#Heisenbeans Genetics

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
Sorry guys I have been rediculous busy with everything. Keeping the seeds made,plants alive and happy, the forum,greenpoint, descriptions, trademark fees, i mean fukin fuck it's crazy and IG and answering everyone's emails. I promise you things will level off and I'll be able to take a breather.
Dude I don’t know how you do it. You’re doing an awesome job man. I’m excited to see what the future brings. Going to be some Heisenbeans fire hitting this fourm soon


Super Active Member
Dude I don’t know how you do it. You’re doing an awesome job man. I’m excited to see what the future brings. Going to be some Heisenbeans fire hitting this fourm soon
I don't know htf you do it Heisen.
I just 8 and skate everyday, and barely have time for my puny 4x4. But I guess I do have a wife...high maintenance there! lol
Hats off to you Heisen!


Dont Need One
Well I don't know if I can be apart of the private forum because I've never met anyone off of here and not sure I wanna. Be my luck it wouldnt be a friendly.
Yeah I haven't either but I have met people i trust. There are people out there that are truly genuine. It's not really a seperate forum its just a thread . I met some cool as dudes on the farm I trade cute with and shit. Super cool


Dont Need One
That was a super shit move by the rollitup owner to ban you and not let you see the messages to see who bought what.

The posters over their need to know what they did and how they tried to fuck over Heisen and in turn screw the paying customer
Yeah man I could have said fuck it and they would have been the bad guys. I actually bailed them out and I was the one that got hated on. Amazing world we live in