#Heisenbeans Genetics


LED Recruiter
Wow these forums are very cyclical. I remember a certain thing just like this happening a little over a year ago. At a travesty of a forum as far as freedom of speech and banning what I say. Fuck I did just say another breeder in the HB thread. When it comes flower time we will see those topangas SHINE! that GMO ain't no slouch. Thats why I went with the 6" in a 4x4. Oversized but worth it in the end.


Just some asshole
I came from a life that would eat you up if you were inferior in any way and it’s nothing like forums. I don’t understand the assholedness that happens at riu, it’s political so I do I guess. You’re growing weed. It makes you happy. Be happy. If you did a shitty job growing something then keep your fuckin mouth shut. I suspect that’s usually the case.

I tried to grow like 25 tester beans from j.james that didn’t amount to shit. I felt fortunate to get them to try. I didn’t drag his name through the dirt. I blame myself for the vast majority of it, I’m new to this game. If I was a master grower I’d still keep my shit to myself and inform whomever that their testers have issues. Doesn’t need to be broadcast. If I did I’d have felt like a little bitch.
Side note I think I drown them but who knows and who cares, I’m nobody.

Only bitch I have is he didn’t send me enough beans of the strain I just harvested. Horrible person! 🤣


I usually don’t have problems germinating but like I said, I got held up. The universe didn’t want me making the Stardawg beans lol.
I know you've been around this block for quite some time.
You ain't no "rookie". lol
Wait, this isn't the 'private' section, is it?
Sorry I made you the "target" of my joke without giving you a "heads up'. lol
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Not sure, people took there ball and went home. Everyone had there own side of the story. There's always 2 sides and the truth. I'm done stressing over it. Not gonna beg anyone to stay. I think some people blew it out of proportion. Maybe I should go to any other forum and start sending people messages to jump ship and join this forum. See how long that last.
Don't waste energy on them. You can tell an honest question from a "I want to start a fight" question. Or if they are sneaky you can figure it out in a few posts. Fuck 'em. What are they going to do? Not buy your seeds that they weren't going to buy in the first place?


Super Active Member
That's what I needed to see. The GG#4 early in flower so I can match up and find the GG4's I never labeled, from Mr. Heisenbubble.
I think this is the GG4? Not sure about the 1st pic. I get some other pics up soon.View attachment 49064View attachment 49065View attachment 49067
Here is my GG4 from HB
Almost center of red stripe. See how the leafs are fat and twisty
The plant to the her left is BrideZilla
Hope that helps the plant to her right is my purple cake#2.....
Sorry my girls are not in flower even after 4 months ...lol 4” grodan cube


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Really Active Member
I came from a life that would eat you up if you were inferior in any way and it’s nothing like forums. I don’t understand the assholedness that happens at riu, it’s political so I do I guess. You’re growing weed. It makes you happy. Be happy. If you did a shitty job growing something then keep your fuckin mouth shut. I suspect that’s usually the case.

I tried to grow like 25 tester beans from j.james that didn’t amount to shit. I felt fortunate to get them to try. I didn’t drag his name through the dirt. I blame myself for the vast majority of it, I’m new to this game. If I was a master grower I’d still keep my shit to myself and inform whomever that their testers have issues. Doesn’t need to be broadcast. If I did I’d have felt like a little bitch.
Side note I think I drown them but who knows and who cares, I’m nobody.

Only bitch I have is he didn’t send me enough beans of the strain I just harvested. Horrible person! 🤣
I just try to ignore the idiots and stay far away from controversy. I'm in this to work on pain relief strains and gift what I find. Do I get sucked in by a train wreck? Sure I'm human. But I worked trauma in LA County, forum tomfoolery is just that.