#Heisenbeans Genetics


That night I ordered another pH auto dosser. I'm gonna set it to anything under pH 5.5 gets PH up. The one I have now is set to anything over pH 6.0 gets pH down. Usually it runs at 5.8-5.9

I also chunked the hydroguard. I looked back in my records and I lost a bunch of plants when I added hydroguard. So this was second time of buying some hydroguard and using it and caused the pH to take a shit.
Any chance your ph probe was out of the water and your auto PH doser added a bunch of down while the water levels were out of whack? I find it hard to believe one day of flooding would have shocked the plants that bad and caused the ph to swing that far.. Or maybe you grabbed the wrong bottle and added PH down instead of hydroguard? Shit happens eh.


Really Active Member
A Ph auto is not the answer to an instable system, PH should never drift more than than a few tenths of a point. I have used everything in RDWC and the only that ever worked was bennies made from making the tea. Hydroguard is nothing more than a concentrated benneficial bacteria. Most of everything should be used as a preventitive but once you get issues its hard to come back from it. That much PH up in the res all at once SHOCKED your roots 100 percent, Current culture even sells an addd back valve to slowly raise your PH up.
Plants will always be healthy when your using down more than up. Once you have to start raising your PH by more than a point everyday than you have problems
Heisen are you referring to a tea with just EWC and molasses. Or a different tea.


Super Active Member
That night I ordered another pH auto dosser. I'm gonna set it to anything under pH 5.5 gets PH up. The one I have now is set to anything over pH 6.0 gets pH down. Usually it runs at 5.8-5.9

I also chunked the hydroguard. I looked back in my records and I lost a bunch of plants when I added hydroguard. So this was second time of buying some hydroguard and using it and caused the pH to take a shit.
I bought some cheap hydroton one time, set one plant in the system with it and came in the next day and they were all wilted. Ph had took a dive and i couldn't bring them back. I kinda feel once they uptake that acidic solution and its in the plant tissues its all over with except the crying.


Dont Need One
Heisen are you referring to a tea with just EWC and molasses. Or a different tea.
5 gallons of dechlorinated water
40 ml.hydroguard
1 scoop of great white
1 cup of earth worm castings but not necessary
25 ml of molasses for every 24 hrs of brew
Big airstones and let it go 24 hrs

First mix the water should smell sugary
After 24 hours it will smell like straight earth

This has been my go to recipe for dwc and soil.
I've never had water so clear and roots look so good.


Dont Need One
Well my wedding cakes are throwing nuts all over.
Fuck I guess I’m not a good enough grower for wedding cake.
View attachment 12252View attachment 12253Well I’m sick about it but a least they started early.
I would pull those off and not stress. Those are in the armpits on the main branches and happens. I've seen it and pull em off and they never come back.


A Ph auto is not the answer to an instable system, PH should never drift more than than a few tenths of a point. I have used everything in RDWC and the only that ever worked was bennies made from making the tea. Hydroguard is nothing more than a concentrated benneficial bacteria. Most of everything should be used as a preventitive but once you get issues its hard to come back from it. That much PH up in the res all at once SHOCKED your roots 100 percent, Current culture even sells an addd back valve to slowly raise your PH up.
Plants will always be healthy when your using down more than up. Once you have to start raising your PH by more than a point everyday than you have problems
My pH raises during veg and drops during flower. I use hydroguard in my system with no problems. I believe you are running your ppm to high at 850. I run mine at around 375 to 400 and set my top off at around 500 to keep it around the 375 to 400 range. I think they took a crap with the 800 ppm

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
Looked in on the GPS auction about noon, and picked up DubStep for $49 inc shipping. Had some stuff to do and left the window open. Looked in fthoi, and there was GMOoozy for $39 inc shipping. Didn't really need 'em, but it ended up being a buy one get one free. I love a good sale. Thanks Uncle H.


Have no clue why you would have to add that much PH up thats INSANE! with 47 gallon systems 50ML was the most it ever took to get PH up. A rapid PH drop is always a sign of root issues. Hydroguard is just bacillus bacteria. If anything it would have raised the PH. I think your issue was showing its head before you used the hydroguard and that much Alkaline from the PH up roasted the roots.

It might have but I also ended up just dumped the rez out after 30 minutes of trying to get it up. The day before I added the hydroguard I did a rez change. But I also added a bloom booster that I never used before. Could it of reacted? Could be.

I'm working now but when I get back I'm gonna get rid of several plants that I don't think is gonna make it.


Could be a ph some other type of root shock
If you have really low ph swings you have a pathogen issue to address

Since I did the Rez change when it was intially 3.0 the pH has held steady at 5.9. I checked on em again at 3 am before heading to work.
Wouldn't the pH also take a dump and continue taking a dump if the roots were rotting? I'm still gonna get rid of some plants because I don't have the luxury of just waiting for em to come around.


Any chance your ph probe was out of the water and your auto PH doser added a bunch of down while the water levels were out of whack? I find it hard to believe one day of flooding would have shocked the plants that bad and caused the ph to swing that far.. Or maybe you grabbed the wrong bottle and added PH down instead of hydroguard? Shit happens eh.

I did notice that half the pH down was gone. So that could be the reason why it was so low. Good thinking.

I just hardly have to add more pH down cause it is usually pretty stable and it's their for insurance against something going wrong.

When I was using GH 3 part system the pH would always climb to 6.7-7.1. I stopped using it.


Something positive here. Gg4 x ZkittleZ
Are you using 3" pipe with 5 gal buckets? Uniseals? No leaks? Ive got to a point where i just dont care much for the uniseals. Id like to go to a square bucket/flat surface and use the undercurrent fittings.

When I used the uniseals and 3" pipe I split half the totes trying to push the pipe into the seal. Lot of cussing and sweat went into that. I quit about halfway through because of having to buy more totes and cut the holes again. I went with the bulkheads from Aussie globe I think that's the site and it was cake putting it together.
Also the uniseals also leaked so then I had to go back and scuff the totes around the uniseals and apply caukin. That solved the leakes but a total pain in the ass.
I have uniseals in my 5 gal buckets I veg in and with a 1" pipe that connects 3 buckets together in the line feeding into a main pipe draining back to the rez tank. Those uniseals leaked as well on about half of em. So I scuffed those too and used caukin. No more leaks from em. But a big pain to fit the pipe into seals.


Super Active Member
Something positive here. Gg4 x ZkittleZ

When I used the uniseals and 3" pipe I split half the totes trying to push the pipe into the seal. Lot of cussing and sweat went into that. I quit about halfway through because of having to buy more totes and cut the holes again. I went with the bulkheads from Aussie globe I think that's the site and it was cake putting it together.
Also the uniseals also leaked so then I had to go back and scuff the totes around the uniseals and apply caukin. That solved the leakes but a total pain in the ass.
I have uniseals in my 5 gal buckets I veg in and with a 1" pipe that connects 3 buckets together in the line feeding into a main pipe draining back to the rez tank. Those uniseals leaked as well on about half of em. So I scuffed those too and used caukin. No more leaks from em. But a big pain to fit the pipe into seals.
I goofed up my first bucket, but i learnt quick. Second time i used a smaller holesaw and finished with a sandroll on an electric diegrinder. I found out that if i eggshaped my hole with the vertical diameter being the correct size and the horizontal diameter being a little tighter, all this taking into account the bucket is round and not a flat surface, that it seals much better. If you make a cut with a holesaw on a bucket and was to cut that section out and lay it down flat the hole would not be perfectly round.