The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
or some funky Hugelkultur beds
Looking at that pic again, and how the loops provide walking access it's pretty ingenious. The "bad" part is that it's pretty obvious he had dirt trucked in. For grass lawns that's fine but for gardening it's less than optimum. My best option would be to lay out the logs and branches then dig down in the walking areas between them and toss that on top. I have an area house-ward of my new garden area that's plowed flat for garden, but we found the construction trash from them flipping my house. Nothing nasty, but lots of brick and rock wall remnants that were shoved in a hole and covered over. Fuckers...

The curves may be a bit much, but just a zig-zag or something with longer logs as the 'design' might work well for there. I need the hugel or something and that's better than hauling in dirt, and I can skim the good topsoil off the bricks and rocks area to cover it or get it started well.

I have several long limbs that I will now keep as long as possible until I figure out what I'm doing, but now I know where it all has to go! I can lay it out there to age and worry about it next year but at least it's a start.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I found this series called "the decade you were born" and what I found so far is the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's. It's like a pop culture history with little focus on politics or the wars that were happening. Just basic American life for people that weren't participating in any of the famous stuff. It's cool seeing when certain inventions and innovations happened and it shows what out parents or grandparents lived like with old commercials, sports, radio, then Hollywood and TV. Cool perspectives, like what propaganda was bombarding grandma to make her act the way she did...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Well, it's good to know that the Big Bad Wolf (Chemdog x ChemD) will fill the chem bill almost as good as the 91 by itself. It takes a few more serious bong rips but you get there. It is something abut my body chem-istry that makes the 91 seem perfect. No matter what the mood, if it ain't quite right Chemdog fixes it. I have other strains that work good for specific things, like most of the Bubba crosses make me sleep. The meaty/umami smelling strains like the CLHP and the Headline are great for back or neck pain, just super relaxing. Stuff like that.
I let these two get a little dry in the cup, miscalculated the heat mat effect. But the Bombthreat HP13 was bigger and took it harder. Should perk up in a few days but there was some wilt damage on a few lower fans. I caught the 91 just in time, and now the cold is gone and I can turn the heat mats off. The Chem91 is gonna be a mom. I'm not pruning a thing until I can get a few clones cut. I'm starting some alfala sprouting for a veg-only tea in a day or so. I'll add some kelp and some powdered biology and give them a real boost. The babies have all the vents open and are getting de-humidified LOL.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I updated the contest plants in that thread, but here's all the other flowers. I said to hell with height, everything is close enough for now, so I put the stages together and I'll keep it like that for now. The contest plants are in the rear, three Rasboogies and the JD Skunk and Dirty Taxi.
This is all those Skunktek and MonkeyDog fems, plus the Platinum Ice since it flipped way later. These are gradually losing lower stuff as they starrt to show.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Got the babies up-potted and fed with alfalfa seed tea, kelp, and rootwise. I did that isntead of sprinkling it in the pots, then I "innoculated" the older two as well. That wilt damage looks terrible, good thing I prune that lower stuff soon LOL.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I bought both Black Gold and Coast of Maine seed starter mixes. The black gold is the one I will use now. It has the super-fine sift, it's not hydrophobic, and it retains water well and evenly. if it is moistened before dropping the seed it's good until the roots start growing. After that first watering it is stuck together well even if the roots aren't that plentiful yet. Not one fell apart while dropping it into the "pre-cupped" hole.

The coast of maine is a little chunkier and a little less consistent but still good stuff. That will go to starting all my peppers and maters and such, along with the leftover Pro-mix BX.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The sack of alfalfa seed I bought is lasting a long time. I only use it in veg and I never need that much. I sprouted a teaspoon for a gallon of water, or roughly 5g. I got the 'microgreen' seeds so they didn't come with that pelletized urea coating like you'd use in the field.

Germ rate is slipping a bit on them though so I think I'll plant what's left this spring and try to get enough harvested to matter. And buy a new sack just in case.

I got way too much of the blue corn from buildasoil I'll be using that up feeding the outside garden this summer. Barley seems to be fine as a one-grain flower booster. I wonder if you can save malted corn like you can malted barley or if it would just mold.


Insanely Active Member
The sack of alfalfa seed I bought is lasting a long time. I only use it in veg and I never need that much. I sprouted a teaspoon for a gallon of water, or roughly 5g. I got the 'microgreen' seeds so they didn't come with that pelletized urea coating like you'd use in the field.

Germ rate is slipping a bit on them though so I think I'll plant what's left this spring and try to get enough harvested to matter. And buy a new sack just in case.

I got way too much of the blue corn from buildasoil I'll be using that up feeding the outside garden this summer. Barley seems to be fine as a one-grain flower booster. I wonder if you can save malted corn like you can malted barley or if it would just mold.
bootleggers do,don't think it would stay good long


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
bootleggers do,don't think it would stay good long
I was thinking sour mash as well LOL

But I know you have to really dry the barley after it sporuts to get the "malted" thing. Pretty sure the bootleggers tried to keep it from drying out too ;)

I may have to try my hand at it and see. I have a dehydrator but it would probably take a while, or several sessions to get it super dry. Might still be a good way for using a lot short term.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am getting so that I am more amazed at the stretch pics than the flower pics. Flipping those tiny-ass plants, and I am removing lower limbs because it'll be too many for the little pots to make good flower out of (bro science). I think 4 tops is perfect for a 4wk veg plant if it needs topped. With trees that have the apical dominant main cola 4-5 lower sets of limbs is about max so it doesn't make a lot of larf. Whatever it stacks on the trunk with no limbs I don't really count. Just the stuff with it's own fan leaves.
the Flamethrower and the Blue Jack City are the tall ones.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
On the pruning limbs thing, I use 5 as a rule of thumb for limb sets to keep mainly so I can prune the extras as early as possible. Some go in veg, but it's mostly after they start stretching. Being able to remove the ones you know you won't keep might make more of the rest keep-able (more bro-sci).

I had 6 beans left in the CLHP pack that has been all duds This time I am trying the paper towl in a ziplock thing, and nothing gets planted unless it grows a tail. Cracking ain't good enough. All I can think is they got shipped in winter and froze - then thawed, or mid-summer heat in the mailbox for too long. If all 6 grow well hot damn! One becomes a mom no matter how many grow. I have a few more packs to try but they were all shipped at the same time. If it was a shipping/temperature problem they're all sketchy.

The good news is that the Headline from Skunktek I am smoking on is almost a dead ringer for it. More beefy than chickeny, but it's there with everything else. I have two packs of the Headline and they're fems Maybe 26 beans left. The one I am flowering out now is not cloned either. If it is even close to the first one I can just run a cloned batch for extra smoke on the next seed.

I can keep one in veg until I see if that mom smokes well. But now that I am set on the Chem91 mom I may as well keep a few of the best.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Right after the hurricane that shut down @J.James I bought a bunch of CLHP and had him pack me up a bunch of 3-packs that would have his logo on it, and I mailed them to Peter at Dagga to give out to a few people. I guess he got one to sprout! I have to buy one but there will be some for the rest of you. Should be 8 in stock after I'm done.

County Line Hash Plant x Chemdawg Special Reserve F4 - Dagga Garden


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I look forward to a report on that Catpiss Kush. I was considering picking that up on my last order @ 707. I fell for the ridiculously good deal on the Betsy x Love Candy cross. Sha threw in the Griffin which is exciting too!
I have the feeling that the Love Candy crosses are in the bulk section just because it's his F3 rendition of the Blockhead from Breeder Steve and he's not looking to profit off them much. On a podcast he said that he bred with the Blockhead before he found the Kush Cleaner male, and wanted to run it again but now that he sells seeds he asked Steve. Said he could do what he wanted, just rename it so it wasn't confused with the original.

I picked up the Trinity x 707 OG bulk pack. He told me they were bulk because it was very male heavy. The girls you find are fire but if he sent out 10-packs and people got one girl he wouldd be dealing with a lot of BS.

His e-mail also said that all the Kush Cleaner crosses were just the ones that came out mostly KC dominant. The ones in the 10-packs with names are the ones where it was mostly hidden and the mom just got better. For the KC bulk packs, you better like the Kush Cleaner, and you can use the mom to pick which frame you want it to grow on :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@BSGrows FWIW I smoked a big fatty of the Fruit Jam tonight. His Betsy x Kush Cleaner cross. Very old school stoney and once cured it actually smells like opening a jar of preserves.

It's Betsy and Kush Cleaner. No way you get fruit jam out of that unless you grow it and smoke it. I like that everything he releases he has run bulk of an smoke tested. That's the difference between being a breeder and a chucker. If you don't grow out all those crosses you just made, how are you gonna find the unicorns to breed further with?

Wonder what a griffin smells and tastes like :LOL:


@BSGrows FWIW I smoked a big fatty of the Fruit Jam tonight. His Betsy x Kush Cleaner cross. Very old school stoney and once cured it actually smells like opening a jar of preserves.

It's Betsy and Kush Cleaner. No way you get fruit jam out of that unless you grow it and smoke it. I like that everything he releases he has run bulk of an smoke tested. That's the difference between being a breeder and a chucker. If you don't grow out all those crosses you just made, how are you gonna find the unicorns to breed further with?

Wonder what a griffin smells and tastes like :LOL:
When the time comes, I'll let you know! ;)


@H.A.F. Are you getting any pronounced smells off the contest plants? Stem rubs on my Ground Zeros remind me of being a kid and picking out the road repair tar on a scorching hot day. Interesting to say the least...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@H.A.F. Are you getting any pronounced smells off the contest plants? Stem rubs on my Ground Zeros remind me of being a kid and picking out the road repair tar on a scorching hot day. Interesting to say the least...
The closet that has just the chunadunk in it smells now, but it's faint. In between sweet and dryer sheet/cleaner smells. The giraffe plant I have is the only one with a distinct smell. I rub the stem, but also the trichs under the lower nugs to get some flower grease. It smells like terrayaki beef jerky. That kind of sweet/sour/tangy smell.