants out much and doesn’t compromise much on yield or quality?

I know this a long one, but I really want to get this run right to the best of my abilities and some experienced knowledge would be of great help to nail this run so I really appreciate you giving your time to read this

I hope you can point me in the right direction with my questions and anything else im missing (which I know I am ! lol!)

Thanks in Advance!



Dont Need One
Hi guys im about to start running Heisens GG4 and Stardawg seeds in the same room and was wondering if you guys can help me out and point me in the right direction with regards to some questions I have (below) so I can get this run the best I can and hopefully find some killer phenos and do a grow diary and post this stuff out on the forum for others to see some great results.

I have not had any experience in growing these elite strains before but I have done a few runs with seeds from barneys farm etc with adequate results.

My system is a top feed dripper system and will be running this drain to waste with Canna 70/30 coco perlite mix and final pots will be 5 gallon air pots. Will be using Coco Cal Mag, A+B nutes, Silicone, and some Bloom Booster in flower. I have sufficient air flow equipment in and out of the room and can maintain adequate environment figures during all stages. Always do approx 20% run off on each feed and try to reduce humidity down to approx 30% in late flower (weeks 6-8)

I am running 750W DE HPS adjust a wing lamps which are dimmable to 400, 600 and 750. I have air stones in my reservoir for increased dissolved oxygen on timers. Water temps when feeding are always around 18-20 degrees. No supplementation CO2.


1. Are 5 gallon air pots to big? Or can I reduce these down to say half the size? I normally keep the seedlings in solo cups for about 14 days if growing healthy and pot up to final pots not in between so I only transplant once.

2. NUTRIENTS – what do you recommend for nute ranges to be in my setup during seedling, veg and flower stages in PPM’s or EC? For the GG4 and Stardawg

3. From your experience with these girls are they heavy feeders? Prone to deficiencies etc? anything I have to watch out for? Like potential Cal Mag issues

4. Do you think I have to feed Cal Mag in coco perlite mix all the way through until flush? That’s what ive been lead to believe so far from reading on coco feeds. On my last run I cut out Cal mag 2 weeks into flower and ended up with real airy and loose buds with the Critical Kush even though I followed the coco feed chart which advised to cut out the CalMAG – I DO NOT WANT LOOSE AIRY BUDS! Lol!

5. What wattage of light would you recommended with the double ended HPS I have during veg and flower? I cover a 1 x 1.5m area (3ft x 5ft) with each light with the wings on full spread and I have x 6 5 gallon pots under each light.

6. im planning to top twice and veg for around 4 weeks with LST possibly super cropping depending on the stretch. My last run I leaf stripped 48 hours before flipping and then lolly popped around week 3 into flower, I was left with shit loads leaf and thin stems from the bottom and hate the idea of growing the plant out so much and then having to strip so much…seems like a real waste of time.

In your experience what do you think is the best method you have used and which has worked for you which wont stress the plants out much and doesn’t compromise much on yield or quality?

I know this a long one, but I really want to get this run right to the best of my abilities and some experienced knowledge would be of great help to nail this run so I really appreciate you giving your time to read this

I hope you can point me in the right direction with my questions and anything else im missing (which I know I am ! lol!)

Thanks in Advance!
Be best to make a new thread in the introduction section or grow room designs section.