Greenpoint Seeds


Dont Need One
Right. It's obvious that gps, Heisen, and I just arnt ment to be. It is what it is. No skin off my back.
No one here speaks for me or gu so enough with the bullshit. You have a problem you can take it up with me directly. Don't let what someone else is saying make you form an opinion about how we do business. You will always be taken care of. Have a little patience. No one in this business is gonna treat you better and take care of your issues better than Greenpoint.


No one here speaks for me or gu so enough with the bullshit. You have a problem you can take it up with me directly. Don't let what someone else is saying make you form an opinion about how we do business. You will always be taken care of. Have a little patience. No one in this business is gonna treat you better and take care of your issues better than Greenpoint.
Just to be clear, I never spoke on behalf of you guys. I just told him he was being inpatient and to give Jeanne time to respond.


No one here speaks for me or gu so enough with the bullshit. You have a problem you can take it up with me directly. Don't let what someone else is saying make you form an opinion about how we do business. You will always be taken care of. Have a little patience. No one in this business is gonna treat you better and take care of your issues better than Greenpoint.
Your time is up man. I've already canceled my order. You and GPS have left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe it'll subside in a month or two. Only time will tell.

Just remember that every customer is important no matter how small the order. I wanted to be a customer/friend for life but I see that's not the case. You just wanted my money.


Dont Need One
Your time is up man. I've already canceled my order. You and GPS have left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe it'll subside in a month or two. Only time will tell.

Just remember that every customer is important no matter how small the order. I wanted to be a customer/friend for life but I see that's not the case. You just wanted my money.
For fucks sake dude wtf is your problem. You just said that Jeanne handled you and took care of whatever issue you had. I only make the seeds. I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THE SITE OR CODES PERIOD. Not sure why your taking this out on me.


For fucks sake dude wtf is your problem. You just said that Jeanne handled you and took care of whatever issue you had. I only make the seeds. I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THE SITE OR CODES PERIOD. Not sure why your taking this out on me.
In you sig it says something about a discount code right? Well as far as I'm concerned that's your word.


Dont Need One
In you sig it says something about a discount code right? Well as far as I'm concerned that's your word.
That sig is old as hell man. I haven't even looked at it in months. I can't even see it on mobile.
Just for you ill text gu and ask him if that code still exist.


That sig is old as hell man. I haven't even looked at it in months. I can't even see it on mobile.
Just for you ill text gu and ask him if that code still exist.
It doesn't exist. I tried using it and even made a comment to him about it in my order. Heard nothing from him and was charged full price. Why are you so outdated? I thought this was your idea and sight. Why the excuses? Stand by what you've said. It's not my fault your slipping.


Dont Need One
Gu isn't sure if the code still exist as the website has gone through quite a few upgrades since the past year. I'm almost certain it can be added. Gu is super reasonable and always wants to take care of his customers.


Gu isn't sure if the code still exist as the website has gone through quite a few upgrades since the past year. I'm almost certain it can be added. Gu is super reasonable and always wants to take care of his customers.
I get it man. It still doesn't change my mind about you, gps, gu, or this situation. You guys took advantage of me and I'm not ok with that. And when brought to someone's attention nothing was done. I had to call in to cancel the order. Gu literally commented here and then did nothing. Done deal. I'll never be back to gps.


I'm upset that they offered a pre-sale (time) for something coming out next month. Then within say 24-48 hours they offer a discont sale (money) on the same seeds.

I feel taken advantage of because I placed an order right way. Why didn't they post both sales at the same time? I feel like it was too take advantage of those who've been waiting paciently for those seed. Idk hopefully I'm wrong.

I just know that the peice of shit side of my brain can see it as a good scam. Then when someone calls you on it you say it was the computers fault. Idk leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I'm not gonna eat anymore shit. So like I've said several times. I'm done with GPS.


Nothing in my sig about a discount. there is however 35% off currently. But I’ll go ahead and refund you now. What’s your order number?
I already have it handled. Your chance was earlier today when you commented. Obviously you didn't care then. Why the change of heart?


Dont Need One
I'm upset that they offered a pre-sale (time) for something coming out next month. Then within say 24-48 hours they offer a discont sale (money) on the same seeds.

I feel taken advantage of because I placed an order right way. Why didn't they post both sales at the same time? I feel like it was too take advantage of those who've been waiting paciently for those seed. Idk hopefully I'm wrong.

I just know that the peice of shit side of my brain can see it as a good scam. Then when someone calls you on it you say it was the computers fault. Idk leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I'm not gonna eat anymore shit. So like I've said several times. I'm done with GPS.
Naw man. I did not have conformation on the seeds till Wednesday. There is alot that goes on behind the scene you guys don't know about. I chopped those plants Tuesday and I do what I call test nugs and shuck out one on each plant. I get an idea of the number well have and give those to gu. We make a estimate and pre-sale about 30 percent of what we think we'll end up with. We put those up wed and sales usually run on the weekends. I'm sorry you feel that way but it was not anyone's intention. You can't blame anyone for that man. Everything is a wheel in motion and its just the order we got things out. I'm almost 100 percent positive if you told gu the situation they would have given you the seeds at 35 percent off.


Meat Master
@Streetpro09 your nuts man you just need to chill out it’s not like you got fucked on a car or like you got fucked over hundreds of thousands dollars I can’t imagine your bill was that expensive your buying fire crosses that these guys worked hard and paid a lot of money to get the little amount we pay for these beans isnt want cheap discounted beans go buy a brick of Schwag
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