I’ve only used a good dose of hydrogen peroxide for 12hrs or so then rinse and pure water.
If you see a bit of fuzz (mycelium) coming out the end they are usually toast.
Cracking. I just read a tip on cracking. If you have a measuring micrometer one that can close all the way usually 0-1”you can use it to pinch the seed very controlled to crack it before the dunk. I’ve read of people using their teeth. Don’t think I’m that skilled LOL
Probly in this case the use of gibrilic acid would be my rout.
I’ve don’t know much about embryo rescue?
Probly a combination of sterilizing the seed. Cracking. Removing the in needs. And possibly culturing in tissue culture with high gibrillic acid.
I think it’s pretty easy to get amazon etc. it is available from the usual TC suppliers.
I’d give it a go if someone was interested. It would be a hell of a lot esier than merristem TC. I’ve been playing with the dissecting scope and TC to see if I can get something to live.
These are way to big to call merristem, stem tip culture maybe.

Real hard to photograph a merristem. If indeed these are small enough.
This was a couple days ago still looks alive.
Hmmm... Salute
@Turpman , do you maybe know how (or if it's even possible) to bring dead/old beans back to life? Cheers, Z.