#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
Wow that is hard to do.. Your a real expert and a professional.. Just cause Hotwired put u in ur place that dont mean im gonna be ur punching bag.. I promise u that u woodnt pop off if we was to meet in person. Got the bark of a pitbull with the bite of a poodle.. When u fill a 8gal smart pot full of roots and a 10 gallon tote per plant is my norm and ive only done hydro twice. U can keep ur temps at 80, il stick to 66-72 degrees. Why is it if sumone suggests their opinions and if it doesnt align with ur thoughts, why are they wrong and ur allways right? Do your jeans have holes in the knees from the hard work u do for mr ~~. So ya im doing fine without those fine expert grower genetics ur workn so hard to create. Put that ice pipe down and quit acting like sum hardass with keyboard courage mr im the best hydro grower cause your not the only 1 that can grow. You think ur reinventing somthing that nobody has done? ChumpView attachment 31944View attachment 31945View attachment 31946View attachment 31937
Just because i didnt except your way of thought all of a sudden im an asshole. STFU dude, I just pulled up over 1500 dollars worth of floraflex just to soak and clean. Ive had DWC plants in 4 gallon pots that would shit plants that look like that. Matter of fact i have plants in 3 gallon pots that dwarfs that clusterfuk.
Me and you had squashed that little episode a while back and i stay out of your threads and expect the same from you. BUT of course you cant do that and feel the need to come back here in a discussion THAT aint none of your business and add in your 2 cents to stir shit and than post these dumb ass pics of your home depot bucket grow. Dont even talk about how hard i work. YOU have no clue the capacity of shit i have to manage all by myself. Stay the fuk off my thread. I wont ask again


Just because i didnt except your way of thought all of a sudden im an asshole. STFU dude, I just pulled up over 1500 doollars worth of floraflex just to soak and clean. Ive had DWC plants in 4 gallon pots that would shit plants that look like that. Matter of fact i have plants in 3 gallon pots that dwarfs that clusterfuk.
Me and you had squashed that little episode a while back and i stay out of your threads and expect the same from you. BUT of course you cant do that and feel the need to come back here in a discussion THAT aint none of your business and add in your 2 cents to stir shit and than post these dumb ass pics of your home depot bucket grow. Dont even talk about how hard i work. YOU have no clue the capacity of shit i have to manage all by myself. Stay the fuk off my thread. I wont ask again

I know the work involved in what i do. Couldnt imagine the amount of shit you gotta do on the seed side.

Having machine trimmers has really saved me countless hours. When i was really growing a lot 10 yrs ago i had something like 20 mother plants to upkeep and it was a bitch along with having a couple hundred clones and 500 plants flowering. That was such a pain. Get like 2 hrs of sleep and back at it trimming and watering


Dont Need One
I know the work involved in what i do. Couldnt imagine the amount of shit you gotta do on the seed side.

Having machine trimmers has really saved me countless hours. When i was really growing a lot 10 yrs ago i had something like 20 mother plants to upkeep and it was a bitch along with having a couple hundred clones and 500 plants flowering. That was such a pain. Get like 2 hrs of sleep and back at it trimming and watering
Ive converted everything to 1 and 3 gallon pots for the production side in floraflex , Hands down it is the best system i have run for automation. DWC is ok but after i got the flora dialed in it beats out the bigger plants in dwc hands down. smaller plants get fed 3 times a day make better seeds. Me and Gu both agreed smaller plants make better seeds. Also the bigger plants you lose alot of air space like you would normally have packing smaller plants in.


Heathen Basterd
Glad you mentioned the Adub. I ended up not cloning my last run with it. Let it go, just not the yielder and noone asked for it again. Still got several S1s of it. One day im going to cross it with some better yielding and tasting varities and see what i can get out of it.
I had great luck with the 2 ADubs I ran , fucking killer smoke, people love it, glag I got S1s left, Its a shitty yielder like 2 zips a plant the way I grow BUT its fantastic smoke . No intersex on either girls I ran .


Insanely Active Member
Next batch of seeds i run i am doing some purple punch again. I grew one that was fire. Still maybe the strongest shit i have grown and i am pissed i did not know how to clone things and stuff.
Im running a pp cross right now (not heisens gear) and it to has come out to be 1 of, if not the most potent strain ive ever grown in my life. Really surprising as alot of the batches of pp ive gotten before has been a bit lacking in the potency department. Tastes great, looks great but the potency just wasnt there.

This cross came out so potent, its the first strain i want to have tested but im not sure of a reputable place that caters to non recreational states. We have medical here but not recreational yet. Only 12 ppl in the entire state were awarded a growers permit.

I did everything i could when things first got started here to get my foot in the door early. After a non refundable $200,000 application fee and the mandatory 1.5 million dollars in liquid assets, the only ones with a permit in this state are the unfathomably rich, which means its being grown by people who have no idea what their doing, all they care about is the money.


Dont Need One
Im running a pp cross right now (not heisens gear) and it to has come out to be 1 of, if not the most potent strain ive ever grown in my life. Really surprising as alot of the batches of pp ive gotten before has been a bit lacking in the potency department. Tastes great, looks great but the potency just wasnt there.

This cross came out so potent, its the first strain i want to have tested but im not sure of a reputable place that caters to non recreational states. We have medical here but not recreational yet. Only 12 ppl in the entire state were awarded a growers permit.

I did everything i could when things first got started here to get my foot in the door early. After a non refundable $200,000 application fee and the mandatory 1.5 million dollars in liquid assets, the only ones with a permit in this state are the unfathomably rich, which means its being grown by people who have no idea what their doing, all they care about is the money.
You north or south?
I had great luck with the 2 ADubs I ran , fucking killer smoke, people love it, glag I got S1s left, Its a shitty yielder like 2 zips a plant the way I grow BUT its fantastic smoke . No intersex on either girls I ran .
Same with my ADUB but it also yields well. People want more of it. I got a keeper out of my pack and I should have a full tent of that keeper soon :alien: