#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
Square buckets FTW when it comes to uniseals. I dont believe they are designed to work as they should on convex/concave surfaces.
You are very correct. They can be made to work but one has to be very tedious when cutting holes. Holesaws alone are not going to work. The sandroll worked great but like i said you have to be very tedious, take a little off and ck, little more, ck, till you get it perfect.


You are very correct. They can be made to work but one has to be very tedious when cutting holes. Holesaws alone are not going to work. The sandroll worked great but like i said you have to be very tedious, take a little off and ck, little more, ck, till you get it perfect.

That's why I ordered square buckets and got bulkheads when I redid my system. Took a fraction of the time to set it up.


5 gallons of dechlorinated water
40 ml.hydroguard
1 scoop of great white
1 cup of earth worm castings but not necessary
25 ml of molasses for every 24 hrs of brew
Big airstones and let it go 24 hrs

First mix the water should smell sugary
After 24 hours it will smell like straight earth

This has been my go to recipe for dwc and soil.
I've never had water so clear and roots look so good.

You don't put it in some pantyhose?


Wise Old Man
I've seen those on feminized plants for years and years. When I was growing outside I would leave em on it cause I got a few seeds off of em.
i see them too but only one or two strains per year if that.. and they normally get tossed ive done the whole pick off the balls they always come back... only way they dont is if you see one or two on the very bottom of the plant and its normally caused by some sort of stress. any more than 3 and they come back always you might not see them but you will see a few seeds in your bud,

getting kinda iffy on these packs i need to see more bud shots before i pop... i dont want to fill a garden with heisen beans and have to pick off balls of the lowers of the plants! not my cup of tea! reliable strains never show balls... i found one seed from a qp of milkbone i was hesitant to plant it because i didnt want any hermies, but it was so tasty i decided to do it.... now i had this other strain holy grail ive been growing forever with no signs off balls ever... my tent was leaking light this last go round because i had to take it down and put it back up.. a few times so its worn pretty much... anyway my grail that ive been growing for so long started to show balls on bottom and also bananas on top.... THE MILKBONE is the same tent did not herm or throw balls at all.... thats what i call stable genetics...

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
@SaintyMcCunt said:
"So the more that I read, the more I like the idea of something with that orange/citrus smell..
What do you fellas reckon is the most intense smelling strain I should try get in"

There's been a lot of naysayers for different reasons, but the Orange Tree v2 - Orange Fruit Snacks from Greenline was extremely orange in taste and smell. The crosses I made with it - Carla Olson and Sweet Dixie - were well received.


Dont Need One
i see them too but only one or two strains per year if that.. and they normally get tossed ive done the whole pick off the balls they always come back... only way they dont is if you see one or two on the very bottom of the plant and its normally caused by some sort of stress. any more than 3 and they come back always you might not see them but you will see a few seeds in your bud,

getting kinda iffy on these packs i need to see more bud shots before i pop... i dont want to fill a garden with heisen beans and have to pick off balls of the lowers of the plants! not my cup of tea! reliable strains never show balls... i found one seed from a qp of milkbone i was hesitant to plant it because i didnt want any hermies, but it was so tasty i decided to do it.... now i had this other strain holy grail ive been growing forever with no signs off balls ever... my tent was leaking light this last go round because i had to take it down and put it back up.. a few times so its worn pretty much... anyway my grail that ive been growing for so long started to show balls on bottom and also bananas on top.... THE MILKBONE is the same tent did not herm or throw balls at all.... thats what i call stable genetics...
Theres a difference between stable genetics and crossed elites. All these seeds are made with elite clone only genetics. If you want super stable I suggest you look at regs or IBL.
If your looking for a killer keeper and might have to deal with some bullshit from time to time than these are the ones. Fems are going to put out balls from time to time. I dont care who makes em. Some are worse than others. Unfortunately the only ones your gonna hear about are the people that post them. Not every person is gonna post a pic of a plant they grow. It's like reviews man. More people post bad reviews than good ones. It's the way it is.


Super Active Member
Theres a difference between stable genetics and crossed elites. All these seeds are made with elite clone only genetics. If you want super stable I suggest you look at regs or IBL.
If your looking for a killer keeper and might have to deal with some bullshit from time to time than these are the ones. Fems are going to put out balls from time to time. I dont care who makes em. Some are worse than others. Unfortunately the only ones your gonna hear about are the people that post them. Not every person is gonna post a pic of a plant they grow. It's like reviews man. More people post bad reviews than good ones. It's the way it is.
I dont believe its so much the fems as it is the genetics being used. It just so happens that all the fire genetics, the elites, the hype strains that everybody wants has those hermaphrodite tendencies.


Dont Need One
I dont believe its so much the fems as it is the genetics being used. It just so happens that all the fire genetics, the elites, the hype strains that everybody wants has those hermaphrodite tendencies.
Some do some dont. The problem is we dont know if the plant came from an accidental hermie episode and someone planted the seed or if the seed came from 2 good parents. As a breeder we have to improve and weed out stuff causing problems. Have to keep improving lineages and select stock that doesnt experess issues


Super Active Member
Some do some dont. The problem is we dont know if the plant came from an accidental hermie episode and someone planted the seed or if the seed came from 2 good parents. As a breeder we have to improve and weed out stuff causing problems. Have to keep improving lineages and select stock that doesnt experess issues
The only problem with that is that so many of the strains today have that trait. Like chems theres no way to breed that trait out and keep the line pure. And everybody loves chems and all the other strains that have hermie tendancies so i feel like its just something were gonna have to get used to. Something that could be useful is for breeders to list the strains with an without those tendancies separate, that way people will know what to expect and the ones that dont want to deal with it dont have to.


Heathen Basterd
The only problem with that is that so many of the strains today have that trait. Like chems theres no way to breed that trait out and keep the line pure. And everybody loves chems and all the other strains that have hermie tendancies so i feel like its just something were gonna have to get used to. Something that could be useful is for breeders to list the strains with an without those tendancies separate, that way people will know what to expect and the ones that dont want to deal with it dont have to.
All strains have recessive Herm traits, its called a survival trait , If anyone tries to tell You differently they are full of shit, heat and light stress any strain too extreme , what happens it will herm , why because the plant wants to survive and reproduce.


Super Active Member
All strains have recessive Herm traits, its called a survival trait , If anyone tries to tell You differently they are full of shit, heat and light stress any strain too extreme , what happens it will herm , why because the plant wants to survive and reproduce.
Idk if i can completely agree with that, i believe there are some that will not herm under any conditions. Few but some. Most do go into survival mode and reproduce via rodelization.


Heathen Basterd
I personally have stress tested some i couldnt get to herm and ive had several that wouldn't reproduce by rodelization.
Have You stress tested in a large enough quantity to call it a trial worth basing beliefs on, Recessives are in every plant and Animal , it might be a small percentage but each species carries unique recessives. Cannabis carries the Herm trait , the strains that are extremely hard to Hermie simply have a smaller percentage in the population that carry it. You give me 1000 healthy normal cuts of any strain and if the right buttons are pushed some will herm. Most herms are caused by growers or bad environment, some will happen no matter what because that individual plant has the recessive trait that comes out and there is no stopping it. It is no different than some people produce offspring with birth defects . Breeders today do a good job of minimizing the chances of herms , but its impossible to eliminate .