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Just some dude
Mainly Oak with a few sticks of ash or maple mixed in. I've only processed and burned Oak in the wood boiler so I don't have any experience outside of a fallen/broken Birch or Jack Pine.

I wish I could harvest my own wood but that would be a lot of work without a tractor or skidsteer plus it's mainly Birch, Aspen and Pine on our lot.

13 cords this year. I think I have 3ish cords left over from last year. Could've been 4+ but a bunch was too punky to burn so I made a giant bed to build some curb appeal but also increase privacy from the road. We'll fill it with Lilac and flowers we propagate. Tactical area beautification.
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View attachment 129429
Hügelkultur inspired
Mushroom beds!

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
Gorgeous looking future bed there Fiddler's Green! You gunna set that thing on fire and char it or just keep adding goodies on top until it breaks down naturally?
I might top them off with our animals used bedding in the spring. I want to see how much they get mashed down from the snow load first (after winter I might have to add more snow/storm damage)

Mushroom beds!
I have a shaded moist area just behind the bed I cleared to build a mushroom farm like the one below