The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Out of that last haul, the only *meh* plant was the Chem n Koffee freebie. It's not bad. Not a memorable high but it tastes nice. Kind of spicy with a hint of lime peel. It smells lightly sweet but there's no chem or coffee.

Both of the Space Cheese x Topanga Canyon Pure Kush are good. I'd grow them again but not mad I didn't clone them. We smoke and we move on. If I find one I want more of that's a mission. I have a large freebie pack of his Space Kush with 16 reg beans which might be the same thing but named. So there's a fallback if I get to the end and want more.

But what I know is that I like the cheesy, funky, meaty, garlicky, oniony, food strains. Keep your cookies and candy and berries. I'll smoke those after I get high ;)

The Chem is not even part of it. The ChemD I could take or leave but her crosses are always an improvement on the original. Same with the Chem91 crosses but they never improve on the Dog, just whatever it was crossed to. And whatever it was crossed to should be something I already like. But compared to the Chem91 they never measure up for me. And likely the "Peanut Butter cut" I have won't stand up either.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Which of the crosses are you looking forward to most?
The Dirty Flashback ;)

Everything looks good and seeded and I have been busy as the proverrbial one legged man. I made an SST for all the seeded plants and only potted up one. The three laget plants got a fat layer of castings and new mulch and I'll watch them. If they can get to the end of the second day after being soaked before being light that's good enough.

I went through the veg tent yanking flippers. I got them all into the flower tent and figured sizes but only had enough sifted soil for the two plants The FB68 from the second seed was taller than the rest s the 10g let me bury her deeper. She'll end up in the closet if she stretches. The other potted one is the Chem91 S1.

Then I said fuck it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I also got 7 FB68 clones potted. The 7 biggest best looking clones had nothing. All the runty lower limbs got cups. The DT#2 clone got a pot after filling a cup with roots as well. with 2 versions of the FB68 rooted all I need is the new Chem91 top to take.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Got this done. With all big pots getting them going without waterlogging them is tricky. They have enough water in the pots for days, but I need to moisten the cover crop daily or it'll flop. A sprayer with plait water, or plant therapy, or aloe or something gives me a chore to keep busy.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Random thoughts about having a ton of seeds, making more, and already having my three desert island strains...

The second version (which might just be an off pheno) of the Flashback 68 has the high. It's missing a little on the flavor probably because it lacks that lemon part. But if I was only growing from seed, and got this instead of the lemon I wouldn't care. It has a phenominal set of effects that just work.

I have 20 fem beans - more than I can grow one at a time before they start getting too old if I am just keeping a jar of headstash on hand. That's four per year for 5 years. After that the germ rate will begoing downhill. It sucks when your last few beans of something won't pop. I think dropping one every 3-4mo to renew the mom (or check at least) is probably smart.

I mention this because snagging the last few packs on Dagga was a thought, but would be wasted on me. If you have $50 to spend on beans go get those packs. I saw 4 left in stock.

at least one of those beans will be a long term mom UNLESS I find gold in the Dirty Flashback crosses. If I pull a Flashback leaner out of every few beans that works. And it also gives me regs with Flashback. If I ever do another chuck it would be to increase those before they get too old.
I would also check his site

Greenway Solutions Seeds – Greenway Solutions Seeds
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Forgot what I was getting at right there in the middle. Other than keeping a FB68 around as a mom for preservation I could be done with cloning. I spend next to nothing on the grow now so if I need to buy a new pack of Chem91 S1 it's no biggie. For that matter JJ sent me an email stock list and he's making more Dirty Taxi and I can buy from him direct. I'd only need to do that if the F2's are shit. Either way the stuff is available from the originator and if I like it that much tossing them a bone every once in a while is good karma.

I have so much other stuff I need to get to before it goes dud, and for some reason I can't not run clones once I've rooted them. Every mom I keep means a few plants I've been flowering every time I re-mom. Beans is just easier. Sitting here with a little of all three ready to fire up in a bowl the FB68 goes first. Especially having just flipped 4 of them and knowing I'll have plenty by Thanksgiving. I'll also hopefully have an ugly Chemdog with no green left in the upper leaves. I have enough Taxi to last a while so that mom might just get vegged until I see my seeds germinate.

I can probably still love cloning the one plant over and over knowing the beans I have are it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am currently debating putting together a seed sorter. I saw one powered by a little AC Infinity muffin fan that I already have. But I am thinking a temporary cardboard one instead of wood. Cardboard and foil-tape can make some sturdy stuff if you use a scraper of some kind to really get the tape sealed. It would also be easily tweaked to make it work better. But since my dumb-ass shreds all my cardboard I just need to keep an eye out for a decent sturdiness box in the mail.

The other avenue I was thinking was a double-album cover into a pizza box like the old days when the seeds were trash with the stems. This is not gonna happen again for years even though it wasn't nearly the pain in the ass I thought.

The recent seed plants are just gonna be 6-8 nugs and a top. The ones I topped to get limb growth and take clones from are gonna be 4-6 limbs each like the little trees. The three big plants will probably put it overr the top for doing it buy hand so I might as well get the stuff I need together. I may not use it for the little plants but it'll be there.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
I bought a dish at the Salvation Army that was a little wider than the lid of those metal popcorn bucket (with the three flavors). I rest one side on a roll of duct tape and crumble with gloves on the top letting the seeds clink down to the bottom but keeping the chaff on the top. I'll finish on a paper plate rolling the seeds over like mixing dominoes, then shift the seeds to one side and blow the remaining residue outside.

The ''chaff'' would be a good candidate for those decarbed capsules.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I bought a dish at the Salvation Army that was a little wider than the lid of those metal popcorn bucket (with the three flavors). I rest one side on a roll of duct tape and crumble with gloves on the top letting the seeds clink down to the bottom but keeping the chaff on the top. I'll finish on a paper plate rolling the seeds over like mixing dominoes, then shift the seeds to one side and blow the remaining residue outside.

The ''chaff'' would be a good candidate for those decarbed capsules.
I'm not counting on any of the seed plants for any medicinal anything. I see it more as crazy compost.

I have assorted size bucket grids and the 1/4" one works for rolling the bud around on to bust it up, with holes big enough for seeds to fall through. I plan on letting everything get super dry before even trying. put it through a grid smaller than the seeds to get the bulk off the dust out, then whats left should be good for a quick sort the old way.

But dumping that same bucket in a sorter after the 1/4" grid and you're done. I have a fan with a rheostat instead of a switch/button for speeds, so dialing it in should be easy. I can sort it into different classes of seeds that way as well. The 1st run heavies would be more likely to germinate than the ones on the second run with a lower fan speed.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I started a mess of older reg seeds. I had 4 of 6 fems pop so I dropped the rest of a non-popper (Purple Floyd). While I was in the fridge I got the last three Skunk XXX from TH Seeds, 4 Early skunk from Shantibaba, and 6 of his Pink Floyd because it matched the Purple ;)

I culled another clone so veg now has 3 of one version of the FB68 and 8 of the other, and the lone Chemdog rooted. I plan to keep a mom of each and flower what I can when it gets to flipping time. The Dirty Taxi clone upper left ain't looking well up top but I think the lower limbs are growing. Probably top it if it doesn't get past that. The PB-Chemdog upper right had the same issue at first but now it's a few nodes down.
The flower tent is still getting situated but everything got water and the cover crops arer popping. Back right is the Chemdog with the fat chubby leaves. After cloning there was only two but those should be ugly and crispy in about 6 weeks.
The seed plants are all drinking. I am feeding them like veg plants for what that's worth. I added some fish hydro and some freebie "boro-mino" from BioAg that has boron - which I read seeds can use. I have some alfalfa soaking for a seed tea next watering.
This makes 18 seeded plants. I'll keep all the moms separate when I sort the seeds when it comes to the multiples moms.
This is one of the FB68 - the first I'll grow - and this one might drop off and germinate in thepor before all's said and done. Not even in a calyx-skin thing. It looks wet-shiny but it's dry.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
From 2 different sources I have that seeds take 6-7 weeks to mature from pollination, then from another source it's about 9-10 weeks from flip.

Working the math on both versions I come up with the 18th and 20th of October when the last seeds made should be done. The difference seems to be "roughly 3 weeks" for pollination to hit it's peak, and the actual culling of the boys. I don't think seeds can get "too done" but they should have a good percentage viable.

So I think 7 weeks from pollen makes more sense in case you wait longer to hit the girls or whatever.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I let some of my seeds dry on the vine last season. It was to see how much better developed the seeds were.
I always thought it would be cool to sell seeds in the bud. You can buy it by the top or the lower for a breeder pack or a custy pack. Guaranteed "#" seeds per flower. You'd get to see a little of the bud structure and get some terps maybe, but think how it would change that industry. All it would take is legality.

I'm only really worried about pulling plants too early. If I can pop a handdfull of bagseed from mexican brickweed (back in the 80's) and get a bunch of plants out of it (never made it to flower) I know there's no issue leaving them in the bud.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Took this pic a few days ago, but the one I took this morning sucked. They're a little bigger now... What is cool is seeing what he means by the "lime green" skunk already. Compared to the other three it has that dark green lime color. It's staying short compared to the others as well.
These are on day 5. When I see one crack I feel comffortable checking the progress on the others. I just poke at the soil right above the seed to break up that little sealed 'wafer' on top that sticks together. If I see a curl I leave it. if not I go poke a little more to see i anything is happening.
The older ones are cracking slower but I have a few Pink Floyd popped. The Purple Floyd didn't pop first try, now I have 4. One still has a helmet and is re-buried proper, but has a good 1/2" tail. No skunks yet but they are usually short and slow.
I have my three new moms. All the clones get pots tonight. The Chem91 was the lone top clone so easy choice. The other two were the first to show good top growth. I have been pruning away the half-leaves from cloning as they get new ones. I think the moms will go into 1g just so I can bury them a little deeper. The rest into the 1/2g just to get good roots and ready for a quick flip. They will go into bigger pots as soon as they fill the 1/2g.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just getting this down so it's time-stamped. I used it first!!!!

I have a cross name that is not Dirty - _____.

[UK Cheese x T-1000/Old Family Purple] x Dirty Taxi [GMO x ChemD/i-95]

Will be the WSOGMM

According to the Hitchhikers Guide that is the "whole sort of general mish-mash" and it seemed fitting.