Jedi's Junkyard

Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
@Uncle Romulus these all look spectacular. I still have a bunch of these if anyone is interested.

Last night I also considered selling clones of what I have been crossing with, primarily my two Nigerian Sunshine phenos, but also anything I hunt.

If I do I will post them in this thread and the xfer can take place off-forum.

I have tissue culture supplies waiting at home (I'm in Kaua'i atm). Happy to get TC clones going too so you know they are clean.

First to go into test tubes when I return is the Blackwater
Just an honor to grow these plants out. Hands down nicest I've ever run. Most are yielding well above average also. Your gear can make any grower look and feel like a rock star. Might flip the whole chamber the Blackwater Nigerians are in this eve. Just want to get em going for some more glorious bud porn

Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
Your stinking up my house bro.. aunt rom is pissed. 👍🥳 that’s a good sign it’s the dank is if she’s pissed at how much it stinks. Easy af to trim. Not much for leaves in them buds. I bong blasted some. Too fresh to get a good read on it but f@ck me I’m high
I’m getting a nice burnt rubber with a hint of Vics vapour rub off of my fingers..just add that to the list of smells I’m getting off this first bb x ns

Seed of Memory

Paradise Found
Just wanted to report 100% germination rates. I germed 6 seeds. All 6 have popped. Now to make them seedlings. I've also made my own soil with perlite, peat moss, vermiculite and some base soil. Excited to get them in solo cup size pots. I garden so much I have tons of those lying around. Just washed them and am letting them dry.

Seed of Memory

Paradise Found
I'll slow down on the updates soon. I promise. I'm just so excited they all popped. So all of the seeds are now in Soil. The one that still hasn't shed its seed shell at all had over an inch long root on it so I thought it was time. I have All of them capped with clear cups and a bin of water underneath the stand to raise the humidity. They are also under a 30w led light for seedlings. I'm also lightly misting to keep them moist and to keep humidity up. There are 7 in the group photo but it does include 1 white Widow fem not related to this journal so I will say nothing else about it. True leaves already developing on 4 of the 6. Exciting times in the closet. Lol.


Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
Decided to take bodega bubblegum#10 x Nigerian sunshine (3). She was in about a gallon of promix with a dash of coco. Megacrop all the way through (with dash of maxibloom in the mix a few times as pk boost)
Would have liked to fade her a bit more but I see lots of amber and she wants to be horizontal real badly
Here is a blackwater that now in the bloom tent. Gonna wait till a few more plants finish up before I flip all chambers.
This one here is my Favorite. It’s a bit slower but I love the structure and it gives me a feeling in my loins. I’ll be babying this one.

Been smoking a bit of bb x ns (1). Holy moses. Shits gourmet as f@ck and definitely a cash cropper as it yields like a mfer (2.5 zips off 1.5 L of promix) and was easy to grow. Nailed it


Decided to take bodega bubblegum#10 x Nigerian sunshine (3). She was in about a gallon of promix with a dash of coco. Megacrop all the way through (with dash of maxibloom in the mix a few times as pk boost)
Would have liked to fade her a bit more but I see lots of amber and she wants to be horizontal real badly
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Here is a blackwater that now in the bloom tent. Gonna wait till a few more plants finish up before I flip all chambers.
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This one here is my Favorite. It’s a bit slower but I love the structure and it gives me a feeling in my loins. I’ll be babying this one.
View attachment 35918

Been smoking a bit of bb x ns (1). Holy moses. Shits gourmet as f@ck and definitely a cash cropper as it yields like a mfer (2.5 zips off 1.5 L of promix) and was easy to grow. Nailed it
Absolutely beautiful and I agree, you nailed it! Let me know when you're ready for more!

I'm cooking some wizard brew over here.

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Seven Bodega Bubblegum F2’s hit dirt today.

The plan is to F3 them. Not sure if I’ll do an open pollination or selective. @SCJedi, when you F2’d these, was it open or selective?

There are four extra, empty pots in there because I was prepping for 10 out of ten seeds germinating and one of my clones didn’t make it.


Seven Bodega Bubblegum F2’s hit dirt today.

The plan is to F3 them. Not sure if I’ll do an open pollination or selective. @SCJedi, when you F2’d these, was it open or selective?

View attachment 35968
There are four extra, empty pots in there because I was prepping for 10 out of ten seeds germinating and one of my clones didn’t make it.
Semi-selection on the Bodega F2s. It was two males on a single female.


Aloha, ok, we are officially back from Kaua'i and I have a lot to do this week and beyond I still have to trim all of my Fall outdoors and indoors. That will take time since it is just me.

Supplies are in and I also have do a bunch of tissue culture work to clean up some strains of my own and a client.

I will also go through my personal seed stock and package it all up. (Mostly to free up space) I will put together packages that can just be mailed out. Opportunity to get more free gear is still present, and will continue.

I also have put the Bodhi Apollo 13 Gorilla Arm pheno x Apollo 11 Genius pheno into germination for repopulation per agreement with folks over on

Add to all of that that I am writing my masters project. I want most of that written before we head back to Kona on 1/19.

I've been having so much fun I've missed to the starting gun.

Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
Time for my smoke report on bb#10 x NS (1)
It has been dried but has come back in the jars after a few days and its a little too wet ideally for the smokins. Not bad tho. Going to burp it daily from here for a couple days.
im getting subtle creamy/cheesecake on inhale. Old school stank (but no skunk) on exhale.. hmm like a good gnarly pink kush cut. Not quite fuel.. more gentle than that.. hmm a little bit of a unisex perfume.. sandalwood. Pepper.. I m having a very slightly overcooked cookies aftertaste.
potent.. very potent. I’m so very high right now.
Wow cool buzz. light layer of overwhelming chill keeping me from having an anxiety attack. Very high tho.
I could do whatever man.. invent something. If it wasn’t 4 am I’d be beating the piss outta my drums. very nice. Not racy but I ain’t sleeping. I have to go do something. I honestly forget where I’m at here in this report and not feeling looking at this bright machine inches from my face.
This is special bud. I’m out ✌

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Time for my smoke report on bb#10 x NS (1)
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It has been dried but has come back in the jars after a few days and its a little too wet ideally for the smokins. Not bad tho. Going to burp it daily from here for a couple days.
View attachment 36491
im getting subtle creamy/cheesecake on inhale. Old school stank (but no skunk) on exhale.. hmm like a good gnarly pink kush cut. Not quite fuel.. more gentle than that.. hmm a little bit of a unisex perfume.. sandalwood. Pepper.. I m having a very slightly overcooked cookies aftertaste.
View attachment 36492
potent.. very potent. I’m so very high right now.
Wow cool buzz. light layer of overwhelming chill keeping me from having an anxiety attack. Very high tho.
I could do whatever man.. invent something. If it wasn’t 4 am I’d be beating the piss outta my drums. very nice. Not racy but I ain’t sleeping. I have to go do something. I honestly forget where I’m at here in this report and not feeling looking at this bright machine inches from my face.
This is special bud. I’m out ✌
Looks like really nice bud. Nice report too.


Super Active Member
Time for my smoke report on bb#10 x NS (1)
View attachment 36488
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View attachment 36490
It has been dried but has come back in the jars after a few days and its a little too wet ideally for the smokins. Not bad tho. Going to burp it daily from here for a couple days.
View attachment 36491
im getting subtle creamy/cheesecake on inhale. Old school stank (but no skunk) on exhale.. hmm like a good gnarly pink kush cut. Not quite fuel.. more gentle than that.. hmm a little bit of a unisex perfume.. sandalwood. Pepper.. I m having a very slightly overcooked cookies aftertaste.
View attachment 36492
potent.. very potent. I’m so very high right now.
Wow cool buzz. light layer of overwhelming chill keeping me from having an anxiety attack. Very high tho.
I could do whatever man.. invent something. If it wasn’t 4 am I’d be beating the piss outta my drums. very nice. Not racy but I ain’t sleeping. I have to go do something. I honestly forget where I’m at here in this report and not feeling looking at this bright machine inches from my face.
This is special bud. I’m out ✌
Looking good.


Time for my smoke report on bb#10 x NS (1)
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View attachment 36489
View attachment 36490
It has been dried but has come back in the jars after a few days and its a little too wet ideally for the smokins. Not bad tho. Going to burp it daily from here for a couple days.
View attachment 36491
im getting subtle creamy/cheesecake on inhale. Old school stank (but no skunk) on exhale.. hmm like a good gnarly pink kush cut. Not quite fuel.. more gentle than that.. hmm a little bit of a unisex perfume.. sandalwood. Pepper.. I m having a very slightly overcooked cookies aftertaste.
View attachment 36492
potent.. very potent. I’m so very high right now.
Wow cool buzz. light layer of overwhelming chill keeping me from having an anxiety attack. Very high tho.
I could do whatever man.. invent something. If it wasn’t 4 am I’d be beating the piss outta my drums. very nice. Not racy but I ain’t sleeping. I have to go do something. I honestly forget where I’m at here in this report and not feeling looking at this bright machine inches from my face.
This is special bud. I’m out ✌
Nice report, thank you!

The Nigerian Sunshine is the sandalwood. Glad you are not getting a lot of the chem as all of my other Bodeega's were lemon furniture cleaner. The Nigerian really is a nice, old school "day time" smoke and prevents anxiety so it is commonly used for PTSD.