Fiddler's Green
Just a regular vato
Through a soda can with holes poked in it"waistband" was just a polite phrasingI'm sure I smoked some of those nut-sweat terps that inufsed through the bag LOL

Through a soda can with holes poked in it"waistband" was just a polite phrasingI'm sure I smoked some of those nut-sweat terps that inufsed through the bag LOL
but only after you hit it with the bic for a minute to burn the paint off the bowl-part of the canThrough a soda can with holes poked in it
Always grabbed a "mustard" bottle and made these things. lolNOT IT!!!
When it comes time to clean that thing.
if you want to piss a cop off, during a search ,when he grabed you by the bag of smoke, tellem that felt kinda good ,seen it done one time made em so mad they didn't even bother with the rest of us!just "crotch it" thats how we did it back in the day
I thought these were the greatest things ever.
I think that's about to change for you, your entry is magnificentShit, I never win anything.
I was always 3rd, which ain't bad unless there's only 3 of ya competin'.
We used to blow it up our cousins nose while sleeping it was hilariousAlways grabbed a "mustard" bottle and made these things. lol
musta been a rush wake up and be as stoned, as you were at bed time!We used to blow it up our cousins nose while sleeping it was hilarious,I still make those things. Eats joints like crazy
1/4 crushed ice 1/8th water block carb hole, and shake and sweral around gets those things 90percent clean! then they dont smell near as bad!NOT IT!!!
When it comes time to clean that thing.
Skunk smells like skunk piss.I just had another stoner epiphany I wanted to toss in the ring before I forgot.
It's in the leaves!
I just grew out a Bombthreat Bubba x HP13 from CSI that smelled like garlic and cilantro all grow. Real nasty. I just got it jarred and after all the non-sugary leaves are gone is smells like a regular bubba kush. There's a little funk but it's more kush-y.
During the 80's with the war on drugs and shortages, we kept all that.
If it was on the weed plant it was weed.
If it wasn't stems or seeds we smoked it.
We generally didn't see 'trimmed' anything.a
The leaves were always part of the bargain and usually crumbled to the shake in the bottom of the sack. But start to finish it was always part of the skunk smell. And the skunk was never a sugary plant so even the leaves in the buds were not those crystaline, prismatic things we see today.
I'm saying it's not lost, we just grow weed different now, and care for it different after harvest, like trimming and storing it differentSkunk smells like skunk piss.
The pic I just posted is a Skunk Piss plant.
It smells like Skunk piss. lol
Maybe I am the only one on the planet with old Skunk genes that's 1/2 way intact.
I don't know, I find that hard to believe.
Maybe when more of these last states are legal, it will come out.
It's out there. They are hoarding it, most likely.
i really hope people are hoarding those beans , maybe 1 day i will get my hands on some of em before they are gone forever!i love the looks of your skunk piss pheno .healthy looking plant!Skunk smells like skunk piss.
The pic I just posted is a Skunk Piss plant.
It smells like Skunk piss. lol
Maybe I am the only one on the planet with old Skunk genes that's 1/2 way intact.
I don't know, I find that hard to believe.
Maybe when more of these last states are legal, it will come out.
It's out there. They are hoarding it, most likely.
somethimes it seems the bunch at the state capital are trying to wait till , everyone about our age to die off ,the devil weed public service anouancmennts fell on ears that know better!Skunk smells like skunk piss.
The pic I just posted is a Skunk Piss plant.
It smells like Skunk piss. lol
Maybe I am the only one on the planet with old Skunk genes that's 1/2 way intact.
I don't know, I find that hard to believe.
Maybe when more of these last states are legal, it will come out.
It's out there. They are hoarding it, most likely.