#Heisenbeans Genetics


I know Heisen needs help but you cannot depend on that and be safe because I have the same problem myself. I need to expand four times then what I have now to keep up with demand but I have a full-time job and a full-time babysitter to my dad.
I can make more money doing this full-time but I also need insurance and my 401k. Plus it is highly illegal here so cannot trust anyone.


Want know till we try it but i have my doughts, nothing seems to work other than slowing water flow to a crawl. Thats the only thing about these systems that i dont like. If i cant figure something out im going back to using waterfarms, most of the root mass in the water farm stays in the upper bucket. I only had 1" vinyl tubing and it didnt stop up as bad as the 1-1/2 pipe with the 5 gal buckets. Just hate cleaning that much hydroton all the time.
you need bigger pipe and don't veg as long. I use 3" pipe and never have any issues, unless I veg them to long.


Dont Need One
Well the thing is I didn't have any runners the whole root mass is filling the buckets up. I usually pull up the plants while in veg and remove the runners because in that system I only have a 1" line coming from each row of 3 5gal bucket. And they will clog those lines up. Usually pull the plants up and get the airline out of the roots at the same time as pulling the runners off.

Also didn't have any pythium but wanted to use hydroguard as a preventative. Next time I'm just gonna use peroxide instead.

And I'm using megacrop this grow and it has made the roots dark colored because of the amount of molasses in it. I haven't felt any slime yet on the roots which is a plus but the plants did suffer some damage some more than others.
How much air are u using to run to the air stones. This isn't a pump problem it's a D.O. issue. We need that info to start


Checked on those plants some made it out and some still loopy while others in bad shape.

These next 2 pics are my own strain. Looks like shit, think I'm gonna have to chop. Not ready but close enough.

This is GG x ZkittleZ doing good but it didn't get drowned out. It is the last plant in the rowIMG_20190630_090712.jpg
Tall plant in the back is another of mine. Potent but man is it ever a stretchy plant. Wasbaround a foot tall Bush and now look at it. I even topped it before flip lol. Need to raise lights some more.IMG_20190630_090725.jpg

Taller plant is chem 4. IMG_20190630_090734.jpg



Put these 2 in one of my tents like 3 days ago. Got the lights going 16/8 again on em see if they put some growth on. IMG_20190630_090822.jpgIMG_20190630_090829.jpg



Something positive here. Gg4 x ZkittleZ bud. If it was lights out the trichs would really shine

Space gorilla in veg

Wedding cake in veg. I top all my plants and spread em out.

Adub. I'm gonna be comparing this plant to my own and see how they compare.


Next 2 are my plant that's been spread out. When she fills in over the next week she's gonna be flowered. IMG_20190630_092135.jpg



You need at least a watt per gallon.
Your crowns are rotted. I guarantee if you check the base of the stem where it meets the roots you have a foul smell and the outside of the stems are gone to mush. Check that and report back.
Each bucket supposedly getting 10 L of air per minute so not enough?

After adding up the watts I should have enough.
But with the water being so high it did it's damage. It was at the very top of the bucket so stems would be submerged under water by about 3"


Dont Need One
Checked 2 plants that I could actually lift up that wasn't already in their screens and neither one smelled funny so that's positive. I'm wondering if I should add any h2o2 just in case.
Check the root crowns. Where the base of the stem meets the roots. You have to dig the hydroton out a little. Plants that take a shit that fast is normally a root crown problem. H202 is not gonna fix it. It will make it worse. You cant go to a sterile res this far in. Bennies is the only thing that's gonna save hour ass right now. Pool shock, uc roots none of that is gonna clean that up. You need the water level properly set. Make some bennies tea and top feed the roots and do an emergency res swap with the tea added if you want to save them.


Check the root crowns. Where the base of the stem meets the roots. You have to dig the hydroton out a little. Plants that take a shit that fast is normally a root crown problem. H202 is not gonna fix it. It will make it worse. You cant go to a sterile res this far in. Bennies is the only thing that's gonna save hour ass right now. Pool shock, uc roots none of that is gonna clean that up. You need the water level properly set. Make some bennies tea and top feed the roots and do an emergency res swap with the tea added if you want to save them.
Already lowered the water and did a rez swap yesterday. Water is around 2" under the net cups.


Could be a ph some other type of root shock
If you have really low ph swings you have a pathogen issue to address

Well I never had a problem at all until I added hydroguard just to make sure I didn't have a problem with any pathogens.

I come back the next day with the plants looking sickly. I went and looked at the monitor and water temp 67 as always, the ppm was at 850 and PH was 3.0.
I added pH up immediately. Ended up using around gal and half. Then decided to just dump put my Rez water.
When I drained it all I also put in fresh water too and drained it as well Then I noticed the water was moving much slower. It was doing this that got the roots into the pipe which caused a chain reaction of my top off barrel emptying via float valve.
The leaves look like they need watering because the roots were drowning. And couldn't uptake any oxygen.
My buckets were literally spilling water out of the top flowing to the drain and tent bottoms full of water.


LED Recruiter


That night I ordered another pH auto dosser. I'm gonna set it to anything under pH 5.5 gets PH up. The one I have now is set to anything over pH 6.0 gets pH down. Usually it runs at 5.8-5.9

I also chunked the hydroguard. I looked back in my records and I lost a bunch of plants when I added hydroguard. So this was second time of buying some hydroguard and using it and caused the pH to take a shit.


Dont Need One
Well I never had a problem at all until I added hydroguard just to make sure I didn't have a problem with any pathogens.

I come back the next day with the plants looking sickly. I went and looked at the monitor and water temp 67 as always, the ppm was at 850 and PH was 3.0.
I added pH up immediately. Ended up using around gal and half. Then decided to just dump put my Rez water.
When I drained it all I also put in fresh water too and drained it as well Then I noticed the water was moving much slower. It was doing this that got the roots into the pipe which caused a chain reaction of my top off barrel emptying via float valve.
The leaves look like they need watering because the roots were drowning. And couldn't uptake any oxygen.
My buckets were literally spilling water out of the top flowing to the drain and tent bottoms full of water.
Have no clue why you would have to add that much PH up thats INSANE! with 47 gallon systems 50ML was the most it ever took to get PH up. A rapid PH drop is always a sign of root issues. Hydroguard is just bacillus bacteria. If anything it would have raised the PH. I think your issue was showing its head before you used the hydroguard and that much Alkaline from the PH up roasted the roots.


Dont Need One
That night I ordered another pH auto dosser. I'm gonna set it to anything under pH 5.5 gets PH up. The one I have now is set to anything over pH 6.0 gets pH down. Usually it runs at 5.8-5.9

I also chunked the hydroguard. I looked back in my records and I lost a bunch of plants when I added hydroguard. So this was second time of buying some hydroguard and using it and caused the pH to take a shit.
A Ph auto is not the answer to an instable system, PH should never drift more than than a few tenths of a point. I have used everything in RDWC and the only that ever worked was bennies made from making the tea. Hydroguard is nothing more than a concentrated benneficial bacteria. Most of everything should be used as a preventitive but once you get issues its hard to come back from it. That much PH up in the res all at once SHOCKED your roots 100 percent, Current culture even sells an addd back valve to slowly raise your PH up.
Plants will always be healthy when your using down more than up. Once you have to start raising your PH by more than a point everyday than you have problems