#Heisenbeans Genetics


Insanely Active Member
might want to look at the new boards, suppose to be even better for flowering and more efficient.
Believe me, I've looked at all of them that are available lol

Im going to add around 60-80w of additional reds to both fixtures down the line. Figure I might as well get as many white diodes as possible, and put extra reds on a separate driver.


might want to look at the new boards, suppose to be even better for flowering and more efficient.
Looks like you can get them cheaper at HLG.
$79.00 for V2 rspec and $69.00 for v2
It's 4 qb132's on a hlg-240h-c1750a. Think I'm gonna grab a couple 288 boards and a driver from Atreum for the other side so I don't have to play the who's got what in stock game
Looks like you can get them cheaper at HLG.
$79.00 for V2 rspec and $69.00 for v2
I thin it is $79.00 for the v2 at Atreum



View attachment 14216
Black Zafiro to the left and Bridezilla to the right. Pic is day 22 of 12/12.
Both have been a pleasure to grow. Black Zafiro was a beast in veg, and now since 12/12, Bridezilla is the beast.
Went through a heat wave at same time we flipped. I think it affected the Black Zafiro some, but the Bridezilla shrugged it off like a champ!
Did any of you guys who ran her take note when she slowed on her stretch?
Today is day 24 and no sign of slowing down. Starting to worry a smidge about head room. lol.
Good problem to have though.
About week 4 of flower is when I saw mine slow down for the most part. Maybe a branch or 2 still pushing past the lights a bit. This is even with various unintentional stress factors. About 5 feet tall at the highest point


Mediocre grower
View attachment 14216
Black Zafiro to the left and Bridezilla to the right. Pic is day 22 of 12/12.
Both have been a pleasure to grow. Black Zafiro was a beast in veg, and now since 12/12, Bridezilla is the beast.
Went through a heat wave at same time we flipped. I think it affected the Black Zafiro some, but the Bridezilla shrugged it off like a champ!
Did any of you guys who ran her take note when she slowed on her stretch?
Today is day 24 and no sign of slowing down. Starting to worry a smidge about head room. lol.
Good problem to have though.
By the end of the 3rd week she slowed drastically, and was basically done growing vertically by end of week 4 for me