The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That was the two Dominion G in the closet that I flipped, and for now the three Corey's and the Coma are flipped now just setting on the bench in the dark room. I'll fit them in a tent later.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So I now have at least anecdotal evidence that this is a similar high to the regular Chemdog. I burned through a bowl-full first thing, then doing one-hitters occasionally during about 6hrs of yard/garden work. Nothing backbreaking but I sweated my ass off at the end. It also worked after I got cleaned up and fed and got me in a little nappy mood. But now I'm just feeling chill. It checks all of the boxes except the ones only those meaty strains hit.

Unlike some energrtic/stoney strains I was not wandering and starting 10 things and finishing none. I was focused but also really high. It was fun. I got the second garden sorted and made easy. I may extend the row in the middle closer to the camera and add a few more flavors of beans I didn't have room for.
I only found one volunteer bean from last year, but i probably mowed a bunch without noticing.
The daylillies behind the garden are cool, but this section of blackberries are the worst tasting. The fat flavorful ones that vine along the ground are already played out. I have another variety just flowereing that maked huge ones that are sweet.
Upper right of the first pic to the left of the sprinkler is a small stand of short mullein. The tallest is about 3', the runt to the right is maybe a foot tall and I almost mowed it down.
There's a regular one behund the house that will hit 7-8 foot easy.

And some randoms. the momma wren giving me the side-eye
the finch has at least one baby but I think three. FUGLY!!!
And a bumble/comfrey pic


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Those 3x3 cheap chinese raised beds are perfect for collecting yard mulch. It's a sturdy canvas trash sack with a built-in PVC rack to hold it up.

The one in the back is a 4x4 and it shows they last at least a few seasons as a raised bed, but for dumping mower bags or tossing in sticks it's the bomb. You can toss it in a wagon if it gets too heavy and the PVC corners help hold it in place for the trip.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I still have veg to play with. Last night I soaked everything that needed a transplant so tonight I wouldn't have dry brittle roots.
So here's the before. 5 moms back left and the 5 regs front left need new pots. 3 down the center are the second version of the FB68, and two extra clones I want to shrub up a bit. Chem91 and one of the Taxi.
The good news for me is I have a 6th mom, and good or bad it's a Flashback 68. This cup has great roots,. The other two are alive but I don't care, and the two headbangers are the same. The seedlings are good in these deep-well inserts until they put out the first true leaves then they stay together real nice. The BNP is just a little bitch so I stuck her in the dome with all the vents open to get a break from low humidity.
In the closet I have added the T-star to the MacFish and the 91.
In here I have the an assortment including the ones awaiting sex. 3 Taxi, Headbanger, FB68 and the Hollyweed girl. She looks like a regular OG to me and I am about to get drastic. her flower clones might get composted. The MacFish flower clone might be trash too but I got her this far and if she's good the re-veg plant will make a beast of a flower plant. I think I am done with the idea of random clones. If I miss a unicorn it won't be the first time, as long as I have my selected plants to rely on. Right now I have tents full of clones flowering and very few seed plants.
three moms and a baby Taxi LOL
The best looking of the three is the #3 with the more bulbous top. All are pointy, but the other two are ... sharper? 🤷‍♂️ :cool:.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Everything got water and new shoes except the babies. a 1g Chem91 and a 2g Taxi to put in big pots and flip. The rosty MacFish has enough stretchy re-vegged limbs I am going to try just soaking them in aloe for a bit then right into moist castings 50/50 with some inert seed starter soil so there's some aeration. Five chem & koffee got one gallonds and look on schedule to flip when I drop the next beans. The little one in the middle is the new Flashback mom. I think tonight I will be taking the big fan leaves of the FFB68 V2 in the corner. The limbs started rocking as soon as I topped it, and have the foliage to keep her going now.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Did you try any of the pawpaw fruit? I hear it's similar to a mango
Yes! I got a dozen or so seeds too but haven't gotten one to pop. It was like a mushy pineapple. Great treat to find in the woods but nothing I'd want a ton of. I have the patch well marked and I'm going in with the chainsaw this winter to get them some light. I may try air layering or rooting a cutting, but they supposedly don't transplant at all. There's like a mom tree, then little trees that sprout off runners but they die if you cut the main connection to mom.

There are lower branches on big trees I can get out of the way, and lots of competing small trees. I just didn't think to mark them all when they had leaves last year - I was worried about the fruit.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Dominion G was a bust. 3 plants from 9 beans, all runty mutants and all male.

Andy from Greenway is not very verbacious, but he has kept up an e-mail chain pretty regular. I sent him a nice glass pipe from Chameleon after he sent me those Purple Floyd beans out of nowhere, and the 700-ish beans that likely won't germinate but one would be a treasure. If he keeps sending beans I'll keep running them. Like the new stuff from Heisen, fems are easy.

But all the regs I have need to get run. I am backing away from the ledge on the cloning of everything just in case. I can get more beans of tomorrow of the Flashback68 version 2. If it is the same or close enough to the first version then I don't need any.

The Chem91 I need to clone because it doesn't make a lot per plant. But once I have a stash the S1 beans are still available. The cut I have may be unique, but if the thing nanners every time and the high is the same I don't need it.

The Dirty Taxi I want to make a lot of, but of the 'keepers' I am growing they are the only regs.
I have a 10-pack left.
I will make more.

I figure that 5 boys and 5 girls would make plenty of beans, I can't find more and they are the pricey ones, reg breeding is easy, and I haven't found a reg strain I liked as much. Since I am committed to doing it the sooner the better, but I need to plan ahead so my flowering stuff has a pause for a few weeks and the plants ready to flip at the same time.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So when I said "not verbacious" that means a man of few words for you millennials that didn't have to learn words in school ;) I just randomly got this e-mail: "Ok I sent stuff I think you will like. Andy" So when the new moon comes around there's no telling what I am dropping. I have to drop the S1's from Heisen, at least the Dantes Inferno for now just so I know if I want to ddive into the rest of the crosses sooner or later.

On the veg side, this is why I can't take clones. I decided to toss the Hollyweed cross flower clones, and when I busted open the cubes all 4 had roots. I can't not put them in soil 🤷‍♂️ I did shitcan one Headbanger clone. I moved a second Flashback V1 to the veg tent, and kept the lesser rooted one in here. I could trash the lot and it wouldn't hurt... much. It was cool to see roots on those tiny 3-blade-node sprouts. Since I am looking for a reveg if I keep them those are the target keepers. The mom has pretty, fluffy, puffballs now, but doesn't look to make a lot of weight, so cloning just to make more weed ain't bad but I also have no more seeds and I have room.
The bush bean project is about to make beans. Only 10hrs of light to see how that works.
I sifted soil to pot things tonight. Three are definite flippers, the 4 on the left are moms.
My biggest conundrum is the MacFish. I don't even know if I'll like the smoke yet. The mom looks to have a few more weeks left which puts her about 12 weeks. damn. I also have more beans. So I can pot this and flower it, I can take successfully revegged normal clones (probably not), I could compost it but after all the trouble that ain't happening. I'll probably let it go a few more weeks since poting the other stuff is gonna make room
I lost the OK Coma and a Coreys Crush so at most I'll need soil for two pots for the other two Coreys Crush. Room here for flipping.
I also consolidated all the Taxi to one tent. Each looks to make a decent amount, and I still have three moms. This is why I am decided on making beans. It would be lots easier to just drop a mess of beans when i get low on smoke.
The only one semi-close it the T-star. in here


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The second Chem91, the second Taxi and the Flashback v2 flipped. I just stuck them in the dark room for now with the door shut so the cat won't eat them. The'll go in tents tonight. What is left is the 3 Taxi moms, one Chem91, and the little pot is the first of the FB68 to graduate to plant status.
the 5 Chem-n-Koffee in the middle, babies in the dome and the beast fish lower left.
IMG_0341.JPG just s


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have one tent with 8 Dirty Taxi in it, and oh wait! there's another :cool: Front right is the last extra taxi I have, Behind it is the version of the FB68 that I can grow all I want without cloning because there's plenty of beans at the bean store. On the left is the spare Chem91 clone. Since I don't expect it to go much more than 8 weeks a 5g pot should be fine. Pretty sure the two Coreys Crush will be girls but no sexy bits yet.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
T-star hit 10 weeks tonight and it's a full moon. I think she'll keep looking like this for another 2-4 weeks if I let her go, but she's chynky and I don't want to chance mold. Loupe shows the inside being milky with ambers and empty stalks but she just keeps on adding calyxes. This is just the edge of the top and the one pic clear enough to show it, but the top is actually sprouting new stuff more than the lowers.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I don't know how familiar you are with mourning doves. There is a thing they do no matter what any time something startles them. They yell and run. There's a quick warble and flash of wings and they are gone. So I'm taking scraps to the compost pile and I startled one that was only a few feet from me when it took off. It was between the gourd plant on the far right and the fence. But then it only flew to the stand there.
After my heart settled down from the whoop-n-wing thing at my feet I just stared at it. First time I saw one up close without a window between us. I made bird noises and talked to it and it just sat there. I finally walked away and after I went inside it was still there. So I went back out with the camera. Crazy stuff.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I had the Dirty Taxi on the calendar for August to let them open pollinate. Then I started looking at what would be cool to hit with it so I could drop that stuff this month. The list was getting long. Then I started looking at what I would actually be excited to drop after I mixed them and it got way small. Chem91, FB68, and CLHP if I had it. Two I already have clones of going. If I snip clones at the same time as I drop seeds they should all be ready for 12/12 at the same time. I can pollinate the big mom plants if I have clones.

I also think a Blue Jack City and Sour Puss would be good with it but I can just drop a bean of any of the greenway styff at the same time, it's just that first version of the FB68 I want to have a clone ready. I might also drop another pair of Chem91 S1's to get a good regular chemdog mom and pollinate the other

I'll be dropping something with the new moon on the 5th but that might be the Dirty Taxi chuck. I just plan to veg for a month or so before flip. I pulled out the 26 CLHP beans I have left to try and get a few to pop, and the 2 Chem91 would bring the 2 beans up to 4 6-cells with no empties.

I need to think on the rest of it but the CLHP abnd Chem91 will definitely get wet tonight.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The garden is looking fabulous vato.
It looks harsh right now with 95F and no rain for weeks. But as soon as it's shaded it perks right up. I put the sprinkler on at least every other night for about an hour - daily the past few days. The cover crop does wonders even where it's just grass. I am finally getting distinctive tomatoes showing up. Pear shaped and heart shaped and such besides just round. The bigger tomatoes are just flowering. I have a Candyland cherry that will give me a few ripe ones before the volunteers. I saved those seeds because at the end of the season they were the only thing still going. No way they could cross pollinate with other tomates on those late ones. And it looks true to the last plant. everything is tiny. tomatoes, leaves, limbs, but it just keeps growing.