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Deleted member 60

Diiiiizzzzzaaaammm. Sucks for those folks. Harsh, harsh toke. I hope the wind stays favorable for ya @Joebud.

You guys talking about being done w/firewood got me off my ass. Went out yesterday and burned up a few tanks. I need to sharpen my chains and then hit it hard.

I'm one of the "one saw" guys as well. Stihl MS391...20" bar. I've only had a few trunks here that gave it a run for the money. Most stuff here is smaller unless you tackle a cottonwood or score some Ponderosa Pine. We heat solely with wood...and I have 3 the Stihl, the splitter, and my chain sharpener get a good workout every year. Oh yeah...and my fucking back. Fuckin' old people. Gotta play while i still can though.

Got a good stack piled up down by the garage for the contest run. I'm at least not gonna go down in flames because it's too cold in there. :cautious:


Insanely Active Member
Diiiiizzzzzaaaammm. Sucks for those folks. Harsh, harsh toke. I hope the wind stays favorable for ya @Joebud.

You guys talking about being done w/firewood got me off my ass. Went out yesterday and burned up a few tanks. I need to sharpen my chains and then hit it hard.

I'm one of the "one saw" guys as well. Stihl MS391...20" bar. I've only had a few trunks here that gave it a run for the money. Most stuff here is smaller unless you tackle a cottonwood or score some Ponderosa Pine. We heat solely with wood...and I have 3 the Stihl, the splitter, and my chain sharpener get a good workout every year. Oh yeah...and my fucking back. Fuckin' old people. Gotta play while i still can though.

Got a good stack piled up down by the garage for the contest run. I'm at least not gonna go down in flames because it's too cold in there. :cautious:
used to haul mine in a 65 3/4 ton chevy ex school bus ,yellow with the letters sanded off.nice to be young.
skint plum out!
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Been working on getting my shed/shop built.
It's a paycheck to paycheck kinda build, slow process.
Finally got the outside weathered in and finished.
Gonna save a corner for a 3x3 setup and finally have more growing room.
My buddy gave me his Blackdog 400 a few years back, anxious to get it going.
Here are a few pics of the progression, and still a ton to do to finish the interior.
Sorry so pic heavy!

My daughter and son in law own 6 acres of timbered land in Or.
He bought a saw mill and has been having fun with that.
He cut me full size 10',12',13 and 14' 2x6s for the floor joist and roof rafters!

This old man can't throw a bundle of 3 tab on a shoulder and climb up a ladder anymore....fact!
Built a make shift skid/lift so I could pull them up, still not easy!

Got it painted with a primer and 2 coats of final paint just before the shitty weather hit.
Have all of the wiring ran and boxes up, next is insulation and drywall...ugh!

Now I'm on the lookout for a good deal on a quality 3x3 tent?

Deleted member 2835

Been working on getting my shed/shop built.
It's a paycheck to paycheck kinda build, slow process.
Finally got the outside weathered in and finished.
Gonna save a corner for a 3x3 setup and finally have more growing room.
My buddy gave me his Blackdog 400 a few years back, anxious to get it going.
Here are a few pics of the progression, and still a ton to do to finish the interior.
Sorry so pic heavy!

My daughter and son in law own 6 acres of timbered land in Or.
He bought a saw mill and has been having fun with that.
He cut me full size 10',12',13 and 14' 2x6s for the floor joist and roof rafters!
View attachment 130858
View attachment 130859
View attachment 130860
View attachment 130861

This old man can't throw a bundle of 3 tab on a shoulder and climb up a ladder anymore....fact!
Built a make shift skid/lift so I could pull them up, still not easy!
View attachment 130862
View attachment 130863
View attachment 130864

Got it painted with a primer and 2 coats of final paint just before the shitty weather hit.
Have all of the wiring ran and boxes up, next is insulation and drywall...ugh!
View attachment 130865

Now I'm on the lookout for a good deal on a quality 3x3 tent?
Looks way better than homedepot lumber! It's looks incredibly straight.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime many tents to choose from these days.
Man nice job on your new shed.. love it...

Also Mr Slowdrwl, do yourself a favor and DONT go the cheapest route when buying a tent( ipower, zappy, cool grows, etc)
& get a Ac infinity or a gorilla lite brand tent is my choices for ya...

I went the cheapest route couple years ago when I bought my " cool grows brand" 2x2 veg tent.. Started sum beans, all was good until the vegging plants hit maturity at bout 4 weeks in when every plant in tent, 1 by 1 turned herm cause I took for granted the tent was 100% light leak free, like my flower tent which is a Ac infinity.... That's what I got for going the cheapest route...

Yes it was my fault that I didn't check tent before hand but save yourself the trouble of worring bout light leaks, and go with a Ac infinity or gorilla lite..
Just my 2 cents
Good luck ✌


Man nice job on your new shed.. love it...

Also Mr Slowdrwl, do yourself a favor and DONT go the cheapest route when buying a tent( ipower, zappy, cool grows, etc)
& get a Ac infinity or a gorilla lite brand tent is my choices for ya...

I went the cheapest route couple years ago when I bought my " cool grows brand" 2x2 veg tent.. Started sum beans, all was good until the vegging plants hit maturity at bout 4 weeks in when every plant in tent, 1 by 1 turned herm cause I took for granted the tent was 100% light leak free, like my flower tent which is a Ac infinity.... That's what I got for going the cheapest route...

Yes it was my fault that I didn't check tent before hand but save yourself the trouble of worring bout light leaks, and go with a Ac infinity or gorilla lite..
Just my 2 cents
Good luck ✌
Thx man!
My current 2x4 is a Gorilla Lite and is 6 years old and needs to be replaced, I've just totally worn it out.
It's in a dark storage room that gets little activity so no leak issues there.
Not sure how much life to expect from one but I'd guess 5 years might be my average.
Been thinking of an Ac Infinity, I'll probably go that route.
Thx for your insight!